Mixed feelings chapter 15: Problem child

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"Well.. if you wanna hear it out loud so badly it's because you're much stronger than I am." says Lo awkwardly.
Kameron stays quiet.
"What..? what's the obvious pokerface for?" asks Lo.
"Because we both know that that's not the actual reason right?" questions Kameron.
Lo slightly blushes in embarrassment.
"Yes it is..!" adds Lo almost immediately.
"Yet I have a slight feeling, like you're not telling me something.." says Kameron as he slightly leans his head to the side.
"I told you enough, and it's time to get to class.. so excuse me." spouts Lo awkwardly as she slowly passes by Kameron.
"Hmm.. right." adds Kameron before following suit.
"If everybody has received the test, we can start." says the teacher before taking a seat at the desk.
*15 minutes later*
"Excuse me, sorry for interrupting so suddenly during this important test." says the administrator of the school before approaching the teacher.
"May I ask what's going on?" says the teacher curiously as he gets up from his chair.
"I'm sorry but this topic is not up for discussion." says the administrator politely.
"Ok then.. let's take a quick 30 minute break. In the meantime you can study some more! or whatever, the test will be continued next week. Everybody will leave the classroom except for Kameron and Lo." spouts the teacher.
"You will be visiting the principal's office." adds the teacher.
"What happened?" asks Kailey before she gets off her seat.
"I wish I knew.." spouts Lo almost immediately.
Kids leave the classroom.
*At the principal's office.
"So who is it that you saw?" asks the school's administrator.
"I s- saw Lo." says the girl.
"Uhm.. who are you?" asks Lo.
"V- Vera.." says the girl awkwardly.
"Tell us what you saw, Vera." spouts the principal.
"I- I saw L- Lo getting groped b- by.." says Vera ever so quietly while pointing out her finger at Kameron.
"W- what? No.. I don't recall, it was someone else.. You saw someone else, it wasn't Kameron or me.. we were in class at the time.
"She hasn't mentioned what time, Ms. Iver." says the principal.
"That doesn't matter! I'm the supposed "victim" right?! and I don't recall getting groped by Kameron whatsoever." says Lo in Kameron's defense.
Vera lowers her head.
"We want you to be completely honest with us right now, Lo." says the school's administrator.
Vera lowers her head even further.
"I know what I saw!" spouts Vera all of a sudden.
"You little.." whispers Lo to herself.
"No, she's right.. it was Lo.. and the student she was getting groped by was me." admits Kameron sternly.
"Kam- Kameron no.." spouts Lo.
"It's ok." says Kameron before showing one of his eye blinding grins.
"You don't have to do this.." says Lo worrisome.
"If we can confirm this on the school security camera's-" says the principal before getting cut off.
"I said it was me, it's been confirmed." says Kameron sternly.
"Do whatever you want, kick me out.. I don't care. Just let Lo finish the test in peace. She studied so hard for it.." adds Kameron.
"AND THAT ATTITUDE, WHERE IS IT COMING FROM?" shouts the school's administrator in utter disbelief.
"That's for you to find out." spouts Kameron sternly.
Lo reaches for Kameron's arm.
"You really.. don't have to do this.. you're going to get expelled." says Lo as she nervously starts tugging onto Kameron's sleeve.
"Don't let that hard work go to waste, alright?" says Kameron as he shows another grin.
(Lo's thoughts;) "Even in a serious situation like this.. he can still proceed to grin like that.."
"You've been at this school for barely even a few months. I did not expect this SHAMEFUL behavior from a STRAIGHT A student." spouts the principal.
Kameron stays quiet.
"This hasn't only happened once, has it?" questions the school's administrator.
"You assumed correctly." Says Kameron sternly.
"Kameron.. no.." says Lo almost immediately in complete distress.
"Shhh.. don't worry too much, this is my fault and I'll handle it." whispers Kameron.
"Lo, do you think Kameron should be.. perhaps expelled." spouts the principal.
"NO- No! he shouldn't be expelled!" spouts Lo desperately.
"Lo, it's fine.." says Kameron in a way to calm Lo down.
"You may leave, Vera." says the principal.
"O- Ok.." says Vera quietly before walking out.
"In the meantime, we'll look more into this situation but before that, we'll have to let you're parents know about this matter ASAP. Right now it'll be better if you head home instead. I'll also let you're parents know in a few hours whether you'll be able to come back tomorrow, just for the sake of further investigation purposes." says the principal sternly.
"Sure.. sir." says Kameron.
"You are dismissed." adds the principal.
"Grab all you're stuff back in the classroom, and get ready to head out within 5 minutes or so, I'm extremely dissapointed in you." says the school's administrator.
Kameron looks at Lo.
"I'm so.. sorry.." spouts Lo.
"I have to go home. I hope you will still do good on the test. Just worry about getting a good grade, alright?" says Kameron before showing another grin.
"Kameron.. I'll just tell them that it's-" says Lo before getting cut off.
"I'll see you." spouts Kameron as he grabs his bag and heads for the exit.
