I don't like it

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This is a request by @nanabel2010. She requested that kid Lloyd cut his hair. As I was trying to come up with a way to do that, I thought about the bad haircut he used to have, and my headcanon for it. Sooooo, here we are! Yay!

Lloyd's P.o.v.

"Night, Lloydie," Jay yawns, walking past me. He ruffles my hair, making me smile. Zane stands and follows him, smiling at me. Cole rolls his eyes.

"Wimps. You can't even stay up to ten!"

"It's almost nine-thirty! Cut us some slack!" Jay fires back at Cole, stumbling into Zane's arms. Cole laughs at him as he stands up.

"Are you coming to bed, Kai?" Zane asks, smiling at Jay's blushing form. 

"Soon. I'm gonna put the squirt to bed,"  He says, giving me a fond look. Cole squeezes my shoulder as he walks past.

"Kay. See you in the morning." He says, dragging the other two down the hall. 

Kai stretches out and looks at me, holding in a yawn. He motions for me to move closer. I oblige, getting within arms reach. He reaches out and traps me in a hug.

"Ha! Got you now!" I squirm in his grip until he forces a kiss on my head. He laughs as I angrily wipe it away.

"Kai?" I ask slowly after a stretch of silence. "Can you help me with something?"

"Sure! What's up?"

"I wanna cut my hair,"

He stares at me for a bit, and I panic for a second. He places a hand on my back and pulls me against him until I'm leaning on his chest.

"Sure. But why me? Cole's better. He has a steadier hand. Don't tell anyone,  but I found a sketchbook on his nightstand by accident." He whistles. "Damn, he's good."

I watch his dreamy expression. Something hits me suddenly. Kai has a crush on Cole. I smile. I could use this later. He shakes his head.

"Sorry. Let's go cut your hair."


"Why not?"

He carries me to the bathroom, setting me down on the counter. I kick my legs as he grabs a pair of scissors.

"Sit still," He commands. 

I sit as still as possible as he starts looking at my hair.

"How do you want it?"

"I don't care," I tell him. He nods and starts snipping. I watch him work before asking a question.

"Kai?" I ask. He pauses a second to look at me. "Do you like Cole?" He turns red and splitters out something I can't quite catch. 

"I- uh, yeah. But don't tell him!" He says. 

"How long have you known?"

"I don't know. I guess since we first started working together. I like to watch him train. He's so beautiful. And when he takes his shirt off, I get mesmerized so easily. FSM, I would love to fall asleep to his warm body and soft snores. Cuddling him all night long and being held in his arms..."

Kai trails off, a distant look in his eyes. I tilt my head at him. He shakes his head and smiles. 

"Ah, who am I kidding? That'll never happen. Let's just finish with your hair." Kai turns back to my hair. He continues snipping for a bit before stepping back. "Boom! Your hair is finished!" 

Kai holds me up so I can look in the mirror and I gasp. My hair is no longer stuck in an ugly bowl cut. Kai managed to style it into something nice looking. 

"Sorry, I'm not the best at cutting hair,"

"I love it!" I say, throwing myself into his arms. He hugs me back, laughing. 

"Aww, thanks Greenie. Let's go to bed, okay?" I nod. Kai carries me to my room, letting me rest my head on his shoulder. 

Kai carefully sets me down on my bed, helping me lie down. He hands me Fluffy, and I snuggle her. He tucks me in and leans down to gently kiss my forehead. 

"See you in the morning, squirt," Kai says, ruffling my hair. I stick my tongue out at him. Maybe I should get him and Cole together as a thank you.


When I walk into the kitchen the next morning, Cole does a double take. 

"Wow, Lloyd. Did you cut your hair?"

"Kai did it," I say, taking a seat next to Jay. He lifts his head up just enough to grunt at me. Zane smiles tiredly, placing a hand on Jay's back.

"I think it looks nice. And Jay does too. He's just tired." Zane tells me. I smile. 

"Thank you,"

Later, Wu smiles at me and pats my back, making me feel amazing. And on my way to bed that night, I walk in on Cole and Kai kissing. But of course, they noticed before I could get a picture. I ran the rest of the way to my room, giggling wildly. Seems like a lot of things are changing now.

This took to long to publish, but whatever. Hope you enjoyed it!

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