Mixed feelings? chapter 19: Stupid dare

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*2 weeks later, summer vacation*
*Lo sighs deeply*
"What's wrong again..? It's the summer vacation, meanwhile you're spending it by sighing and boring yourself." Spouts Kailey.
"It's nothing.." says Lo slowly as she blows a strand of hair out of her sight.
"I know you're not being honest with me right now." says Kailey as she grabs hold of Lo's face with a slight squeeze.
"You're breath stinks~" says Lo inaudibly.
"No seriously.. you said you would tell me anything and everything." spouts Kailey sternly.
*Lo notices Kailey's stern expression and lets out another sigh*
"He asked me what love feels like?" admits Lo questionably.
"What..? asked you what love feels like? are you sure he wasn't just playing around." says Kailey questionably.
(Lo's thoughts;) "He didn't look like he was "just" playing around that time.."
"What type of question is that anyways-" says Kailey questionably before she gets cut off.
"No.. nevermind, forget about it." Says Lo almost immediately as she anxiously looks back down.
*Kailey notices and snarls*
"C'mon, Lo.. He promised, didn't he? You're going to see him. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not even next year.. we just can't say when." spouts Kailey as she lightly pats Lo's back.
*Lo stays quiet*
"Now, let's enjoy this summer vacation while we still can, because I know damn well that Kam's enjoying his!" spouts Kailey confidently.
"Yea.. You're right. I'm sorry, let's enjoy our vacation." spouts Lo.
"So.. wanna go to the MALL?" spouts Kailey.
"Yea, what are you going to get?" questions Lo.
"You mean.. what are we going to get." corrects Kailey almost immediately.
"I can't really think of anything to get." spouts Lo unbothered.
(Kailey's thoughts;) "You have got to be KIDDING me.. I wanted to prevent myself from saying his name around Lo again, in case it could possibly.. upset her. Yet she's still talking about this guy, which I understand but.. at this point I don't really have a choice, do I?"
"What if Kameron shows up unexpectedly, ever thought about that possibility?" questions Kailey.
*Lo dazes off*
"Let's go get some money, and we can get going." says Lo as she snaps back out of her daze.
(Kailey's thoughts;) "I.. can't believe I just said that to her.. Whatever you did to Lo, Kameron.. I'll never forgive you for it."
*At the mall*
"I don't know what to get here either, Kailey." admits Lo.
"YOU COME HERE EVERY SUNDAY." spouts Kailey aggressively.
"Let's go to the next one." suggests Lo calmly.
"THIS IS YOU'RE FAVORITE STORE." spouts Kailey clearly annoyed.
"I guess it's time for a new one, then." says Lo calmly before walking out.
"You're being ridiculous.. that was the 6th shop we've visited in a time span of only 2 minutes." Spouts Kailey.
"Actually.. I'm being serious." spouts Lo.
(Kailey's thoughts;) "What have I done.."
"Thoughts on this dress? it's a summer dress, it's cute but I'm pretty sure the color yellow makes me look chubby-" spouts Lo before she gets cut off.
"You never wear dresses." spouts Kailey bothered.
"Yea, you're right.. next store." suggests Lo immediately.
"I changed my mind. Yes, it looks pretty." spouts Kailey anxiously.
"Really? meh.. that's not enough." spouts Lo.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME? WHAT DO YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT IT?" questions Kailey loudly as she holds the dress in front of Lo.
" I was right.. yellow really does make me look chubby." spouts Lo immediately.
*Kailey sighs*
*The next store*
"What about this? I'd wear this dress.. probably never, but I'll think about it!" spouts Lo as she holds up the dress to look for the price tag.
"I LOVE IT." spouts Kailey anxiously.
*Entering Lo's flashback (chapter 18)*
"Then.. will we see each other again..?" says Lo as she scoots in closer.
"..We definitely will.." says Kameron before showing a wide smile.
"Is that a promise?" Asks Lo as she finally decides to look Kameron in the eyes.
"It's a promise." says Kameron as he lowers his head down for another kiss.
*End flashback*
"Do you really promise?" questions Lo softly.
"YES, I'LL EVEN BUY A SIMILAR DRESS TO THAT ONE AS WELL." spouts Kailey dramatically.
"Ok.. go ahead I'll wait for you." spouts Lo unbothered.
"Wait.. huh? what do you mean?" questions Kailey.
"We still need to check the other stores-" suggests Lo almost immediately before she gets cut off.
"That's it, Lo. Stop. This is where I draw the line." says Kailey calmly before placing the dress back.
*Lo stays quiet*
"We have been going store, after store.. after store. Yet you're still not satisfied." spouts Kailey.
*Entering Lo's flashback (chapter 18)*
"I'm so satisfied.." admits Lo as she wraps her arms around Kameron's neck.
"And why is that?" questions Kameron before showing a wide grin.
"..Because this is you're first time kissing me back!" admits Lo loudly before giggling.
"You're a odd one, Lo.. that's something I've always admired about you as well." says Kameron as he stares at the sunset.
