Mixed feelings chapter 56: Good save

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*Colt's flashback* (chapter 55)*
"..We started off on the wrong tracks.. I'm Kailey.." says Kailey politely.
"..Likewise. The name is Reggie- I mean.. Dantè.." says Colt almost immediately. "Just call me Colt, though. Like everybody else does." he adds.
"PFFT.. what! your name.. it's Reggie?" questions Kailey with a wide smile on her face.
"I said it's Dantè." says Colt firmly.
"Hmm.. no. You look more like a 'Reggie' to me." says Kailey playfully.
"Is that an insult?" questions Colt.
"..No? ..What's wrong with it? ..I like it." says Kailey politely.
*End flashback.*
"..At least my girl's got some good, loyal friends.." says Colt as he plays a song from his new album, Too young for love.
(Colt's thoughts;) "..Kailey, huh.. might be someone whose name is worth remembering.."
"I also wanted to tell you that I have a performance tonight.." says Kameron confidently.
"Hmm..? a performance..?" questions Lo curiously.
"Yea, I've been looking forward to this since I was.." says Kameron. "I've just been looking forward to it for a very long time." he adds.
"..Why didn't I know about this until now..!?" spouts Lo. "Aren't you like.. NERVOUS?" she adds.
"Not exactly.." admits Kameron. "Not anyone in particular.. I guess? ..aside from, Gunner, Jay, Devon and Ty." he adds.
"I'm not surprised." says Lo. "But, what about your parents? ..this is something they really wouldn't want to miss!" she adds.
(Kameron's thoughts;) "..But, how do I invite you? ..wouldn't it sound like I'm asking her out? ..she's with- him though.. yet, I still want her to be there.."
"It's not going to be broadcasted live.. unless.." mumbles Kameron.
"Unless?" questions Lo.
"Unless, someone decides to live stream or record it anyways.." says Kameron. "I'm just glad that I'll be able to show others what I'm capable of." he adds.
(Lo's thoughts;) "I REALLY wish I could be there for him but.. I'm supposed to meet up with Colt after school.. I've already turned him down plenty of times.. ugh.. at this rate, he'll start to think that I'm actually avoiding him."
"I'm glad you feel that way..!" spouts Lo with a bright smile on her face. "Are you sure that you don't want to be on TV?" she adds.
"I'd rather not take the risk, since my parents.. don't know about all of this.. yet." admits Kameron. "Of course I'd want to tell them about all of the stuff that's been going on but.. I just.. need more time." he adds.
"I understand.. it would be a lot to take in.. I mean.. their son is a rapper.. and a great song writer..!" spouts Lo.
(Lo's thoughts;) "For some reason this situation makes me think of that nostalgic disney series.. 'Hannah Montana'."
"Having a performance, when they're not aware of what's actually going on seems selfish I know.. but, I'm 19 years old now, so it's my own responsibility." says Kameron. "And, if it's on TV.. who knows how they'll react." he adds.
(Lo's thoughts;) "They'd be proud.. you chased your dreams.. but is it really my place to say?"
"Considering, how badly my grandpa got caught up in the music industry-" says Kameron.
"Your grandpa's also a music artist?" questions Lo curiously.
(Kameron's thoughts;) "Was."
"..The show starts at 8 by the way." says Kameron as he takes a glance at his phone screen. "..I was wondering actually.. if you wanted-" he adds.
*Lo's phone buzzes.*
(Lo's thoughts;) "Colt.. bad timing.. I'm almost certain that he was about to ask me to.."
"Do you.. know how many people are going to be there? ..this is really sudden, you know.." says Lo curiously.
"I don't know how many to be exact but.. don't you want to check your phone? ..it's buzzing a lot." says Kameron,
"No." says Lo firmly.
"No?" questions Kameron.
"..Oh, uhm..! I mean- ..would you look at the time!" spouts Lo nervously as she gets up.
"It's 4.. time to head back." says Kameron as he gets up.
"Hey, Kam.. good luck with the show." says Lo.
"..Thank you." says Kameron with a bright smile on his face.
"I don't think I'll be able to make it in time, but.. I'll be cheering you on for sure..!" spouts Lo.
