Mixed feelings chapter 82: Possessive

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"We haven't talked and now you're suddenly showing me the cold shoulder.. I get that you're mad at me, but why can't you at least tell me what I've done wrong?" questions Ty.
"That's cute." says Kailey as she leans on the couch.
"Huh?" mumbles Ty.
"Don't act like you care." says Kailey firmly.
"I do care actually.. it wouldn't make much sense for me to ask otherwise." says Ty as he walks up to Kailey.
(Kailey's thoughts;) "He always knows what to say. Damn.. I used to love these comebacks of his. But, now.. it just irritates me."
"You're trying so hard to make me feel better. What are your true intentions? what do you want?" questions Kailey.
"I.. well, how about you tell me what's got you feeling this way.." says Ty as he takes a seat next to Kailey.
"I haven't been feeling like myself because I'm on my period, okay?" says Kailey as she scoots away.
(Ty's thoughts;) "How long do those last? ..longer than a week? ..even though the last time we spoke was about a month ago.. now that I realize it.. whatevers bothering her might not even include me to begin with.."
"Uhm.. too bad that I didn't bring any snacks along with me.." says Ty apologetically.
"..Pfft.. shut up-" mumbles Kailey as she lets out some laughter.
(Kailey's thoughts;) "Shit. I got careless and forgot about the fact that I should be mad at him.. UGH."
"..I managed to make you laugh.." mumbles Ty as he lowers his head with a defeated smile on his face.
(Ty's thoughts;) "I made her laugh.. this is a good start. She's letting her guard down."
"Even if you're not gonna tell me what's wrong. There's something that I feel like getting off of my chest.. if you don't mind.. it's been bothering me a lot lately and since I pretty much tell you everything.. I wouldn't know who else to tell." says Ty.
"..Well, out with it." says Kailey.
"I was going to ask Vera if we could attend the same college together, but that's most likely impossible because she has to do the year over again." says Ty as he rubs the back of his neck. "You know.. since she's a late transfer and all.." adds Ty.
"..You've already decided to do that.." mumbles Kailey. "You're going to college immediately after the summer vacation huh.." she adds.
"Yea.. what about you?" questions Ty.
"College..?" mumbles Kailey.
"I mean.. wouldn't it be great if we'd attend the same college as well?" questions Ty with a smile on his face.
"..I'll.. have to think about it." mumbles Kailey as she looks away.
(Kailey's thoughts;) "Other than him liking Vera.. he's still the same as ever.. nice and considerate of my feelings, if only he knew the rest of it.. besides, it's not like he's done anything wrong either.. he's even come to see if I'm doing alright.."
"Wait. I'll be back with snacks.. just give me 10 minutes. No.. 5 minutes." says Ty as he gets up from the couch.
(Kailey's thoughts;) "Although he openly talks about her to me.. another part of my problem is that he's been trying to hide the fact that he likes Vera from me.. I had to find out for myself. And, I'm certain that he's not going to tell me about his feelings for her anytime soon either. But.. somehow I just can't seem to bring it up either.. or do I simply not want to?"
"No.. I don't need snacks Ty.." says Kailey as she tugs on Ty's sleeve. "Listen.. I'm sorry." she adds.
"You're.. apologizing?" questions Ty as he raises an eyebrow.
(Ty's thoughts;) "That's.. new."
"Yea.. so do you accept my apology or do you need me to try harder? ..because, I will." says Kailey.
"Hmm.." mumbles Ty as he sits back down.
(Kailey's thoughts;) "I hate this."
"..I'm the one that should be apologizing." says Ty genuinely.
"Huh..?" mumbles Kailey.
"I came here without giving you a heads up.. and, I assumed that you were mad at me, but.. come to find out, that wasn't the case." says Ty as he rubs the back of his neck.
(Ty's thoughts;) "This is one of the most embarrassing things that's ever happened to me so far.. damn. I really messed up this time.."
"So.. I'm sorry." says Ty firmly.
(Kailey's thoughts;) "I love this."
"I can't lose you." says Ty.
"A- AS.. A FRIEND.. RIGHT?!" spouts Kailey as she jumps up from the couch.
"Yea.. do you.. accept my apology?" questions Ty. "Or.. do I need to try harder?" he adds.
"Well.. maybe.." mumbles Kailey. "Just kidding.. I'll only accept yours if you accept mine." she adds.
"Then with this.. can we put this behind us?" says Ty awkwardly. "I'd really appreciate it.." he adds as he looks down.
(Kailey's thoughts;) "No way.. is he feeling embarrassed right now? ..MY GOD, HE'S SO ADORABLE!"
"Sure thing Ty!" spouts Kailey with a grin on her face.
(Kailey's thoughts;) "I didn't really notice until now but.. I really missed being able to talk to him like this."
"Then.. should I leave you at it?" questions Ty.
"10 minutes." says Kailey.
"What?" says Ty as he raises an eyebrow.
"I'm giving you 10 minutes to go pick up those snacks you were talking about." says Kailey.
"Oh..! right. I'm going." says Ty as he jumps off from the couch and leaves the living room.
(Kailey's thoughts;) "He's still mine.. oh damn.. that sounded a little possessive."
*phone rings.*
"Hmm.. that's not mine.." says Kailey as she scans the couch. "It's Ty's.. but, he's already left.." she adds.
(Kailey's thoughts;) "Surely he doesn't mine me picking up the phone. I mean, I used to do so all the time if he wasn't around. He never had a problem with it anyways."
*picks up phone.*
"Hey..!" spouts Vera.
"Uhm.. Ty..? you there?" questions Vera.
"No. The owner of this phone isn't available right now." says Kailey firmly.
(Kailey's thoughts;) "Yea.. her mind is definitely racing with a billion thoughts right now. "Who is this girl?!" yea.. I bet."
"Oh..! uhm.. well.. could you let him know that I called?" questions Vera.
"What.. aren't you like.. mad?" questions Kailey.
(Kailey's thoughts;) "Another girl picked up the phone of the guy you presumably like, and you're not mad?"
"Is this.. Kailey?" questions Vera,
*Hangs up phone.*
"Shit." mumbles Kailey as she throws the phone to the other side of the couch.
"Good work." says Gunner as he stops the song. "Are we done for today or do you wanna keep it going?" he adds.
"I'll just take a break and write some lyrics now." says Kameron as he steps out the sound room.
"..Guess who jay's taking to prom." says Devon with a smirk on his face.
"..Is it Shaniah?" questions Gunner.
"Shut up Devon." says Jay irritably.
"It isn't?" questions Kameron.
*Jay's flashback. (chapter 80)*
"Just because I want you to become prom king doesn't mean that I want you to be my date to prom." says Shaniah firmly.
"Why.." mumbles Jay.
"Oh, I'll tell you why." says Shaniah with a smirk on her face. "I just wanted you to become prom king so I'd look good standing next to someone like you." she adds.
*end of flashback.*
"No.. I guess I got rejected." says Jay as he looks down.
"Don't take this from me but.. maybe you should drop her, Jay.." says Kameron as he rests his hand onto Jay's shoulder. "You don't have to involve yourself with someone like her." he adds.
"..No, I think you might be right, I.." mumbles Jay as he looks down. "..Devon." he adds.
"What." says Devon as he slides his phone out of his back pocket.
"After school we're meeting up with some girls." says Jay almost immediately.
"Wait.. forreal?! ..that's what I'm talking about!" spouts Devon as he jumps up from the lounge chair. "Now I can actually say that we're related!" he adds.
"More importantly.. where's Ty?" questions Gunner.
"He texted me about an hour ago that he couldn't make it because he's meeting up with someone." says Kameron.

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