Mixed feelings chapter 3: affections

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*alarm goes off its 6:30 in the morning*

"No way.. I'm fucking tired, should I skip? I would never.." says Lo to herself.

Lo gets up and gets ready for school.

"..Last night I couldn't stop thinking about.. ugh.." whispers Lo to herself.


"Kailey?" questions Lo as she spots her best friend.

"LO?" questions Kailey as she spots Lo.

"Good morning." says Lo almost immediately.

"I missed youuuu." spouts Kailey.

"I missed you too." responds Lo back.

"Was that sarcasm?" responds Kailey with a dissapointed tone in her voice.

"At least I said it back." responds Lo.

"True, lets head to class." responds Kailey back.


"Good morning." coming from Lo and Kailey's classmates.

"Good morning." Lo responds.

"WHY DON'T THEY EVER SAY IT TO ME?" shouts Kailey angrily.

"Maybe because you never say it back?" assumes Lo.

"Why are you always right?" responds Kailey.

Lo stays quiet.

"Good morning." says Kameron as he takes a glimpse at Lo and Kailey.

"Good morning." responds Kailey.

"...Good morning." responds Lo under the hitch of her breath.

"Ok, class rise." says the teacher.

Lo stays quiet as she seems to be distracted by someone/something.

Kailey gets up.

"..Lo, get up." says Kailey hesitantly.

Lo seems to be distracted by Kameron.

"Shit.. I tried to tell you." spouts Kailey.

"Lo? whats seems to be the problem?" questions the teacher.

"Woah! What?" spouts Lo.

a random classmate starts laughing.

"Lo's got her head in the clouds, sir." spouts the random classmate.

the class starts laughing.

"...You-" responds Kameron before he abruptly gets interrupted.

"Say it again and you're head won't end up in the clouds but up someone's ass." spouts Lo after cutting off Kameron.

Kailey laughs.

"Lo!" yells the teacher with a shocked tone in his voice.

Kameron bursts out in laughter.

Lo stays quiet.

"Sorry sir.. I told her to say that.. she didn't mean it." says Kameron in attempt to defend Lo.

"Ok, detention after school. Both of you. This is you're first week attending this school Kameron, please try to prevent such stuff from occurring again." Says the teacher.

"Yes, sir." responds Kameron.

the class is silent.

"What are you doing..?" whispers Lo to Kameron.

Mixed FeelingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora