Mixed feelings chapter 4: Kailey likes Kameron

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"WHAT?!" spouts Lo in utter shock.
"I like him!" admits Kailey again.
"I heard you the FIRST TIME." says Lo.
"Then why did you ask again?!" spouts Kailey back.
"Ok, calm down.. how did you find out?" asks Lo with a serious expression.
"He's so handsome.." admits Kailey almost immediately.
"IT'S NOT JUST THAT.. and shhh.." replies Kailey awkwardly.
Lo apologizes.
"Look.. I.. dreamed of having kids.." admits Kailey silently.
Lo stays quiet.
"WITH HIM." spouts Kailey with a low voice.
"THE BABY MAKING?!" asks Lo loudly.
"NO WHAT THE HELL." spouts Kailey.
"THEN WHY DID YOU-" spouts Lo back with a confused look on her face.
"What's all the screaming about?" questions Kameron politely.
"None of your business. Now excuse us, we are in the middle of a convo." answers Lo rudely.
"K, sorry? see y'all in class.." replies Kameron.
Kameron walks away.
"Why are you always so mean to him?" asks Kailey.
"Be honest you're too soft towards him, and towards the people that love you.. you're.. you." admits Lo.
"What's thats supposed to mean? and to be honest Lo, you sound a bit jealous." replies Kailey with a bit of sas.
"HOW? IN WHAT WAY?" asks Lo desperately.
Kailey stays quiet.
Lo sighs.
"I'm anything but jealous right now." says Lo.
"Mhm.." replies Kailey with a unbothered expression.
"Ok, look.. You gotta believe me when I tell you that you're too soft towards him." admits Lo calmly.
"You're too soft towards anybody BUT him." says Kailey with a obvious sound of sas in her voice.
"There's clearly a big difference between our reasons." says Lo with a unbothered look on her face.
"That doesn't matter your being mean to him for no reason, Lo." says Kailey.
"What happened to you..?" asks Lo with a serious look on her face.
"What happened to YOU?" asks Kailey with a serious look on her face.
"Uhh.. I.." mumbles Kameron awkwardly.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" questions Lo suddenly.
Kam stays quiet with a obvious unbothered look on his face.
"Don't answer that." says Lo almost immediately while walking away.
Kam remains silent with a completely unbothered look on his face.
"Hey.." says Kailey with a low voice.
"Can I ask why-" says Kameron before he gets cut off.
"Just a little unnecessary fight." admits Kailey suddenly.
"Fight?" questions Kameron.
"Fight about boys.." admits Kailey almost immediately.
"I don't wanna know.. we need to get to class though." says Kameron after taking a glimpse at his phone.
"Oh, right right." replies Kailey with a dazed look on her face.
"Kam.." says Kailey with a low voice as she walks next to Kameron.
"Huh?" replies Kameron as he notices a low voice calling his name.
Kailey explains why Lo and her had an argument.
"Ok.. look.." replies Kameron.
"Kailey.." says Lo in a low voice.
"What?" replies Kailey.
"I'm sorry.." says Lo.
"I'm sorry.. TOOO" shouts Kailey dramatically.
Kailey starts to fake her tears while embracing Lo.
"Not again..." says the teacher with an obvious exhausted low voice.
"Kailey.. keep it down.." says Lo as she hugs Kailey back.
Kam looks back.
"What..?" questions Lo.
"Nothing.." replies Kameron with a smug grin on his face.
30 minutes later.
"Sir, can I go visit the restroom?"
"Mhm.." replies the teacher with a low voice.
"Sir-" says Kameron before he gets cut off.
"Just go." replies the teacher after cutting Kameron off.
*At the restroom*
"Why are you following me?" asks Lo with a unbothered look on her face.
"Boys and girls restrooms are next to each other.." replies Kameron with a unbothered look on his face.
"Nice excuse." replies Lo.
They both go into the restrooms.
(Lo's thoughts;) What's his problem.. he's so.. annoying."
Lo exits the girl's restroom.
"Hey.." says Kameron with a unbothered look on his face.
Lo gets frightened.
"I THOUGHT YOU ALREADY RETURNED TO CLASS." spouts Lo almost immediately.
Kameron stays quiet and grins.
"Look, it's Kailey." says Kameron.
