Windows and Fights

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@Lloyd_Garmadon123456 requested this one. Sorry if the fight scenes aren't perfect. I'm not the best at combat scenes, so... yeah! I procrastinated because I wasn't sure how to get to the fight scene. This might be cliche, so let's find out together because I'm making it up as I go! Yay!

Lloyd's P.o.v.

I watch the stream silently. The sound of the forest around me is comforting. I take a deep breath and sit down on the overturned log partly hidden by bushes. I wish I could sit here forever. I hear the others calling my name. I sit very still. I watch as Jay walks past my hiding spot without even glancing in my direction. When he's gone, I relax. Screw it. I stand up. I need to move. I walk to the tallest nearby tree. I climb it, ignoring the pain of the bark pricking my fingers and rubbing on my hands. I move to the end of a branch and dangle my feet over the end. The sound of the stream is muffled, but if I listen hard, I can hear it. Cole walks into the clearing. I bird in my tree squawks. Cole looks up. I know he saw me. I groan. He starts to climb the tree. I hate that bird. I just want to sit in silence. Cole sits next to me and leans me against him. Why is he being so nice after what I did? I almost hurt him! I can feel the tears threatening to overflow again. I turn my head so he doesn't see me cry. He doesn't say anything. He's quietly humming a song while rubbing my back. I can't keep the tears back anymore. He doesn't move away, instead pulling me slightly closer. Eventually, I calm down and stop crying. Finally, he breaks the silence.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks gently. I give a silent nod.

"Yeah," I whisper. He gives my shoulder a quick squeeze.

"Okay. Whenever you're ready." He tells me. I take another deep breath and start talking.

Memory (Earlier)

I groan and hold my head. Sometimes my power gives me headaches. This is a particularly bad one. I get ready for training. Usually, training helps get rid of it. I head out and meet the others. I stand next to Zane and wait.

"Are you okay? You seem off." He asks me. I nod.

"Just a headache." I dismiss his concerns with a wave of my hand. He nods. Sensei comes out and we start training. Partway through, I feel dizzy. This isn't good. I've never reacted this way to training before. This one is easy! I stumble over to Zane. He takes one look at me and puts a hand against my forehead.

"You're burning up. Sit down and relax a bit." He commands. I sit down. He takes his hand away. It felt good. I rest my forehead on his shoulder. He doesn't complain.

"Lloyd. Come here please." Sensei calls out. I sigh and get up. I get halfway there when I fall to my knees.

"Lloyd?" A voice asks. I can't keep things straight anymore. My vision is blurry and I can't hear them very well anymore through the loud buzzing in my ears. I gasp as a sharp pain shoots through my body. I instinctively throw my hands out, and green blurs shoot across my vision. The buzzing slowly disappears. My vision slowly clears.

"Lloyd?" A voice asks. I look up. The others are looking down at me in stunned silence, shock and concern are written clearly on their faces.

"Don't worry, students. His power was just rebelling. It's uncommon, but it does happen. Usually to the more powerful elemental masters." Sensei tells them. I realize I'm shaking. I unsteadily get up. Realization crosses over me like a cloud. I lost control. I almost hurt my team. I could have seriously injured them.

"Lloyd?" I don't know who said my name. I don't turn to check. I bolt to the forest. I want to be alone.

End of memory

I finish telling him my side of the story. He listens patiently. 

"Lloyd, you missed us by quite a bit. You didn't even come close. We were just worried about you. After you shot your energy, it took almost five minutes for you to start responding to us."

Ninjago OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora