Mixed feelings chapter 63: All girls are the same

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"You've never taken me seriously. You never have." says Jay as he sits back down. "And, I get that." he adds.
"Jay-" mumbles Shaniah.
"I wouldn't be able to take myself seriously either.. barely anyone does." says Jay.
(Shaniah's thoughts;) "I'm.. not used to this side of him at all.."
"What is it?" questions Jay.
"This is.. unexpected." says Shaniah. "And.. sudden.. I.. need some time to think-" she adds.
"Do you have feelings for Kameron?" questions Jay firmly. "You do.. don't you?" he adds.
"That's none of your concern-" says Shaniah as she folds her arms.
"It isn't..?" questions Jay. "Even after I told you-" he adds.
"I'm leaving." says Shaniah as she scoots back and gets up. "Thanks for the food. Don't follow me." she adds before walking off.
(Jay's thoughts;) "So.. the feelings really aren't mutual after all.."
(Kameron's thoughts;) "Somehow.. I feel relieved. So, I.. really did the right thing."
"A happy face." says Gunner as he leaves the studio space.
"Is it that obvious?" questions Kameron.
"Of couse, you've been grinning and smiling a lot these past couple of hours.. did something good happen?" questions Gunner.
"I guess you could say that." says Kameron. "Shaniah." he adds.
"Really? cheers man." says Gunner with a grin on his face.
"You know the new girl.. Vera?" questions Ty.
"Yea, she likes me." says Devon playfully.
"Not funny." says Ty firmly.
"I wasn't even trying to be." says Devon.
"Ignore him.. what about her?" questions Gunner.
"She's.. cool." says Ty as he rubs the back of his neck.
"In other words you got a crush." says Devon playfully.
"Calling someone 'cool' doesn't automatically mean that they have a crush on that specific person." says Kameron.
"Whatever you say.. dumb ass." says Devon sarcastically.
"Did you hear what you just said..? ..don't come to me for help when he-" says Gunner as he slowly spins his chair towards Kameron.
"..You're not.. mad?" questions Gunner.
"No, he won't say it again." says Kameron firmly.
"But, why-" says Gunner.
"I won't say it again." says Devon firmly.
(Gunner's thoughts;) "Hmm.. yea.. that serious look on his face is when Devon and Jay know that they should either apologize or be quiet."
"Better yet, where's Jay?" questions Kameron.
"Ain't he on a 'date' with Shaniah?" questions Ty.
"DATE WITH WHO?" spouts Kameron in surprise.
"Didn't you know..?" questions Gunner.
"I'm not too surprised.. Kam is kind of oblivious when it comes to stuff like that." says Ty.
"..My relieve is starting to turn into stress.. what's going on?" questions Kameron.
"Jay's been into Shaniah since we first met her-" says Devon.
"Right.." says Kameron in disbelieve followed by some silence.
"It's true-" says Devon.
"You're telling me that.. Jay's been into Shaniah since middle school?" questions Kameron.
"Pretty much.. and we all knew because Jay's the easiest to read out of all of us." says Ty as he takes his phone out of his pocket.
"Stop talking over me-" says Devon.
"We tried to talk him out of it once but there was no luck.. maybe he needs to go meet some girls.. head to some clubs-" says Gunner.
"..If she.." says Kameron followed by a long pause. "If she makes him happy.. then we can't do much about it." he adds.
"Damn, Kameron.. that was by far the cringiest shit I've ever heard you say." says devon as he rubs the back of his neck.
"Stop talking." says Kameron firmly.
*Devon takes a couple steps back.*
"Even Jay deserves at least some ounce of respect though." says Gunner firmly. "But, judging by the look of how things are going right now.. that's not going to happen any time soon." he adds.
(Kameron's thoughts;) "I just hope he knows what he's doing.."
(Lo's thoughts;) "Why am I.. ignoring him?"
*Lo's flashback (chapter 61)*
"You know Shaniah as well as anyone else, correct?" questions Lo.
"Did you assume that, or did Kameron tell you that as well?" questions Colt firmly.
"What do you mean 'as well'?" questions Lo irritably. "He has nothing to do with this. I'm talking about you Colt- ..you know what.. fuck this." she adds.
*End of flashback.*
(Lo's thoughts;) "I'm ignoring him eventhough it's technically all my fault.. He was just trying to help- but, of course I had to go ahead and not acknowledge that.. instead, I took my anger out on him."
*Lo lets out a deep sigh and dials Colt's number on her phone.*
"Should I call and apologize right now.." mumbles Lo to herself. "No. this has to be face to face." she adds.
(Lo's thoughts;) "I should at least do that."
"Uno." says Colt as he takes the dollar from Jazz's hand.
"HOW..?" spouts Jazz as she stares at the deck of cards.
"Can't beat me at anything.. are you even trying?" questions Colt playfully.
"Ugh, stop rubbing it in.." says Jazz as she takes the dollar back.
"Wanna go for another round?" questions Colt.
"Duh, I have to win at least once. I can't go down like this." says Jazz firmly.
"Competitive, I see?" says Colt with a grin on his face.
"So are you." says Jazz firmly.
*Phone buzzes.*
"Hold up.. I gotta take this." says Colt as he walks towards the door. "Don't look at my cards, alright." he adds as he looks back at Jazz.
"ALRIGHT..!" spouts Jazz.
*In the hallway.*
"Hey." says Colt calmly as he leans against the door.
"Hey.. hmm.. can we talk?" questions Lo.
"Hmm.. Colt?" says Lo.
"You.. just took off at school. I was going to come over but.. I thought I'd upset you even more, so.. I decided to give you some space-" says Colt.
"I'M NOT MAD AT YOU- I.. mean.." mumbles Lo.
"Huh.. you aren't?" questions Colt.
"Why would I be-" says Lo.
(Lo's thoughts;) "No.. this should be said, face to face."
"Can we.. meet up.. later on?" questions Lo.
*Colt peeks into the room.*
"Yea.. sure.. where?" questions Colt firmly.
"At.. your place?" questions Lo.
"Not such a good idea." says Colt firmly. "What about the Vandle park?" he adds.
"S- sure..! alright, I'll.. see you then." says Lo before hanging up.
(Colt's thoughts;) "..So, she wasn't mad at all.. that's a relieve.."
"ARE YOU DONE?" spouts Jazz.
"Yea.. I am." says Colt before walking back into the room.
"Who was that?" questions Jazz curiously.
"No one.. start the game." says Colt as he picks up his cards.
"I swear.. if it's another female-" says Jazz firmly.
"It is." admits Colt almost immediately as he takes a look at his cards.
"WHAT.." spouts Jazz. "She's.. do you not remember what happened with Kim-" she adds.
"I know what you're about to say.. don't worry. They aren't anything alike.." says Colt firmly.
"Yea.. okay.. whatever." says Jazz as she picks up her cards.
"You haven't even met her yet." says Colt.
"Well.. someone, once told me that 'All girls are the same'." says Jazz firmly as she crosses her arms.
"Yea, I wonder who told you that." says Colt playfully.
"Don't even try to lie about it.. I may have trouble remembering most stuff but I still have the eye of an eagle." says Jazz.
"There you go with the weird phrases.." says Colt as he lets out a long sigh.
"But, hey.. I'm serious, Reggie." says Jazz firmly. "..If she hurts you.. you can always come to me." she adds.
"Yea.. I know." says Colt with a grin on his face.

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