However, they didn’t let her. They encircled her and even tried grabbing her. Fortunately, she was able to dodge their repeated attempts.

When they started becoming more aggressive, Iris suddenly spoke out loud and said something in Russian.

"What are saying? Do you think we’ll be impressed that you can speak other languages? So what if you know other languages other than Chinese? I can also speak English and French. It’s nothing special! Don’t be so proud of yourself," one of the other girls said.

"But you suck in English. And you can only say bonjour and merci. Sometimes you even use them wrongly," another girl commented.

"Shut up!"

Iris’ hand rubbed the bulge of her phone in the pocket of her pants.

Two additional girls arrived all of the sudden. When they saw that Jin Jiali’s group was ganging up on Iris, they hurried towards and tried to squeeze inside the encirclement. One of them reached out to Iris, attempting to rescue her.

"What are you doing?! Let her go! Iris Long is Elder Cousin’s future wife! If you hurt her, I’m sure that Elder Cousin will kill all of you!"

"Boss Iri—cough cough—I mean, Sister Xiulan, don’t worry. I’ll go call Elder Cousin right now!"

"Oh no, you don’t! Hold the two of them!" Jin Jiali commanded.

The other girls immediately grabbed the two girls, preventing them from calling for help. A minimum of three people held down each of the two girls.

"Jin Jiali, you’re going to be in so much trouble after this!!! Elder Cousin won’t forgive you!!!"

"Hmph!" Jin Jiali lifted her chin in an arrogant manner. "My father is an important member of the board of directors at Jin Corporation. The board of directors have the power to hire and fire people for important executive positions in the company. If they want, they could even fire the CEO, Elder Brother Liwei!"

The two girls gasped.

"You dare say that, Jin Jiali?!!"

Jin Jiali seemed to realize what she just said. She quickly looked around. When she was certain that nobody other than them heard her, she sighed in relief. Then she arrogantly lifted her chin once again.

"It’s true! The board of directors have the power to do that!"

Iris nodded. "She’s correct. But only by majority vote. Some companies even required a unanimous vote."

"Hmph! Of course, I’m correct." Jin Jiali looked proud of herself before glaring at Iris. "I don’t need to hear that from you. Don’t pretend like you’re smart and know anything about business. You don’t have a business degree like Big Sis Rose. Stop acting like you know what you’re talking about!"

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