
440 1 13

This is a request by @nanabel2010. Let's hope this is good because I'm doing a straight ship for once! Kailor, to be exact.

Kai's P.o.v.

I watch the others silently. Nya and Skylor had the 'brilliant' idea to make us do Just Dance. I got out of it by pretending I was too tired. Coe was crushing it while Jay messed with Lloyd's hair. Nya and Skylor were laughing their heads off. I groan quietly and turn my head away. Nya crosses the room and puts my head on her lap. She begins to gently stroke it.

"You okay?" She asks.

"Yeah, all good." I yawn. I press my face into her stomach.

"Mmh," She hums. Under her soft touches, I slowly fall into a restless sleep, comforted by her warmth.

Skylor's P.o.v.

I watch as Kai falls asleep. I slide closer to Nya as the guys laugh. 

"Is he okay?" I ask, looking at Kai. She follows my gaze.

"Uh, yeah. At least he says he is." Nya sighs. I give a half smile when Kai hooks an arm around Nya's waist. He looks so peaceful. Kai's other arm reaches out and takes my hand. Nya and I sit close together.

"No! I was so close!" Lloyd groans. Cole laughs.

"You can't beat me!" He taunts.

"I was only two hundred points off!" He complains. Jay laughs and grabs Lloyd's hand.

"You can try again next time." He soothes. Lloyd plops down next to him and fake pouts. One look at Jay has him cracking up again, though. Nya squeezes my shoulder.

"Hey, Sky, can you take Kai? I have to use the bathroom." I glance over and realize that Kai had climbed onto Nya's lap. 

"Sure," I say, holding out my arms. She transfers Kai to me and stands.

"I'll be right back," She says, walking out. 

I glance down at Kai's sleeping face. He tilts his head and leans it against my shoulder. I gently kiss his forehead.

"Yes!" Lloyd shouts. "I did it!" Kai jerks awake in my grip.

"Lloyd," Jay wheezes. "Calm down. You woke Kai up!" 

"Oops, sorry Kai." He says. Cole nearly chokes on the air.  Kai gives them a confused look before he sees me.

"Argh, sorry!" He yelps, trying to break free from my grip. His face is bright red.

"Don't worry," I comfort him. "You're warm." He buries his face in the crook of my neck. I rub his back in comfort. Nya comes back.

"Oh, you woke up!" She says. Kai nods against me. She takes a seat and leans her head on Kai's back. I watch Kai carefully, but his blush won't fade.

"Kai? Will you come with me? I need your help with something." I tell him.

"Sure, I guess. He says, nodding and standing up. I hold out my hands and he helps me up. I lead him outside and sit in the shade. He watches me.

"Come on, sit down," I tell him. He takes a seat next to me. "I wanted to watch the sunset with you," I say, wrapping my arm around his shoulders. He leans against me. We watch as the sun sinks toward the ground. Kai wraps his arm around my middle. The sky turns vibrant red and orange. He hands me a chocolate bar.

"What the?"

"I've learned to always have one on hand. If you lived with Lloyd, you would too. I swear it's one of the only things that can get him out of a mood." I smile.


I split the bar in half. We eat as the sun finishes setting. He turns to face me.

"Oh, hey," He says, moving closer. "You missed a spot."


"Right... here." He leans forward and kisses me. I close my eyes and lean into it. Finally, he pulls away.

"Why'd you stop?" I whine.

"We should head inside before the others wonder where we are." He says.

"There you go, actually using your voice of reason at the worst times." I groan. He picks me up bridal style.

"I know, it's a talent."

"Kai!" I gasp. He leans in.


"Put me down!"

"How about... no."

He leans in and gives me another kiss. I smile. Maybe he can hold me a little longer.

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