Forehead Kisses

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Forehead kisses! The fluffiest platonic thing I could think of! This whole thing is just fluffy forehead kisses. (This whole chapter is on cack sorry-not-sorry.)

Kai's P.o.v.

I glance up when from my phone I hear a soft sigh. Nya is watching the wall, a frustrated look on her face.

"What's up, Sis?"

"I just- How do you control your element so well?" She says. Oh. She's still upset from training. She had struggled to control her water for more than a minute.

"I don't know. Practice?" I say. She grumbles in response.

"I'm never gonna get it."

"Don't worry." I walk over to her. "It'll come to you. You'll get it eventually."

She smiles slightly as I press a kiss on her forehead.


Nya's P.o.v.

I wander around the Bounty. I come across Cole staring blankly at the wall. He turns around and jumps when he sees me.

"Hey," He forces. I nod.


I watch him. He seems... upset. I think he misses being alive. Being a ghost really took a toll on him. He started getting really distant, and a few times, I swear I caught him doing a ghost's equivalent of crying. I move slightly closer. He doesn't notice, already staring out the window again. I press a quick kiss on his forehead. He starts, staring at me with wide eyes.

"Stop wallowing in self-pity. It's not good for you."

He rolls his eyes and I kiss him again. I walk away, laughing at his grumbling.


Cole's P.o.v.

Jay holds his blanket against his chest, trying not to let the tears spill. I sit next to him. He nuzzles against me. I wrap an arm around him and softly kiss him.

"I miss it," He whispers. "The feeling of your hands holding mine, the firmness of your back when I give you massages after training, kissing you in the morning, using your chest as a pillow, falling asleep in your arms, sitting on your lap-"

"Jay. Calm down." I dab at his wet checks with the blanket. "It will all be okay. I'll be alive again, and we will cuddle every night.

"How do you know?" Jay asks. "You can barely even hold a solid form!"

"Because. Morro wants the rift, right? Because that will make him human? I'll just have to beat him. I'm a ninja! Plus, I have a super awesome boyfriend,"

I tickle him and he squirms. He pushes my hands to my side.

"I just don't want to lose you,"

"I know. And you won't. I'm never gonna leave you,"

I kiss his forehead and he leans on me again. He whispers 'I love you," before falling asleep.


Jay's P.o.v.

Lloyd throws his sword on the ground and storms off in a huff.

"Lloyd! Where are you going?" Kai shouts after him, holding the second sword.

"Away from you!" He shouts back.

Kai exchanges a glance with the rest of us. Worry passes between us.

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