Mixed feelings chapter 51: Brotherhood

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"The way I felt after you left without a word.. that's something I don't ever want to experience again." says Lo firmly.
"..I shouldn't have left you behind like that in the first place." says Kameron. "..The truth is I- ..I'm sor-.." he adds.
(Lo's thoughts;) "He's getting nervous..? ..what is he trying to say right now.. maybe I should.. just leave it alone for now. I want him to tell me the truth, willingly. Otherwise, it just doesn't feel.. right."
"You told me that you were embarrassed about the past.." says Lo as she looks up at Kameron.
"I tried to forget about it far too many times.." says Kameron. "But, it never left my mind." he adds.
"..Am I the only one who knows?" questions Lo.
"No.. I've told Gunner about it." admits Kameron.
(Lo's thoughts;) "..Right, can't forget about the fact that he pretty much tells Gunner anything and everything.. just like Kailey and I.. but still, I can't help but to feel.. upset about it."
"..Ask me anything and I'll answer as much as I can." says Kameron firmly.
"..What was it that you couldn't 'forget' about?" questions Lo curiously.
"..You really don't remember?" questions Kameron hesitantly.
"Remember what to be exact?" questions Lo in confusion.
*School bell rings.*
"..Talk to you later?" says Kameron as he takes a glance at the time on his phone screen.
"..Wait.. don't tell me." mumbles Lo softly. "..Are you.. talking about the harassment claims by any chance?" adds Lo.
"..So, what if that's the case?" says Kameron awkwardly.
"Then drop it." says Lo firmly.
"It's been in my mind for the past 5 years.. and to just forget about something like that..? it's not as easy as you may think it is." says Kameron.
"How so..?" questions Lo.
"..It doesn't involve you in that way." says Kameron.
"You did it to me, Kam.. I technically am involved." says Lo confidently.
"Mentally, you aren't." says Kameron almost immediately.
"..I've got to go now." says Kameron as he spots Colt. "Or, I'll be late for my next class." he adds before walking off.
"Kam.. KAMERON!" spouts Lo. "KAMERON, WAIT!" she adds.
"LO! ..I've got free.." mumbles Colt as he tries to catch up to Lo. "Free.." he adds.
"You've got what..? ..free period?" questions Gunner as he hands Colt a blunt.
(Colt's thoughts;) "Damn.. he keeps popping up out of nowhere."
"..Why do you care?" questions Colt as he takes the blunt from Gunner.
"I don't. Just asked." says Gunner almost immediately. "..Why do you always have to be so damn negative?" he adds.
"..What do you want." says Colt as he lights the blunt up.
"Seems like you're in a bad mood. Did someone spit in your cereal this morning?" says Gunner sarcastically.
"Your jokes lack comedy." says Colt. "They're supposed to be funny, try again." he adds.
"I'm not here to entertain you anyways." admits Gunner. "..It's about Lo again, isn't it." he adds.
"..Fuck. Why do you always have to be in my business?" questions Colt irritably.
"So, it is about Lo." says Gunner as he exhales the smoke.
"You didn't answer the question and you're still not answering so I'm going to assume it is." says Gunner.
"That's all you ever do. That's something that'll never change." says Colt firmly.
"..Well, I'm here to tell you this again. Lo loves Kam. Drop her." says Gunner.
"I think you know what I'm about to say." says Colt with a wide smirk on his face. "Two words. Make me." he adds.
"I'm not. Kam is." says Gunner.
"Sounds like a threat." says Colt as he lets out some laughter.
"..Won't be for long. Anyways, I'm just doing you a favor as a brother by telling you-" says Gunner.
"You're not my brother." says Colt.
"..So, whatever the fuck you have to say right now isn't going to magically fix the issue." says Colt firmly.
"..What the fuck are you rambling about now?" questions Gunner. "What 'issue'?" he adds.
(Colt's thoughts;) "Rambling.. what..? ..you don't talk like this.. I wonder if he's already realized.. he's starting to talk and act more like Kameron day by day."
"Kimberley.." says Colt. "You hated my guts for what I did.. and I especially hated myself for what happened.. besides, I know what you're trying to do right now. You're trying to fix the bond.. but I just realized that there's no use in bringing this past bullshit up right now. Since, there's nobody forcing us to act like normal brothers anyways." he adds.
"..That isn't even the case. I'm talking to you because-" says Gunner hesitantly. "Matter of fact.. I don't even care what happens anymore from now on. I hope you get your ass beat again. Just like what happened a couple days ago, or I might even consider doing so myself." he adds.
(Colt's thoughts;) "Saying this when I'm almost completely healed.."
"Empty threats are all I'm hearing.." says Colt.
"That's ironic, coming from you. Aren't you all talk yourself? ..It was confirmed just about a week ago." says Gunner firmly.
"You sound pissed.. eventhough you just wished injury upon your own flesh and blood." says Colt as he exhales the smoke.
"Thought you said that we aren't brothers anymore? ..So, I won't treat you like one. My fucking bad for trying to fix the problems we had back then. I'll go ahead and leave that in the past now, just like our brotherhood." says Gunner firmly.
"..Are you also trying to forget about it.." says Colt.
"I already did. That's the right thing to do when it comes to a messed up past." says Gunner.
(Gunner's thoughts;) "That's the second time I've said that this week. Kam definitely didn't take my words into consideration though. So, I highly doubt that Colt would."
"..No, I need you to know and feel how it was to have been in my position." says Colt desperately. "It still haunts me." he adds.
(Gunner's thoughts;) "..And that's the second time I've heard that this week.."
"I know what she did was.. unforgettable and not to mention unforgivable.. you and I both know what you did was.." mumbles Gunner.
(Colt's thoughts;) "The reason we don't get along anymore.."
"We started avoiding eachother." says Colt.
"No, Reggie... You did." says Gunner firmly. "
"It's always my fault, isn't it.." says Colt.
"..Whatever man, I'll see you in class." he adds before walking off.
(Colt's thoughts;) "..I knew that I fucked up bad. He just wanted to talk like we used to. But, I didn't want to accept it. I simply just don't deserve it."
*After school.*
"COLT!" spouts Lo from afar.
"Hey.." mumbles Colt softly.
"Do you want to go pick up some food? ..I noticed that you didn't bring any food today, I also didn't see you in the cafeteria at all so, I know you're hungry!" says Lo.
"..I'm not.. hungry." says Colt.
"You aren't..?" questions Lo as she crosses her arms.
"..Listen, my grandmother told me to come over as soon as possible.. so, I'll see you tomorrow?" says Colt.
"..Huh, is there something wrong?" questions Lo firmly.

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