(Lo's thoughts;) "No.. where's the "I'll see you tomorrow".. he's just grinning.. I WISH I HAD THE ABILITY TO READ MINDS! THIS DOESN'T AVOID THE FACT THAT HE'S ABOUT TO GET EXPELLED AT ALL. I WISH I KNEW WHAT HE'S THINKING."
"What a shame." says the teacher as he takes a sip of his coffee.
Lo walks after Kameron.
"Lo! stay in the classroom, that's an order!" shouts the teacher as he gets off his seat.
"That's MY FRIEND. MIND YOU'RE BUSINESS." shouts Lo as she starts to tear up.
"Oh, well.. can't say I didn't try to stop her." says the teacher as he sits back down.
*On the staircase.*
"Seriously.. Kameron?" says Lo as she catches up to him.
"Lo..? what are you doing here?" asks Kameron on his way downstairs.
"You didn't say it.." says Lo as she pulls Kameron by his backpack.
"What didn't I say?" says Kameron in utter confusion.
"You didn't tell me.. when I'd see you again.." says Lo ever so quietly.
"I know." says Kameron.
"W- Why?" questions Lo.
"Because I'm not.. sure." admits Kameron awkwardly.
"Not sure about what, Kameron..?" questions Lo worrisome.
"..When I will be back." adds Kameron as he rubs the back of his neck.
"Just kidding." spouts Kameron.
Lo stays quiet.
"Things got serious there, didn't it?" says Kameron before showing a billion dollar grin.
"how can you still grin like that.." whispers Lo.
"What?" says Kameron politely as he barely heard what Lo has said.
Lo stays quiet.
"Calm down.. Ok? you care too much.. and I'll see you tomorrow." says Kameron as he walks down the stairs.
"..Ok.." says Lo.
(Kameron's thoughts;) "I'll most likely be back tomorrow since they DEMAND proof.. even though I already told them that I did it.. *sighs* I've already seen the video camera's in every hallway, pfft.. watching the video footage is going to be so damn cringe worthy.. I wish I could bail but I don't have a choice, especially since I told Lo that I'd be here tomorrow."
"I'll see you tomorrow.." adds Lo.
(Kameron's thoughts;) "..at least I have one thing to look forward to."
Kameron smiles.
(Lo's thoughts;) "I'll stay strong.. for you."
Lo sighs deeply.
"I'm sorry.. Kam." whispers Lo to herself as she walks back to the classroom.
"I've heard about what happened." says the teacher.
"Huh..?" says Lo as she snaps back out of a daze.
"About the whole incident that caused Kameron to get expelled." spouts the teacher as he prepares paperwork on the desks.
"You know absolutely nothing." spouts Lo.
"Lo, you're an intelligent girl, we both know that that's not ok. If he wasn't 14 years old he could definitely get locked up right now for sexual assault. But I'm just glad you're alright-" says the teacher before he gets cut off.
"You're kidding, right..?" says Lo angrily.
The teacher stays quiet.
"I thought you liked Kameron.." says Lo.
"I never said I did or didn't.. he was a great student, but remember that nobody's perfect, Lo. I assumed from the way he looks that he'd be a problem child, and according to my calculations, it seems like I was right. I could tell you liked him though. says the teacher before showing a shady smile.
(Lo's thoughts;) "He "was".. I know he has a great chance on getting expelled but wouldn't it be fair to have a little bit of hope.. and that smile.. it gives me the chills. It should be considered illegal to smile like that."
"Problem child..? how could you say that about him? you don't even know him." spouts Lo angrily
"Oh, I know boys like him well enough. He's a transfer student, Lo. If he's capable of committing "sexual assault" who knows what else he could be capable of. Why am I telling you this? because we both know who the true Kameron Young is, right? I'll say it again! A. lonely. problem. child." says the teacher with a little smirk on his face.
"..I have to agree with that.. indeed nobody's perfect.. especially you and that awful ego of yours, you're plain disgusting and ignorant." spouts Lo angrily.
The teacher blushes in embarrassment.
"That's it Lo! no more from you!" shouts the teacher angrily.
"..Kameron did not commit "sexual assault" since it wasn't against my will, nor did he get expelled. Get you're facts right if you want to get into other people's business so damn badly." spouts Lo.
"You have also been getting extremely rude since that problem child has joined this school." says the teacher as he crosses his arms.
Lo rolls her eyes.
"And like I said, in the end of the day he will get expelled. Take it, or leave it. We both know that it's the truth, right.. Lo?" adds the teacher.
"N- NO.. NO WAY, YOU'RE LYING." shouts Lo worrisome before getting off her chair.
"What would I be lying for..? in other words, justice would simply just be served." says the teacher.
"I hope you get fired." says Lo almost immediately before grabbing her bag and walking out in a hurry.
"I was kidding, Lo! he's allowed to come back in tomorrow, apparently they'll decide if he's getting expelled or not! well.. it still depends on the footage.." spouts the teacher almost immediately.
"Damn, did I go too far..? I mean, this situation is already fucked up from itself.. this joke can't be worser than that! HA! and I actually did find the joke quite entertaining if I do have to say so myself. If there's proof, he's definitely getting expelled, no doubt about that." spouts the teacher.
(The teacher's thoughts;) "..I really need to stop talking to myself."

*To be continued..*

*Author's note: The teacher got fired the same day.*

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