Mixed feelings chapter 43: Upset

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"..I'll say it again." says Lo. "..you really didn't have to put in all of this effort." adds Lo as she takes another look around the restaurant.
"..It was worth it. And, you look great tonight." says Colt.
"Thanks, Dantè.. I swear this is like the fourth time you've said that now.." says Lo.
"I'm paying." says Colt almost immediately.
"No, no.. it's my turn." suggests Lo as she reaches for her bag.
"..so? ..the guy's supposed to pay for the meal." says Colt.
"Let's split the bill then.." says Lo. "No complaints." she adds firmly.
"Fair enough.." says Colt. "We're done here." adds Colt to the waiter.
*outside the restaurant..*
"Y'know.. friends don't go on dates with each other." says Colt with a smirk on his face.
"This.. was a date?" questions Lo.
"wasn't it?" questions Colt.
(Lo's thoughts;) "..so, I've been friends with Colt for about a month now.. and, I've been enjoying his company a lot.. but, I'm really starting to think that he wants something more."
"You're spacing out a lot these days.." says Colt.
(Lo's thoughts;) "Could it be that they weren't just messing around with me..? ..Gunner and Kailey.."
*Lo's flashback.. (chapter 36)*
"Hmm.. regardless. They don't see it the same way you see it." admits Gunner.
"..was it all planned?" questions Lo.
"There was no plan. I just found out about the whole dating thing.. they never take girls out on dates." says Gunner.
*end flashback..*
"Friends are supposed to tell each other everything, right?" says Gunner as he opens the car door for Lo.
"I know.. it's just.. I-" says Lo as she cuts herself off.
*Lo's flashback.. (chapter 41)*
"It's crazy how they can continue to act like this.." says Lo.
"Isn't it obvious.. Kam's jealous of you and Colt." says Kailey.
"I don't get it.. why would he be jealous?" mumbles Lo. "I mean.. even if he was.. it's not like that at all. Colt and I are just friends." she adds.
"C'mon.. really? ..we both know that Colt doesn't want to be friends." says Kailey.
"..Huh? ..and you mean?" questions Lo.
"He's literally just waiting for your consent." admits Kailey.
*end flashback..*
"..Ah.. I get it.. did you want the chicken alfredo instead?" questions Colt.
"What.." mumbles Lo.
(Lo's thoughts;) "JUST GO WITH IT.."
"Yes..! yea, that's it." says Lo.
"I knew it.." says Colt. "If you'd like, I can go pick some up for you." he adds.
"NO..! uhm.. I'm stuffed. Honestly.. we should go. I'm satisfied, really.." says Lo hesitantly. "Thanks for today.. Dantè." she adds with a smile on her face.
"Anytime.." mumbles Colt.
"..By the way, why don't you want me to address you by your real name outside of school property?" questions Lo curiously.
"..I guess it's because I have more of a reputation at the school." says Colt.
"..Hmm.. you do..?" mumbles Lo dumbfounded.
"Matter of fact, I've got girls swarming around me there.. although I'm here dining with you." spouts Colt boldly, followed by some silence.
"..Mhm, as I said.. thanks for today." says Lo before walking off.
"Lo..? ..wait, I didn't mean it that way!" spouts Colt as he walks after Lo.
"I'm going home." says Lo.
"We came with my car, remember?" says Colt as he points back at his car.
(Lo's thoughts;) "Not even an apology.."
"Are you just going to stand there? ..I know you're cold." says Colt. "Get in, love." adds Colt as he pats the passenger seat.
"..Don't call me that." says Lo before getting in the car.
"I was just messing around.. I thought you were used to that side of me?" says Colt.
"Just.. take me home.. please?" says Lo as she folds her arms.
"Alright.." mumbles Colt. "Listen.. this really was a date, y'know.." he adds.
"Hmm.." mumbles Lo as she turns her head to the car window.
"Because, I really like you more than just a friend, Lo.." admits Colt.
*awkward silence..*
"..I don't expect you to answer me right now, and I know that you're upset about what I just said.." says Colt.
(Colt's thoughts;) "She's the second girl I've confessed to in my entire 19 years of life.."
"Idiot." whispers Lo.
"What?" questions Colt.
"I'm tired." says Lo as she leans her head against the car window.
"I- ..I see." mumbles Colt.
(Lo's thoughts;) "I'm sorry, Colt.. I can't do this right now."
*outside of the house..*
"G'night." says Lo as she closes the car door.
"I'll text you later.." spouts Colt as he rolls the car window back up.
*inside of the house..*
"So..! where did the couple go to this time?" questions Kailey curiously.
"..out to eat." says Lo as she takes off her shoes.
"I just wanted to mention that this is the 5th time that you and Colt went out like this." says Kailey.
"He confessed." admits Lo as she walks into the living room.
"WAIT, WHAT?" spouts Kailey in shock. "I MEAN.. SEE? I TOLD YOU.." she adds as she walks after Lo.
"I'm tired, Kailey.." mumbles Lo as she throws herself onto the couch.
"..Kailey. I'll tell you everything. I swear. Just not.. today." says Lo.
"You turned him down?" questions Kailey.
"No.." mumbles Lo. "I- I just.." she adds.
"Then why do you look so upset?" questions Kailey. "WHAT DID HE DO-" she adds.
"I'm still in love with Kameron." says Lo.
"G'night, Kailey.." mumbles Lo before walking upstairs.
(Kailey's thoughts;) "Even after that fight..? ugh.. these boys are just messing with your heart at this rate.."
*The next day..*
"Wake up, sleepy head!" spouts Kailey as she yanks Lo's pillow away.
"I'm.. still tired." says Lo as she pulls the cover over her head.
"Goodmorning to you too." spouts Kailey as she yanks the covers away.
"Do you want breakfast?" questions Kailey.
"..no, I'll just take an apple." says Lo.
"You don't even like apples.." says Kailey.
"Well, whatever.. have it your way, I guess.." says Kailey before taking a look at the clock. "We have about an hour left.." she adds.
"There are things that I have to do today.. so, I'm leaving early." says Lo as she reaches for her bag.
"Good thing I woke you up then." says Kailey.
"Yea.. I'll see you at school.." says Lo as she walks to the door.
"..I'll ride with you today." says Kailey. "I'll drive." she adds.
*In Lo's car..*
"I haven't driven your car in so long.. we usually just take my car." says Kailey followed by some silence. "..you're distancing yourself.." she adds.
"No, I'm not.." mumbles Lo as she leans her head against the car window.
"Well, that's the kind of vibe I'm getting from you.. that you're distancing yourself from everybody.. and even from Kam as well, I thought you guys were friends.." says Kailey.
"What..?" says Lo.
"If you don't like Colt, and you're still into Kam.. wouldn't it be better to just tell them that..?" questions Kailey.

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