"I pissed him off,"

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Yet another fun headcanon I have. Basically, Lloyd is scary as hell when pissed off. On top of that, he has random mood swings. And the others don't know that yet. This is set shortly after  Lloyd was aged up, so he's less shy and more outgoing.

Lloyd's P.o.v.

I glare at the wall just above Jay's left shoulder. Jay presses himself against Nya. Cole laughs a bit as Nya strokes his arm.

"What? Scared of Lloyd now that he's older?" Cole teases.

"Look at him! He looks like Kai when he's pissed off!" Jay exclaims.

"Touche," Cole agrees. Nya laughs lightly and leans her head on Jays's. I feel bad. I didn't mean to scare him. I've just been having a hard time with my emotions ever since I aged up. I didn't realize I was glaring. I stand suddenly and Jay cowers as I cross the room and stand in front of him. 

"Oooooh, You're screwed now, buddy." Cole teases.



"I'm sorry." I lean forward and hug him. He pulls me onto his lap. I feel tears burst free as I press my face against the crook of Jay's neck. Tears fall and run down his neck. He looks startled. Cole's hand rubs up and down my back. Nya gives me a gentle smile. As quickly as I started crying, I'm done.

"Wow, he's like me on my period," Nya remarks.

"Do you think this was what Zane meant when he said Lloyd would experience random mood swings?" Jay asks. Cole nods.

"Definitely. But if he's like this all the time, then we're screwed." I twist and smack him. "Hey!" he protests while Nya laughs. Jay just holds me and lets me cuddle him. 

"Bud? Why were you glaring at the wall?"

"I don't know," I say, my voice muffled from my position. "I just felt furious. I don't know why." I tell them.

"It's because you were thrown into being an adult so fast. Your mind is trying to catch up with your body. So mood swings, more common and stronger growing pains, and... different feelings can be expected." Zane says.

"What kind of feelings?" I ask as Jay giggles slightly.

"I'll explain after dinner," Zane says gently. My eyes close against my will, but I've always had a problem staying awake when I was held and cuddled like this. With I sigh, I let myself fall asleep.


"Lloyd?" A voice asks.

I stir a bit.

"Lloyd," The voice says all singsongy.

"Mmm." I groan.

"Lloyd? I'm sorry, but it's time for dinner." The voice apologizes.

I open my eyes to find I'm lying down on the couch with a blanket pulled over me. Nya's standing over me. She gives me an apologetic look. She offers me a hand and pulls me up. I lean heavily against her. She leads me to the kitchen, almost forcing me to take a step. It takes some time, but I finally get seated in a chair. Zane sets food in front of me, but I don't eat. Cole slides his chair closer and I lean against him. Without a word, he wraps his spare arm around my waist and holds me close. The others keep up a steady conversation. I wake up enough to reach for my meal. I eat in silence, relying on Cole to keep me upright. When I finally finish, Cole leans me against Zane so he can help Nya with the dishes. 

"Lloyd? You feel alright?" Kai questions.

"Yeah," I nod.  

"You sure?" Zane asks.

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