"Huh? Kailey?" replies Lo while looking back.
Kameron sweeps her into a handlock while covering her mouth with the palm of his hand.
Lo tries to break free and bites his hand.
(Kameron's thoughts;) "Wow.. it's almost like she's much stronger than before."
Kameron ignores Lo's failed attempts at trying to break free and starts to grope her chest.
Lo mumbles and bites him again.
Kam lets go of her.
"ARE YOU CRAZY-" yells Lo before she gets cut off.
"It's like you put much more strength in this time." admits Kameron with a unbothered look on his face.
"THAT'S BECAUSE I DON'T WANT THIS." admits Lo with a obvious bothered and upset look on her face.
Kam stays quiet in utter confusion.
"By the way.. did you- did you know that Kailey.. likes you?" admits Lo while looking down at her feet.
Kameron remains silent.
"DID YOU HEAR WHAT I JUST SAID?" spouts Lo almost immediately.
"I'm not deaf." responds Kameron with a obvious unbothered look on his face.
"Then tell me.. what do you have to say about that..?" asks Lo with a low squeaky voice.
"Not much.." admits Kameron almost immediately.
"WHY NOT..?" questions Lo.
"Because I already knew that." admits Kameron.
"WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS SO-" says Lo before realizing what Kameron just admitted.
Kameron stays quiet with a unbothered look on his face.
"YOU ALREADY KNEW?!" yells Lo in utter confusion.
"Stop yelling." says Kameron with a completely unbothered look on his face.
"How did you know..?" asks Lo.
"Was it supposed to be a secret?" questions Kameron.
"You tell me." replies Lo.
"First of all.. remember how you refused to tell me what y'all were talking about just a few days ago..?" explains Kameron.
"Mhm..?" replies Lo as she remembers.
"The reason why I looked at Kailey was because.." explains Kameron.
Lo stays silent.
"..She kept staring at me." admits Kameron while raising up an eyebrow.
"SHE WHAT.." replies Lo in utter confusion.
"I'm assuming that when I caught her staring, she told me the truth to save herself out of that situation." explains Kameron.
(Lo's thoughts;) "What a idiot."
"So she lied to me.." assumes Lo with a obvious upset tone in her voice.
"Not really." replies Kameron.
"How do YOU know." replies Lo with a bit of sas in her voice.
"Y'all are seated right behind me do you really expect me not to hear all the things you guys are saying..?" explains Kameron while raising up his eyebrow.
"How about you don't listen, you scumbag." replies Lo with a obvious sassy tone in her voice.
Kameron stays quiet.
"Lets head back to class, or else everybody's going to start becoming suspicious of us." says Lo.
"Well, whatever it may be that they become suspicious of.. they wouldn't be completely in the wrong, right?" replies Kameron with a unbothered look on his face.
Lo blushes.
"sh- shut up." replies Lo awkwardly.
*Back in the classroom*
"What was that about?" asks Kailey.
"Huh?" replies Lo awkwardly.
"What took you so long?" asks Kailey.
"...I guess you could say that there were some.. *ahem* technical difficulties." replies Lo awkwardly.
Lo glances to the front with an obvious pissed off look on her face.
(Kameron's thoughts;) It feels as if i'm being stared at.
"Huh?" questions Kailey.
"A number 2." replies Lo almost immediately with a unbothered look on her face.
"Ew.. Kam you too?" questions Kailey.
Kam looks back.
"No." replies Lo almost immediately.
Kailey stays quiet.
Lo looks at Kameron.
(Kameron's thoughts;) Is she trying to ask for my help..?
"I was fixing my hair." replies Kameron almost immediately.
"Yes! yes.. he was, I mean I.. could tell.. you're hair looks puffier." spouts Lo awkwardly.
(Kailey's thoughts;) His hair looks pretty much the same to me.. they are both acting strange.
"Ok, cool!" replies Kailey as she starts turning the pages in her biology book.
Lo takes a glimpse at Kameron.
Kameron grins.
(Kameron's thoughts;) This school year isn't going to be as lame as I expected.

*To be continued..*

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