Mixed feelings? chapter 20: Earn your trust

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"Is it about the suspension or what?" questions Denzel.
"Yes, and no.." replies Lo.
"See, now were talking.." says Denzel.
"Remember the guy that visited last time, the one that delivered me the homework?" questions Lo awkwardly.
"Guy.. what guy?" questions Denzel curiously.
"The boy.. from my class?" says Lo.
"Oh, right.. wait, yea! I do. I couldn't meet him when he was here though- wait, HE was here?" spouts Denzel.
"Yea, and we.. kissed.." mumbles Lo.
"No way.." says Denzel utterly surprised.
"Yes way." spouts Lo before sighing.
"Not here right?! You guys didn't kiss here, right?!" spouts Denzel worrisome.
(Lo's thoughts;) "It's probably a bit strange that my brother would ask this many questions about my love life.. well to me it's rather normal. He's always been this way, and I don't think he change anytime soon. He's showing so much interest.. sadly, he's very quiet around mom and dad.. they've never sticked around for too long to get to know this side of him."
"Tell me more about you're crush." spouts Denzel.
"I-" says Lo before she gets cut off.
"WAIT- save it for later! I'll order pizza." spouts Denzel before picking up his phone.
"Alright.. I- guess. You know what I want, right-" says Lo.
"Yea, Yea.." says Denzel as he waves the back of his hand.
*A few weeks later*
"HEY, LO! I MISSED YOU." spouts Kailey.
"I missed you too." spouts Lo back.
"You know what.. the sarcasm is getting annoying now." says Kailey before folding her arms.
".. I wasn't being sarcastic-" says Lo before she gets cut off before Kailey suddenly hugs her.
"Yea, yea.." says Lo as she lightly pats Kailey's back.
*Kailey snarls*
"So we start school in a week, huh?" says Lo.
"No. I start school in about a week, you in about 2. Remember?" spouts Kailey wisely before giggling.
*Lo closes her eyes*
"It's already been a month, Kailey.. I miss him." admits Lo.
"I know, I know.." says Kailey before cracking a little smile.
"I wish I could tell him that." spouts Lo all of a sudden.
"So why don't you?" asks Kailey.
"He has a new number." spouts Lo.
"Go to his house, then? Didn't you go once..? you even met his parents." says Kailey.
"Yeaaa- I-.." mumbles Lo.
"Anxiety?" questions Kailey.
*Lo nods awkwardly*
"The school has his address, no doubt." spouts Kailey wisely.
"YES- no, I'm not.. ready to face him-" spouts Lo nervously.
"Don't give me that crap." spouts Kailey.
*Lo stays quiet*
"You've been complaining the entire summer vacation about wanting to see him, and now that you're finally getting the opportunity to do so, and your letting you're anxiety stop you?" Questions Kailey.
*Lo sighs*
"No, You're right.. I'll do it." spouts Lo bravely.
"I'll come with you." suggest Kailey.
"No.. thanks Kailey, I think I'll be fine on my own." spouts Lo happily.
"Alright, girly!" spouts Kailey.
"Wanna head to the city?" questions Lo.
"Do you even have to ask?" spouts Kailey sarcastically.
"I feel much better now, thanks Kailey.." says Lo happily.
"Always, bestie." says Kailey.
"No.. really. If it wasn't for you I would've still.." says Lo before cutting herself off.
*Kailey stays quiet and faces Lo*
"..Let's talk about something else." spouts Lo.
*2 weeks later*
"Ok, Kailey.. I think I'm ready.. I'm gonna ask for the files."
"Are you sure that you don't want me to come with you?" spouts Kailey worrisome.
"Thanks, Kailey.. I really appreciate all the support.. but, I think I should be fine on my own for this."
(Kailey's thoughts;) "She just got back to school after suspension, if she gets suspended again.. it's not going to look so good for her."
"Anytime.." says Kailey.
*Lo knocks on the principal's door*
"Who's there? you can come in." spouts the principal.
*Lo waves at Kailey and opens the door*
"Hello? Ah, Mrs. Iver." spouts the principal.
"Goodmorning, sir." says Lo politely.
"Goodmorning, Lo. What can i do for you?" spouts the principal.
"I- I have a question.." says Lo.
"Of course, go ahead. What is you're question?" asks the principal politely.
"Do you.. still have Kameron Young's files?" questions Lo nervously.
*Awkward silence*
"Hmm..? May I ask for what you might need it for?" questions the principal sternly.
"B- Because I-" says Lo before she gets cut off.
"He has harassed you, and you're here just to ask for his files?" questions the principal.
"It's.. none of you're business-" says Lo rudely before she gets cut off.
"Fortunately it is my business, Mrs. Iver." says the principal sternly.
*Lo stays quiet*
"I'm in charge of this school, and to make every single child feel safe here. This questions of yours is going to make us look bad, it will simply ruin the school's reputation." admits the principal sternly.
"Nothing will happen, I just need the files.. and in return I won't tell anybody about this." spouts Lo.
"That wouldn't be quite fair either, and you're merely just a student." spouts the principal sternly.
"I know that but-" says Lo before she gets cut off.
"End discussion." says the principal sternly.
"But I-" says Lo anxiously before she gets cut off.
"END DISCUSSION, MRS. IVER." spouts the principal loudly.
*Lo stays quiet*
"Is everything alright here?" questions the teacher.
"Certainly, were just having a bit of a disagreement.. so if you may-" says the principal before he gets cut off.
"Yes.. I'm sorry, please continue." says the teacher before shutting the door.
"I just.. wanted to know where he lived." admits Lo.
*The principal stays quiet*
"I need to get to class.." adds Lo before walking towards the office door.
"We don't know where he lives." admits the principal sternly.
"That's a lie, right?" spouts Lo utterly surprised.
"Unfortunately, it isn't-" says the principal before he gets cut off.
"You know where every student's residence is." spouts Lo wisely.
"If you let me finish, I'll explain-" says the principal before he gets cut off.
"I get that you're trying to hel me feel safe here, but I'm not satisfied with the ways we get treated. I never will be and I'll let others know." spouts Lo.
"Like I said.. let me finish, Mrs Iver." spouts the principal.
*Lo stays quiet*
"Thank you." says the principal politely.
*Lo remains quiet*
"I don't know where he lives, because he needs his files back. He's at a new school. I even heard rumors that he's moved away." spouts the principal sternly.
"Moved away.." mumbles Lo.
"My question is to why you seem to care about the child so much?" questions the principal sternly.
*Entering Lo's flashback (chapter 18)*
"Can I see you again..?" questions Lo seriously.
*Kameron remains silent.*
"I- I just wanna keep seeing you.. is that so wrong?" spouts Lo awkwardly.
"Lo.. look, I want to keep seeing you too but-" says Kameron before he gets cut off.
"Just don't leave me, Kam.." mumbles Lo.
"W- what was that?" asks Kameron nervously.
*Lo tears up*
*Kameron sighs and places his hand on Lo's right shoulder*
"I- I.. don't know why you care about me so much, Lo..? Do you care? or do you just feel bad.. because you shouldn't-" says Kameron before he gets cut off.
*End flashback*
"..Because I'm in love with Kameron." spouts Lo confidently.

Mixed FeelingsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora