Mixed feelings chapter 55: No more promises

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*Lo's flashback. (chapter 50)*
"..Listen, I don't want to continue being the 'smart mouth' that you knew me as." admits Kameron.
"..I mean, it's not a bad thing.. wait, let's not change the topic-" says Lo.
"I'm a completely different person now.. right?" questions Kameron.
"..Kam, is there something you aren't telling me?" questions Lo firmly.
"I- I guess you could say that I'm just.. embarrassed about the stuff I did in the past.." admits Kameron as he rubs the back of his neck.
"..I guess leaving that middle school really was the best choice I could've made." says Kameron.
"..Do you have any idea how much I.. did you forget about the things I've told you before our first kiss..?" questions Lo as she starts to tear up.
"I'm sorry.." says Kameron calmly.
"You're always sorry, Kam. Isn't it.. isn't it getting old now?" says Lo. "Apologizing isn't going to make it any better.. it's not going to make me feel any better.." she adds.
*End flashback.*
"..I care a lot about you too.. as a friend." says Lo hesitantly. "..I just.. remembered something to be honest." she adds.
"Is it.. a bad memory?" questions Kameron.
"NO.. not at all. It's.. an important and rather.. comforting memory.." says Lo hesitantly.
(Lo's thoughts;) "Well, that was a lie."
"..Matter of fact, I actually have a question.." says Lo.
"If it's about the past, can we-" says Kameron.
"Talk about it later..? ..sure, I finish all my classes at-" says Lo.
"No.. that's.. not what I meant. Do you.. want to skip class?" questions Kameron as he rubs the back of his neck. "Just for today." he adds.
"Skip.. class?" mumbles Lo.
(Lo's thoughts;) "DOES HE ALSO HAVE SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO SAY..? ..A CONFESSION- No..! I shouldn't get my hopes up.. I have Colt..! besides.. we aren't clueless teenagers anymore."
"I can't help it though!" spouts Lo.
"Can't help what?" questions Kameron.
"Nothing..!" says Lo awkwardly.
"Hmm.." mumbles Kailey as she looks behind her. "..Were you.. talking to me perhaps?" she adds as she points at herself.
"..You're something else." says Colt as he walks off.
"..I'm.. something else? Huh.. hey! ..wait! Who were you talking about?!" spouts Kailey as she runs after Colt. "IF YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT ME, YOU SHOULD JUST ADMIT IT.. I BET THAT YOU DON'T EVEN REMEMBER MY NAME-" she adds.
"You're right, I don't remember it." says Colt as he stops walking.
"..For the 20th time." says Kailey as she crosses her arms.
"That's a bit dramatic, but yea.. I did call you 'sexy'. Your reaction was unexpected.." says Colt.
"How so?" questions Kailey.
"I mean, don't you get that a lot?" questions Colt.
"Uh.. Huh.. well.. n- not really.. not like this.. at least." says Kailey nervously.
"Did you like it that much? ..sexy." says Colt playfully.
"DON'T SAY IT LIKE THAT, WEIRDO.. just wait until I tell Lo about this." says Kailey firmly.
"It's not like she'd disagree with me, though." says Colt.
"You're so.. unbelievably hardheaded." says Kailey.
"I am..? well, just wanted to let you know.. that's not the only thing that's 'hardheaded'." says Colt.
(Kailey's thoughts;) "Jesus take the wheel.. could he be any more corny? ..I still can't believe that Lo's dating this type of person.. HE'S THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF HER. Bold and insane."
*Kailey walks off.*
"It was a joke." says Colt almost immediately as he lets out some laughter.. "..Too far, I guess." he adds.
"You're nothing more than a.. fucking tease." says Kailey as she catches up to Colt again.
"Tell me something I don't know." says Colt.
(Kailey's thoughts;) "..But, I'm also the complete opposite of Lo."
"..We started off on the wrong tracks.. I'm Kailey.." says Kailey politely.
"..Likewise. The name is Reggie- I mean.. Dantè.." says Colt almost immediately. "Just call me Colt, though. Like everybody else does." he adds.
"PFFT.. what! your name.. it's Reggie?" questions Kailey with a wide smile on her face.
"I said it's Dantè." says Colt firmly.
"Hmm.. no. You look more like a 'Reggie' to me." says Kailey playfully.
"Is that an insult?" questions Colt.
"..No? ..What's wrong with it? ..I like it." says Kailey politely.
"You think?" questions Colt.
(Colt's thoughts;) "That's a first.."
"I mean.. yea.. I do." says Kailey calmly.
(Kailey's thoughts;) "I don't think I've ever seen him smile like this.. even whenever he's around-"
"Anyways.. I'm going home. In case you weren't able to tell, I'm not in the best mood right now." says Colt.
"I'm a hundred percent sure that I just saw a smile on your face though.. and.. are you seriously talking about your feelings right now? ..that's pretty girly of you." says Kailey playfully.
"Whatever.. I'll see you at school." says Colt firmly.
"Hmm, okay.. I guess I'll leave you alone then." says Kailey.
(Kailey's thoughts;) "Can't believe I'm saying this but.. he's actually pretty cool.. I mean, when he tries to be.. but, for some odd reason.. I'm getting this feeling as if something is really troubling him.. almost.. tormenting him.. poor guy."
(Lo's thoughts;) "Sneaking out of school territory without anyone noticing was much easier than I thought it would be.."
"..What did you mean when you said that you were a completely 'different' person now..?" questions Lo.
"You.. remember what I used to do.. to you.. back in that school, right? ..things changed." says Kameron awkwardly. "For the better.." he adds.
"..You were young and curious.. honestly, it's fine.. you didn't know any better." says Lo.
"That's not the only problem, I.. had a lot of issues back then." admits Kameron. "I was an attention seeker.. I wanted to fit in so bad.. I studied way more than the average kid would, just so I could appear like the top student in class." he adds.
(Kameron's thoughts;) "I didn't receive the title 'problem child' for no reason.."
"..You did all of that.. on purpose?" questions Lo.
"..It's funny when you look at it from your perspective.." says Kameron. "But, in reality.. I barely even had the chance to enjoy my childhood to the fullest." he adds.
"It's all starting to make more sense now." says Lo.
"It is?" questions Kameron.
"Well.. no. Not really." says Lo.
(Lo's thoughts;) "Come to think of it.. there are a lot of things that we still don't really know about each other.."
"I see.." says Kameron as he lets out some laughter.
"I'm just happy that you're being honest with me about everything.." says Lo. "That's just the type of person you are.. and I can't help but envy you a little.." she adds.
"What..?" mumbles Kameron.
"I'm a coward when it comes to stuff like telling the truth.." admits Lo as she lets out a chuckle. "What if I were to break my neighbours window with a baseball, by accident.. I'd probably just run away or tell them a little selfish lie." she adds.
"Even so.. it's not exactly the same." says Kameron with a blank expression on his face.
"How so?" questions Lo.
"I mean.. the things I've told you so far.. it's nothing." says Kameron. "There are a lot more things that I have to say to you. But, everytime we get the chance to talk.. it gets taken away from me- us.. so, I'll tell you when the time feels.. right?" he adds.
"Do you promise?" questions Lo firmly.
*Kameron's flashback. (chapter 18)*
"Then.. will we see each other again..?" says Lo as she scoots in closer.
"..We definitely will.." says Kameron before showing a wide smile.
"Is that a promise?" Asks Lo as she finally decides to look Kameron in the eyes.
"It's a promise." says Kameron as he lowers his head down for another kiss.
*End flashback.*
(Kameron's thoughts;) "No. No more promises..
(Lo's thoughts;) "..Was it something I said.."
"I mean.. I can wait.." mumbles Lo.
(Lo's thoughts;) "Shit. I made it awkward.. SAY SOMETHING."
"..Your hair.." says Kameron.
"..Right.. It's silver now." says Lo with a forced smile on her face.
"..Can I?" questions Kameron.
(Lo's thoughts;) "HE WANTS TO STROKE MY HAIR..?!"
*Kameron strokes a lock of Lo's hair.*
(Lo's thoughts;) "..Remain calm, Lo.. this is.. OKAY."

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