Morro's Pain

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Morro's P.o.v

I woke up to the sound of yelling.

"Morro! Get down here right now!" I hurry and change, sprinting down the stairs. I know by now not to make Mom wait. Or Dad. I nearly trip. I slow to a walk and take a deep breath.

"Morro! You useless waste of space! Hurry up!" I calmly walk into the kitchen.

"There you are!" Mom says. "You have a visitor later. I want this house spotless! You can eat when you're done cleaning." She storms out of the kitchen. Smash! I cringe. She smashed a potted plant. With a sigh, I start cleaning. Dad comes into the kitchen a couple of times to yell at me. Then he helps Mom trash the house. They tell me they are leaving for the day. While they are gone, I finish cleaning. By this point, it's noon. I make a small bowl of cereal. When I'm done, I hide all evidence that I ate. Mom and Dad would get mad at me for wasting food. They would probably bring out the belt. Most families in Ninjago frown on that kind of punishment now. Not Mom and Dad, though. They thought that was one of the only ways to teach me a lesson. A knock on the door yanks me from my thoughts. I hurry to the door and open it. An old man is standing in front of the door.

"Hello." He says pleasantly. "Are your parents here?" I shake my head.

"No, sir. They went out for the day. They should be here by seven tonight." He smiles at me. "But you can come in. You must be tired and hungry from your travels." He follows me into the house.

"This is a nice house you have here. Very clean. Your parents must be proud." I turn away from him.

"Would you like anything to drink?" I say, leading him to the kitchen.

"Tea would be fine." I set about making tea. The door opens.

"Morro! Where are you?!" Mom calls.

"In the kitchen! The guest is here!" My parents walk into the room. I hand the man his tea.

"Thank you." He says. I nod.

"Morro, go clean your room while we talk." I dip my head.

"Yes, Mom." I head up to my room. It's already spotless. They just want me out of their way. I head over to the vent. It connects to the kitchen. I can hear the conversation clearly.

"Your boy is in possession of a special gift." The old man says.

"That can't be. Morro isn't special." My dad tells him.

"That is where you're wrong. See, Morro can influence the wind." The old man must be crazy.

"Why wouldn't he have told us? Morro is just a selfish brat!" Mom half shouted. I covered my mouth. I had tried to hold the tears in all day, but they flowed freely now. I hurry to the bathroom, not wanting them to hear me. Mom would call me weak, and Dad would whip me for making them look bad. In my rush, I feel something wet slide down my back. I take off my shirt. Moving to the mirror, I twist around and see that I managed to reopen a scab. I remove the bandages covering most of my back. A lot of them were reopened and bleeding. I clean it up as fast as possible, then rewrap my back in bandages. I finish just in time for Mom to call for me. I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. Mom glares at me when she sees my face. With a start, I realize I never washed the tears off my face.

"You're going to live with him from now on." She practically spits. She turns to the old man. "If he gives you any trouble, any at all, do not be afraid to bring him back. He can't disappoint us any more than he already has." The old man walks over to me.

"Come on, let's go home." We walk home in silence. When we reach my new home, he turns to me and says, "Welcome to the monastery." He showed me to my room.

"I just realized, we've not been properly introduced. My name is Sensei Wu, but you can call me whatever you want." I half smiled.

"My name's Morro. I... I don't have any nicknames." He smiles.

"Do you have a nickname for me?" He asks. I think for a minute.

"How about... Old Man?" He laughs.

"That is the perfect nickname for an old man like me."


It's been a few weeks, and I'm more comfortable around the old man. My parents haven't come to visit, and for that I'm glad. Sensei Wu walks into my room. He caught me at a bad time. I've been crying on and off all day. I'm not sure why. I was crying when he walked in.

"Morro! Are you okay?" I nod. He crosses the room. He pulls me into a hug. One of his arms touches an old scab that won't heal. I pull away.

"Don't touch me!" He gives me a weird look. I pale, realizing that I just yelled at the person who is nicest to me. "I-I'm sorry. I d-didn't mean t-to yell at y-you." The tears are coming faster now. I turn my head. He gently turns my head back to him.

"What's wrong?" I take a deep breath.

"I-I need to show you something." He looks at me curiously. I pull off my shirt. He trails a hand on the bandages. He begins to gently undo them. I hiss in pain whenever he touches one that hasn't fully healed. He puts the bandages on the floor. Fresh blood is running down my back.

"Let's get these properly bandaged." He says gently. He leads me to the bathroom that is connected to my bedroom. He grabs some bandages and carefully starts cleaning the cuts.

"Did your parents do this?" I nod. He begins wrapping the bandages around me again. He pulls them tight. I hissed in pain. "Sorry." He apologizes. When he finishes, he brings me to the living room. He puts on a movie and has me sit next to him. As I sit, he pulls me into another hug. This time he's more careful.

"Don't worry Morro. I'll protect you." He tells me. I relax. Halfway through the movie, I fall asleep leaning against him. For the first time in my life, I feel safe.

I like giving Morro a sad backstory. It just makes more sense as to why he turned out evil. I might do more with him later. Did y'all like this one? It feels kinda rushed to me. Or maybe I'm just weird. Oh well. Bye Bye! :)

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