Mixed feelings chapter 70: The friend zone

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"You're.. funny." says Kailey.
"Thank you, I'm not even trying though." says Colt as he walks up closer.
"Since when did you start getting so nice? ..you're like a whole different person now." says Kailey.
"Are you mad at me for something I did or was that a compliment?" questions Colt.
"Do you want an answer or a kiss?" questions Kailey.
"Can't answer that." says Colt firmly.
"And why not?" questions Kailey as she scans the room.
"Well, that's because I'm in a serious relationship." says Colt with a grin growing on his face.
(Colt's thoughts;) "Yea.. two can play that game.. we're both very aware of how reckless this is."
"Stop." says Kailey firmly.
"You can read minds too?" questions Colt.
"I'd be lying if I said yes, but I don't want to deny it either.. that's lame." says Kailey as she takes a few steps closer.
"Let me hear it." says Colt.
"Your house. Right now." whispers Kailey seductively.
"So, you are a mind reader.." says Colt with a wide smirk on his face.
"That's why I didn't want to say no.. now, hurry up before I change my mind." says Kailey firmly.
"..Calm down.." says Colt as he pats down his pockets. "I'm gonna have to get my car key, how else do you want to get there?" he adds.
"..C'mon, at this rate we'll be late for fuck period." she adds.
"That was corny." says Colt.
"Just find the damn car key, dummy." says Kailey firmly.
(Ty's thoughts;) "..Alright, so what if he says no..? ..then what.. what the fuck do I tell Vera? ..fuck it. I've done a lot of shit for him so he owes me anyways."
"What did you want to meet up for? I thought you didn't want to speak to me at school-" says Ace unbothered.
"You're right, so let's make this quick and let me get to the point." says Ty.
*A literal minute of explaining later..*
"In other words, you want me to help you out with this girl?" questions Ace.
"Stop putting words into my mouth." says Ty.
"I'll take that as a yes.. where is she?" questions Ace as he scans the room.
"Not here, but listen.. here's the thing.." says Ty as he lets out a long sigh.
"It's the same girl you were with last time, right?" says Ace.
"Vera. The brunette with the black boots." says Ty.
"Who the fuck wears boots in the summer.." mumbles Ace.
"I think it's cool.." says Ty.
"Yea, because you're weird too." says Ace almost immediately.
"Back to what I was saying.. I need you to go up to Vera and ask her whether you can come along.. don't make it too obvious that I asked you to do it." says Ty.
"Before I do this shit, I want to let you know right now. From bro to bro, you sound like a fucking girl with a big ass crush right now.. but, I'm not one to judge.. it's odd, you know.. it's the first time seeing you put this much effort into-..anything really.." says Ace playfully.
"You talk too much." says Ty as he averts his eyes.
"I highly doubt you even listened to anything I just said." says Ace.
"She's right there, next to the grey car on the parking lot.. go." says Ty.
"Alright, just don't put your hands on me, I don't know where they've been." says Ace before walking off.
"Oh..- hey Ace!" spouts Vera as she takes out her ear plugs.
"Vera, right?" says Ace.
"You remembered my name..?" questions Vera. "..That's so crazy.. you know, we go to math class together.. you're all the way in the back of the classroom." she adds.
"Oh..?" says Ace awkwardly as he looks back at Ty.
(Ty's thoughts;) "I gave him one job."
"Yea..! ..isn't that why you know my name?" questions Vera. "From the introduction?" she adds.
(Ty's thoughts;) "Just get to the fucking point before you fuck everything up for me.."
"..Yea.. of course.. Alright, I'm here because I wanted to ask you a question." says Ace.
"Hmm? what is it- Oh, hey Ty! ..what are you doing behind that pillar?" questions Vera.
(Ty's thoughts;) "Busted."
"I was about to.. head to class..!" spouts Ty as he pulls up his pants.
"Cool, well.. you do know that class doesn't start in like another 40 minutes, right?" questions Vera.
"Is that so.." says Ty awkwardly.
**Incoming text message..**
(Ace's text to Ty;) "I'll let you know what she says. Leave, before you fuck this up."
(Ty's thoughts;) "Ironic."
"I'll.. go on ahead.." says Ty before walking off.
"Alright..!" spouts Vera.
(Vera's thoughts;) "He usually does always offer to walk me to class though.."
*5 minutes later..*
"What'd she say?" questions Ty.
"She said yes, obviously." says Ace unbothered.
"..I.. didn't think it'd be that easy-" says Ty.
"Now, can you do something for me?" questions Ace with a smile on his face.
"I've done plenty of favors for you already." says Ty firmly.
"Just this once man.. c'mon.." says Ace as he puckers his lips. "If you do this for me I won't bother you as much anymore." he adds.
"What is it.." says Ty irritably.
"There's this girl that goes to this school as well.. her hair glistens everytime she turns her head and those-" says Ace.
"I remember you telling me that you were A-sexual yesterday-" says Ty unbothered.
"Long silver locks of hers.." says Ace. "When the fuck did I say-" he adds.
"WAIT.. SILVER?" spouts Ty.
"Your house looks way better than I had in mind- ..why do you look so damn nervous?" questions Kailey.
"Nervous? ..I'm confused." says Colt as he takes the keys out.
"About..?" questions Kailey. "Lo won't know about this-" she adds.
"That's not the problem." says Colt almost immediately.
"Then.. what is it?" questions Kailey.
"You do know that Lo sees me as nothing more than just a friend, right?" says Colt firmly.
"Because.. you wouldn't be doing this shit if you had no idea." says Colt.
"You could be wrong." says Kailey as she folds her arms.
"I'm not though." says Colt firmly.
(Kailey's thoughts;) "This feels all too familiar for some reason.. I'm not gonna lie to the guy and tell him that she just likes to take things 'slowly'. Although, would it be so bad if I did..?"
"So, I'm still in the friend zone, huh?" says Colt followed by a long pause.
"Correction." says Kailey. "You're in the fuck zone." she adds.
"Not only is this the second time you used this 'joke', it's also extremely cringey.." says Colt almost immediately.
"Stop being lame and take me to your room already, dummy." says Kailey firmly.

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