(Kameron's thoughts;) "..I wish she'd be there backstage or even in the crowd, somewhere.. but.. hearing this-"
"I'll be able to power through all of it because of that." says Kameron. "Truly, thank you.. Lo." he adds.
"Y- yea.. don't mention it!" spouts Lo. "You got this." she adds.
"Can you stop following me?" says Shaniah irritably as she folds her arms.
"What..? ..My car is parked over there as well.. how else am I supposed to get home?" questions Jay sarcastically.
"Whatever.. where the hell is Kam?" questions Shaniah.
"Kam.. oh, he's preparing for the per-" says Jay.
"Huh?" says Shaniah in confusion. "Preparing?" she adds.
(Jay's thoughts;) "SHIT.. I ALMOST SAID IT.. she can't know about the show tonight.."
"Yea.. he's.. preparing.. to go home." says Jay. "I'm pretty sure that I just saw him standing at the lockers-" he adds.
"Nope. He isn't. I checked the lockers already-" says Shaniah.
"He's probably hiding then.." says Jay playfully.
"Why the hell would he be hiding in school?" questions Shaniah.
"Because you're here." says Jay. "And.. you can be pretty damn scary sometimes.." he adds.
"Shut up, Jay, things will get scary if you don't start telling me where the fuck he is." says Shaniah firmly. "I'm not stupid, I know you're hiding something." she adds.
(Jay's thoughts;) "WHAT NOW..?"
"Jay.." says Shaniah seductively. "Why aren't you responding..? do you want things to get ugly for you?" she adds as she walks up to Jay.
"Yea- NO.. wait. You can't do this right now.." says Jay nervously.
"Too bad.. I guess this means that we'll have to cancel our little date night-" says Shaniah as she slowly strokes Jay's arm.
"He's meeting up with Lo." says Jay almost immediately.
"..That name sounds familiar- hold on.. THE GIRL WITH THE ACCENT?" spouts Shaniah.
"..Who?" questions Jay.
"Isn't she dating Colt?" questions Shaniah angrily.
"If you're talking about Lo, the girl with the long and silver hair.. then yes.. how'd you know about that-" says Jay.
"Not on my watch. If she wants to cheat on that pathetic sad case of a man, then be my guest.. if she wants Kam as well.. she's going to have to go through me first." says Shaniah before walking off.
"Huh..? ..where are you going- OK, I'LL TEXT YOU LATER!" spouts Jay as he watches Shaniah drive off.
(Jay's thoughts;) "Good save."
*3 hours later.*
"I almost forgot to ask." says Lo as she hands the TV remote to Colt. "How did your grandma's walls turn out?" she adds.
(Colt's thoughts;) "What kind of question is that.. uh.. oh, shit.. I told her that, didn't I.."
"..She loved it. She gave me a big kiss for helping." says Colt playfully as he rolls his blunt.
"I see.. good to hear." says Lo. "You.. smoke a lot, don't you?" she adds.
"Only whenever I feel horny." says Colt.
"What." says Lo firmly. "So, at school-" she adds.
"Yes." says Colt firmly.
(Lo's thoughts;) "Way to make things awkward.. I'm just going to ignore that."
"Honestly. I smoke whenever I feel good or the opposite." admits Colt.
"..What does that mean? ..how are you feeling right now then?" questions Lo curiously.
"I'm feeling pretty good." says Colt playfully.
"..Is that so.." mumbles Lo as she grabs a hand full of popcorn.
"Do you know why..?" questions Colt as he scoots closer to Lo.
(Lo's thoughts;) "He's a bit.. too close."
"You're high?" questions Lo.
"I guess." says Colt as he turns the TV on. "..About guessing.. guess who I saw at the mall today." he adds.
"A celebrity..?" questions Lo curiously.
"Nah, I wouldn't call her that.. I'm just talking about your friend. Kailey." says Colt.
"Oh..? really.. says Lo. "I'll go grab us some drinks.." she adds as she walks to the kitchen.
(Lo's thoughts;) "He actually managed to get her name right for once.."
"Kam's performance is going to be broadcasted." says Colt with a blank expression on his face.

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