Mixed feelings chapter 76: Speaking of the devil

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*Colt's flashback (chapter 71.)*
"I wonder.." says Kailey followed by a long pause. "How is it that you seem so.. calm and collected right now?" she adds.
"You aren't..? why shouldn't I be.." says Colt as he raises an eyebrow.
"Because of Lo..?" questions Kailey.
*End of flashback.*
(Colt's thoughts;) "..I really can't associate myself with her anymore.. but.. that's nearly impossible since we attend the same school and they're best friends.. damn, what if she tells Lo about all of this.. would she? ..shit, even if she would or not.. I really can't afford to lose her.."
"Who-" says Colt as he opens the door.
"Need some company?" questions Kailey.
(Colt's thoughts;) "Speaking of the devil herself..
"Why are you here?" questions Colt as he leans his back against the door.
"Just say hi back to me, it's not that damn hard." says Kailey playfully. "It's been 2 days, haven't you missed me?" she adds as she walks inside.
"Come in I guess.." mumbles Colt before closing the door. "Are you sure that those 2 days were enough for you to.. rest?" he adds.
"Sure, it was.." says Kailey hesitantly. "And, now I'm ready for a couple more rounds." she adds.
(Kailey's thoughts;) "This is.. weird. I normally don't talk like this.. but, I don't hate it either."
"Question." says Colt as he glances at Kailey. "Do you always just enter another person's house like this?" he adds.
"Why do you care?" questions Kailey.
"Just answer the question." says Colt firmly.
"No." says Kailey followed by a long pause. "I'm lying.. well.. it depends." she adds.
"I see.." mumbles Colt as he looks down. "..either way, I'm not going to let you get comfortable." he adds.
"Why not..?" questions Kailey as she raises an eyebrow. "Didn't you let me do the complete opposite just about 2 days ago..? ..what happened?" she adds.
"No. Whatever happened that day is history." says Colt almost immediately. "Do me a favor. Leave it alone, and move on." he adds.
"Hmm.. no." says Kailey firmly. "Oh, and.. fun fact, it isn't actually considered 'history' if we do the exact same thing all over again." she adds.
"That's not exactly true.." says Colt as he shakes his head. "..Is that the only reason why you're here?" he adds.
"Of course, dummy.." says Kailey as she raises an eyebrow. "What did you think?" she adds.
"..I'll give you a head start." says Colt.
"That's what I like to hear." says Kailey as she walks up the stairs. "I GUESS WE'RE ABOUT TO MAKE SOME HISTORY AGAIN!" she adds.
"You're out of control." says Colt as he lets out some laughter as he follows her up the stairs.
"Gunner..?" mumbles Lo as she closes her locker. "What's up?" she adds.
"Why did you lie to Kam about you not being with Colt anymore?" questions Gunner.
"What.. who told you that- ..where did you get that false information from? ..I never lied about a thing.." says Lo as she raises an eyebrow.
"You do realize that he likes you a lot right?" questions Gunner irritably.
(Lo's thoughts;) "..Am I currently getting introduced to the real side of Gunner? ..because I'm already not liking it.. approaching me like this and telling me that Kam likes me.. for the second time. That's something a child would do. How the fuck does he want me to react to this?"
"I'm just letting you know that.. as harsh as this may sound.. I couldn't give any less of a fuck about how you might think of me right now. I just hope that you understand where I'm coming from." says Gunner.
"I do." says Lo as she crosses her arms. "I'm just wondering why Kameron isn't the one telling me this right now. He can speak for himself, can't he?" she adds.
"I didn't come here to argue with you at all.." says Gunner as he lets out a deep sigh. "Listen.. I respect you, but you kind of remind me of a certain ex-girlfriend that I used to have and.. let's just say that.. it didn't end too well between the two of us." he adds.
(Lo's thoughts;) "Could he seriously be comparing me to.. no.. it's not worth it. Just calm down for now."
"I'm- ..I'm sorry to hear." says Lo as she looks down.
(Gunner's thoughts;) "She's in shock right now.. of course I feel bad. The girl has been nothing but kind to me.. besides, if Kam was here.. I doubt that he'd ever be willing to forgive me for this.."
"Listen, I do.. care a lot about Kam.. and his wellbeing-" says Lo hesitantly.
"..It might not be that obvious at first but he's been through a lot of shit as well.. just give him some time.. that's all. He hasn't been acting like himself ever since you two.. re-visited that bridge." admits Gunner.
(Lo's thoughts;) "I- I guess I've really been selfish.. I thought that bringing him to that bridge would do him some good.. I thought it would clear his mind, like he'd mentioned.. to make him think about the good things that happened.. or did it really.. take a turn for the worst..? he even thanked me.. he had a genuine smile on his face. I'm so.. confused? ..what do I tell Gunner? ..would he even believe me if I told him about what actually went down? ..he's already convinced that I'm just a two faced liar."
*Gunner's flashback. (chapter 30)*
"You were wrong. I didn't experience Jealousy. It was envy." corrects Kameron.
"What the hell are you on about?" questions Gunner.
"I just think Lo's better off with someone else." says Kameron.
*end flashback.*
"It's.. all my fault.." mumbles Lo.
(Gunner's thoughts;) "I feel bad but.. if this all goes according to plan, she'll approach Kam first.. because, I know that Kam wouldn't. Not in a million years.. look at her, she has no clue."
"I.. I gotta go." says Lo before walking off.
"I see." says Gunner as he leans his back against the lockers.
(Gunner's thoughts;) "Shit.. another one left heart broken.. I'm not giving up just yet though."
"Your phone has been going off the entire time, are you even aware?" questions Kailey as she sits up. "Who the hell is calling you so many times?" she adds.
"..Fuck- it's-" says Colt as he glances at his phone.
"I'll get it." says Colt as he gets up. "Stay in bed." he adds.
"I'm staying in here because I feel like it." says Kailey as she roles her eyes.
"Oh.. hey.." says Colt as he rubs his eyes.
"I'm sorry to bother.. it looks like you just came out of bed." says Lo.
"No.. don't worry about it." says Colt before noticing Lo's puffy eyes. "What's wrong-" he adds.
"Can I.. stay here for a bit? ..I don't feel like going home yet." says Lo as she averts her eyes.
"Of course.. you can stay here. Come in." says Colt.
"I'll take a seat in the living room then." says Lo as she takes her coat off.
"Alright.. I'll be right back. Get comfortable." says Colt almost immediately.
"Thank you." says Lo with a smile on her face.
"Don't mention it." says Colt before walking upstairs.
"You've got to leave." says Colt as he leans against the door.

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