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Lloyd's a kid again. I tried. I have a weird obsession. I must be addicted. Oh well. Sooo sad. Good luck. The story is short.

Kai's P.o.v.

Lloyd giggled as the bubbles he blew popped. He leaned forward.

"Careful, Lloyd. You don't want to fall off my shoulders, do you?" I ask.

"No, I guess not." He says. He keeps blowing bubbles for a bit.

"Kai? Can you blow the bubbles? I wanna chase them!" He asks.

"Sure thing," I say, taking the bubble mix and putting Lloyd down. He laughs again as I blow bubbles for him. I sit down in the grass, still blowing bubbles. He chases them, smiling brightly. When the bubble mix ran out, he ran over. He grabs my hand and pulls me up.

"Come on!" He whines. I get up and dust myself off. He smiles and leads me away. 

"Wait, we should let the others know where we're going," I tell him. He nods, leading me back home. He burst through the door. Zane looks up from his book, startled. He hurries over and tugs on his sleeve.

"Zane! Zane!"


"We're going!" He says, before turning to me. "Okay, we told someone. We can go now!" He hurries to the door. I pick him up and lift him off the ground.

"Hold on, I think Zane's confused. You have to properly explain it to him." He sighs and twists around so he's facing Zane.

"We are going down to the creek." He says hurriedly.

"Okay," Zane nods.

"I don't know how long we will be gone for, so don't wait for us to eat," I say, putting Lloyd down again. "We'll be back some time." 

"Alright," He says. "Wait a second." He stands and grabs some things. He puts some stuff in a basket. Handing it to Lloyd, he says, "Here, don't open it until you want to eat. And don't let Kai see what's in it." Lloyd nods and takes my hand again. He leads me away and back out the door.

"What are we going to do at the creek?" I ask. 

"You'll see," He says. When we get there, he puts the basket on a large rock. He picks up a large stick and hands it to me.

"What do you want me to do with this?"

"Here," He leans a stick against a tall tree. "We are gonna make a teepee!" I nod and help him build. He manages to build it in a way that gives us both a lot of space and can support itself. He jumps out and starts gathering large leaves. He shows me how to place them so they'll stay in place. When we finish, he grabs my hand again and leads me to the basket. Opening it up, he hands me a blanket. 

"Go lay that out in the teepee." He demands. I do as he says. 

He comes back in with the basket and takes a seat. He motions for me to sit down. I sit and he hands me a sandwich. He hands me the basket and has me take the stuff out. Zane really thought of everything. I grab a deck of cards and teach him how to play solitaire. When we finish, he helps me clean up. We begin the walk home. He tells me a bunch of jokes. Zane smiles when we walk in. He takes the basket and begins putting things away. Lloyd leads me to his room, leaving the lights off.

"Look! Zane and Jay made me a starlight!"

"Cool!" I say. He sits down and turns it on. He crawls onto my lap and shivers slightly. I yawn.

"Did you just yawn?"


"Weirdo!" He says, snuggling against me. We study the stars for a bit before he yawns.

"Who's the weirdo now?" I taunt. He blushes and hides his face from mine. I move his hair out of his face. "Come on, let's get some sleep."

"I don't want to," He yawns. I mess with his hair. He yawns again. Lloyd moves a blanket over us and I lay down.

"You don't have a choice, do you?"

"Fine, you win this one, but I'll win the next one!" He mumbles.

"Sure thing, kid, sure thing."

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