Mixed feelings chapter 74: Upset

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"..Jada, are you even listening?" questions Shaniah.
"Yea.. hold on." says Jada with her eyes glued onto her phone screen.
"I'm curious.. what seems to be so much more important on that phone screen of yours?" questions Shaniah as she raises an eyebrow.
"Nothing." says Jada as she shoves her phone into her pocket.
(Shaniah's thoughts;) "Lies."
"Well, could you please listen to me..?" pleads Shaniah. "I really have to get some things off my chest." she adds.
"You always want to meet up for reasons like these." says Jada as she roles her eyes.
"Reasons like what..?" questions Shaniah.
"Thanks for asking." says Jada as she folds her arms. "To answer your question, you only meet up with me for reasons that only benefit you." she adds.
"So.. you've been texting your boyfriend this entire time?" questions Shaniah as she reaches for her drink.
(Jada's thoughts;) "Casually brushing off the truth and changing the topic is so.. her."
"How'd you know?" questions Jada.
*Shaniah pulls up her shoulders.*
"Well, he's not my boyfriend.. anymore." says Jada as she averts her eyes.
"Huh.. you broke up with him?" questions Shaniah.
"I mean.." mumbles Jada.
"Oh.. my mistake. He broke up with you?" questions Shaniah.
"I DUMPED HIM." spouts Jada.
"I see.. well, why didn't you just say so." says Shaniah.
"I would've said so if you'd actually let me finish talking." says Jada as she rolls her eyes.
"Right.. go ahead." says Shaniah calmly.
"Listen, I broke up with him because.." says Jada.
"..You.. sound upset." says Jada.
"I'M NOT UPSET." spouts Shaniah followed by a long pause. "Just.. say what you had to say." says Shaniah firmly.
"The butterflies.. they weren't there anymore.." says Jada as she looks down. "That's why I did what I had to do." she adds.
"Do you.. have to feel butterflies in your stomach in order for you to know that you're in love with that person?" questions Shaniah.
"Uhh.. yes..?" says Jada as she raises an eyebrow. "At least.. that's what I was told." she adds.
"I personally just think that's utter bullshit." says Shaniah firmly.
"Yea.. I don't want to hear that from you." says Jada unbothered.
"..J- Jay?!" spouts Shaniah.
"So.. you dragged me with you to the mall.. to meet up with her?" questions Devon.
"Who the hell are you?" questions Jada as she faces Devon.
"Devon." says Devon calmly.
"Why don't you put some damn respect on my sister's name, you thug." says Jada firmly.
"THUG?" spouts Devon.
"SISTER?" spouts Jay.
"Jay.." mumbles Shaniah as she lets out a deep sigh. "We need to talk." she adds.
"Hold on.. wait a minute.. I didn't know you had any sisters..?" says Jay as he raises an eyebrow.
"I don't." says Shaniah as she roles her eyes.
"Then why'd she-" says Jay.
"Just.. come with me." says Shaniah firmly as she pulls Jay along with her. "I'll call you later, Jada." she adds.
"I'm leaving." says Devon.
"Glad you are." says Jada as she rolls her eyes.
"What's your name?" questions Devon.
"I'll be fair and tell you mine since you told me yours. I'm Jada." says Jada as she gets up. "I'm not gonna lie and say that it was nice meeting you." she adds.
"The feelings are mutual." says Devon firmly.
"Interesting.. now.." mumbles Jada. "Bon voyage." she adds before walking off.
"What?" questions Devon.
"Ciao." says Jada.
"Bye?" says Devon as he raises an eyebrow.
"That too." says Jada from afar.
*Meanwhile. At Starbucks.*
"Can I get a iced mocha latte, no milk and 2 packs of sugar." says Gunner.
"Sure thing, is there anything else I can get for you?"
"No, thanks. That'll be it." says Gunner.
"To go, or would you like to take a seat?"
"I'll-" says Gunner.
"We'll.. take a seat, right? ..table for two, please and thank you."
"What the hell are you doing here.." says Gunner. "Monette.." he adds.
"I'll be having the same as him." says Monette with a smile on her face.
"Alright..! coming right up."
"Answer my question." says Gunner firmly.
"You know.. I had no idea that you liked Starbucks." says Monette.
"..Be for real.. what's your business?" questions Gunner.
"Hmm.. before I tell you about that.." mumbles Monette as she looks down. "I know that you're.. surprised to see me, and.. that you're either glad or filled with rage right now." she adds.
"Neither. I'm confused as to how you even found my location." says Gunner.
"Oh.. well you see.. my homegirls took care of that for me." says Monette with a wide smile on her face.
"Homegirls..?" questions Gunner as he raises an eyebrow.
"It was a joke. I was supposed to pick up some coffee before going to work.. you know.. my daily routine. I mean.. someone's gotta pay the bills." admits Monette. "But, now that you're here.." she adds.
(Monette's thoughts;) "He's still not that much of a talker huh.."
"Hmm.. how about this.. we go ahead and get comfortable. Take a seat and I'll answer everything you want to know." says Monette. "Just saying, but.. that sounds like a pretty good start to me." she adds.
"..Let's just get this over with." says Gunner as he averts his eyes.
"..Who was that girl with her?" questions Devon curiously.
"Are you deaf or what?" questions Devon irritably.
"I was thinking about something." admits Jay.
"Seemed like it." says Devon.
"Devon.. did you hear about the altercation that happened between Kam and Shaniah?" questions Jay.
"No..? ..but.. 'altercation'..?" mumbles Devon. "Since when did you start using words like that in your sentences?" adds Devon.
"Nevermind.." mumbles Jay as he looks down.
(Jay's thoughts;) "Did Kam really use her for his own personal problems..? it's nothing new, but.. why did it have to be Shaniah? ..if she knew this.. then it must've been the same case for her.. right?"
"You seem upset." says Devon.
"I know that I'm easy to read." says Jay firmly.
"Yea.. it's written all over your face." admits Devon followed by a long pause. "..What did she tell you?" he adds.
"Nothing special.." mumbles Jay as he looks down.
(Devon's thoughts;) "I'm your brother.. do you really think that I'm going to believe that?"
"I think.." says Jay. "I think Shaniah likes me." he adds.

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