Opposite of Feeling Fine

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Kai's P.o.v.

I plop down next to Zane, putting my head on his lap. He doesn't even glance up from his book.

"Zane?" I groan.

"Yeah, Kai?"

"My stomach hurts."

"Where?" He asks, finally looking up from his book.

"Right here," I say, pointing. He puts his book aside.

"Here?" He asks, placing his hand on my stomach. I nod. He pulls my shirt up to my chest. I shiver a bit as he replaces his hand. He gently rubs my stomach in a circular motion. I close my eyes, relaxing. Zane moves his other hand to my head and repeatedly runs his fingers through my hair. I sigh, trying to fall asleep.

Zane's P.o.v.

I hear Kai sigh. His face is a bit pale. I listen to his slow breathing as he falls asleep. I take my hand from his hair and pick my book back up. He shivers again. I feel something move over my hand. Glancing up, I see Cole moving a blanket over me and Kai. He smiles when I do.

"He seemed cold," He explained. I nod.


"No problem," He says, smiling. I watch him leave. Kai shifts a little and groans. I realize I stopped rubbing his stomach. I quickly continue. He relaxes again. Kai rolls over, moving one hand onto mine. I smile as he brings it to his chest. He cuddles my arm. I look back at my book while Kai sleeps.

Kai's P.o.v.

I wake up cuddling Zane's arm. He's significantly farther along in his book than he was before. I feel a sharp pang behind my eyes, and I groan. Zane looks down in shock.

"Oh! I didn't realize you woke up!" I squeeze his arm tighter. "What's wrong?" I grab his shoulder and sit up, leaning heavily on him. He wraps an arm around my middle. I push my face against his neck. My forehead was burning. He gently squeezed my middle. Nya walked into the room.

"Jeez, Kai. You look horrible. Last time you looked like that, you threw up." She said, handing Zane something. Zane moves my head and looks into my eyes.

"I'm going to do something, okay? If you're uncomfortable, let me know." He mummers into my ear. I nod. He begins to lift my shirt, which had fallen back down. "Arms up." He says. I lift them for him before immediately dropping them back. I lean against Zane again, now shirtless. His hands were set to work, one rubbing my back, and the other rubbing my stomach again. I'm almost asleep again when I suddenly get up.


I hurry to the bathroom. I don't know why. It was like my whole body was telling me to go there. Zane follows behind me. When he realizes where I'm going, he moves ahead and turns on the light. He opens the toilet lid and sits down. I stumble into the bathroom. He opens his arms and I sink to the floor next to him, moving into his arms again. We sit quietly for a bit before I shoot forward and get sick. Zane patiently rubs my back. I lean back against him, coughing and shaking.

"You've okay now. It's over. Shh." Zane comforts me.

He flushes the toilet and stands me up. I trail behind as he takes my hand and leads me to the sink. He tells me to rinse my mouth out and brush my teeth. He supports me as I do.

"Zane?" I groan.


"Can we go lay down? I only want to cuddle right now." I ask, closing my eyes.

"Of course. You don't even have to ask." He says, leading me to the couch. He lays down and pulls me next to him. I put my head on his chest. He hums, making a gentle vibration to lull me to sleep. I feel a hand rub my back, and I'm out.

Zane's P.o.v.

I lay Kai down next to me, humming a bit, and he's out like a light. Nya walks by.

"Nya?" I ask.


"What did you used to do when Kai would throw up?"

"He threw up didn't he?" I nod. "He gets really cuddly and sleeps a lot. He also tends to get cranky and emotional, so watch out for that. But if you cuddle him and hum songs to help him fall asleep, you should be fine." She says.


"No problem." She moves a little closer. "If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask." She says gently.

"Okay," I tell her. She starts to leave. "Wait," She stops. "Can you get a glass of water? I want Kai to have something to drink when he wakes up."

"All right," Nya said, leaving.

Kai hugs me tightly. I see a few tears slip down his face. I gently wipe them away. Nya returns and puts the glass on a coffee table next to the couch. She spots Kai's tears.

"Don't worry about that, he cries when he's sick," Nya says, walking out of the room again.

Kai wiggles around and nearly falls off the couch. I pull him on top of me, keeping his head on my chest. I grab my book again. Kai sighs in his sleep. I read start reading again.

Nya's P.o.v.

I feel bad for Zane. When Kai gets sick, he gets sick hard. Just like Lloyd. I gave Zane something that usually helps Kai, but he can't use it with Kai's current position. I hear loud coughing from the other room. I walk in and see Kai coughing hard. Zane's rubbing his back. I walk over and move his hand a little higher up. Kai's coughing fit starts to recede.

"Thank you," Zane says.

"No problem," I say, watching Kai reach for the water. Zane sits up and I help him sit Kai up. I hand Kai his water and brush his hair out of his face. Kai puts his water down and puts most of his weight on Zane. He hands him a small blanket.

"Where-" He coughs. "Where did you get this?"

"Nya," He says simply. He looks at me.

"I kept it for you," I say. He reaches out and gives me a one-armed hug.

"Thanks," He rasps, falling back against Zane. He holds the blanket close, hiding his face in it. Zane rubs his arm soothingly. I watch Kai fall back asleep.

"He falls asleep quickly, doesn't he?" Zane asks. I nod.

"That's Kai for you." I hear someone shout my name. I walk out of the room, shaking my head. 


I peek into the living room. Zane fell asleep holding Kai against him. Kai had his head buried in Zane's neck. I smile and tuck them in. I feel the part of his forehead still exposed. It's not as warm as before. That's good. Kai moves away from my hand. I pull away and check on Zane. He seems fine, but his book is still in his hand. I gently take it from his hand and put his bookmark in. His hand drops to his side as I put his book to the side. I smile at how they are cuddling, and I leave silently.

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