*End flashback*
(Lo's thoughts;) "Admiring me for a strange reason like that.. he's the odd one here."
"I know you miss Kameron, ok..? I'm here for you. Always." says Kailey calmly.
(Lo's thoughts;) "When weren't you.. I'm such a bad friend."
"Let's go home, I'm tired.." admits Lo.
"Alright..." mumbles Kailey understandably.
*At home*
"Hey, Lo." says Denzel as he hears Lo coming inside of the house.
(Lo's thoughts;) "That's new.. he normally doesn't greet me like this. He'd either be making snacks in the kitchen or he'd just be playing video games in his room."
"Hey..?" spouts Lo.
"Are you going to bed already..? this early?" spouts Denzel questionably.
"Yea, I just.. have a stomach ache." says Lo anxiously.
"Oh.. are you on you're period?" questions Denzel softly.
"NO! I'm CLEARLY not on my period.." says Lo immediately.
"Ok, well.. are you constipated then? what did you eat?" questions Denzel.
"N- No.. just leave it. Do us both a favor and stop asking these stupid awkward questions." spouts Lo sternly.
*Denzel stays quiet*
*Lo walks over to the living room couch and pretends to fall asleep*
(Denzel's thoughts;) "She's sleeping downstairs again..?"
"So..." says Denzel as he takes a seat at the dinner table.
"Why did you tell you're teacher to shut up?" asks Denzel sternly.
*Lo stays quiet*
"I just snapped.. ok?" says Lo anxiously.
"Hmm? apparently.. because this is really sudden. Why though?" questions Denzel curiously.
"Because.." mumbles Lo before she cuts herself off.
*Entering Lo's flashback (chapter 17)*
*End flashback*
"It was just a stupid dare." spouts Lo.
(Lo's thoughts;) "He wouldn't understand.."
"This is a joke right..? C'mon Lo, I thought you were a whole lot smarter than this. You do realize that this "stupid dare" just got you suspended, right?" spouts Denzel utterly dumbfounded.
*Lo stays quiet and covers herself underneath her sheets*
"Mom's going to be so mad at you when she hears about this." spouts Denzel as he gets up from the dining chair.
"Why would I care..? she's never here anyways." spouts Lo angrily.
*Denzel stays still and quiet*
"..and eventually you'll leave me too. You're going to leave me here." spouts Lo.
"Who declared that? I don't recall I did. Did I?" spouts Denzel as he approaches Lo.
"You won't go live with Mayah soon?" questions Lo as she slowly pulls the covers off of her to face her brother.
"Of course I will.. I love her to the moon and back.. and I love you too little sis, I know that might be hard to believe but its the truth. I also believe.. That you will find that one person soon enough as well. I know you will." spouts Denzel before showing a bright smile.
(Lo's thoughts;) "I thought I found that person.. yet I can't seem to get that person out of my head. I envy my brother."
"Problem..?" asks Denzel as he spots Lo dazing off.
"Nope. No problem here at all." spouts Lo as she snuggles back underneath her covers.
*Denzel stays quiet*
"Hmm.. you're lying." spouts Denzel unbothered.
"N- what? No, I'm not.." says Lo questionably.
"Just call me if you need anything, baby sis." says Denzel as he walks out of the living room.
"Aye-aye captain." says Lo as she places her head onto her pillow.
"Was that sarcasm?" questions Denzel as he turns off the lights.
"Not really.." mumbles Lo before shutting her eyes.
(Denzel's thoughts;) "I'll have to find out what she meant by that stupid dare."
"Goodnight, sis.." mumbles Denzel before shutting the living room door.
*Next day of summer*
"I just want to crawl up into a ball and.. ugh." spouts Lo exhaustingly as she places her face in front of the fan.
"And what..?" questions Denzel.
"And.. ugh." repeats Lo.
"Why do you feel this way, what's up with you?" questions Denzel as he places some dishes into the sink.
*Lo stays quiet*
"You've been acting strange these past couple of months.. you've been sleeping downstairs a lot as well. You don't do that." spouts Denzel.
"It's because I-.. want to avoid seeing the stars at night.. ok? they remind me of.." mumbles Lo before she cuts herself off.
"They remind you of.. what? can you stop cutting off you're sentences, I'm trying to understand why you've been acting so shady lately." spouts Denzel.
"Is acting shady a problem in this household? it's not like I'm annoying you-" spouts Lo before she gets cut off.
"Don't act stupid, Lo. I'm just asking you a lot of questions because I'm genuinely concerned about you." spouts Denzel.
"Suuuureee.." mumbles Lo as she turns off the fan.
"JUST STOP IT, LO." spouts Denzel loudly.
*Lo stays quiet and stares at the fan spinning slower*
"It's like you're looking down on me.. just like you do with mom and dad." says Denzel angrily.
"You just don't get it." spouts Lo immediately.
"I know.. that's why I'm trying to understand. I care. I'm you're brother. The only thing I just know that whatever is going on with you right now.. had a huge impact on you." admits Denzel.
(Lo's thoughts;) "I don't wanna hear that.. because it's true."

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