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Thanks, @nanabel2010 for the image! Lloyd is a child in this one. I've been sitting on this idea for a while, so, why not I guess? Um, trigger warning: Suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, and abuse. That's all! See you soon! :)

Lloyd's P.o.v.

Help. Please. I don't want to be here anymore. I stare out the window. I have a good view of the street. My room at Darkley's is at the very end of the hall, on the top floor. Escape is impossible. There's no way I'll survive a five-story drop in my condition. I mean, they beat me practically every day. My door bursts open.

"You!" The principal snarls. "Come!" I get up and obediently follow. He leads me to the unused classroom. He grabs me by the collar and throws me against the wall. I wonder what I did wrong this time.

"Did you put the food poisoning in Gene's food?" He snaps.

"No, sir," I tell him, standing up.

"Liar!" He screams, throwing me to the floor again. I knew this would happen. I curl into a ball. After a while, the insults stop hurting, the injuries stop stinging. He slams against the wall, and I curl up against the corner, defending myself. He gives a swift kick to my side.

"Weakling!" I nod.

"I know I am, sir." He kicks me again. I tune him out. He calls me every mean name under the sun. I sit quietly. He'll stop. Eventually. I feel his hands grip my face. He gets up close to me.

"You son of a bitch. You don't deserve to live. You're a no good waste of space. No wonder your mother left you!" I avert my eyes. Bad idea. He slaps me. Hard. I can taste blood in my mouth. It slowly pools up. He goes back to kicking and punching every square inch of me he can reach. Finally, he pulls me into a standing position.

"Now, take off your shirt." I move my arms and start taking off my shirt while he grabs his belt. He shoves me to the ground. I position myself against the wall for support. I hear the crack of the belt before I feel it. This has happened many times before. It usually stops after about thirty. He makes many deep gashes. I whimper. He keeps going. We've made it to about fifty. This is the worst punishment I've ever had. He grabs a water bottle and dumps it on my back. I scream. The water finds every scratch, every cut. He puts his belt back on. My back hurts so bad, it's numb. He laughs.

"Don't lie to me again." He threatens.

"I won't, sir." And I won't. I have a plan. I can't go on like this. I stumble back to my room after hastily putting my shirt on. I won't survive the fall from my window. No one would. But what if they don't want to survive? I open my drawer and grab some paper. I write a note. I open my window. I carefully climb out and move up to the roof, my back stinging with every small movement. Finally, I stand at the edge. I feel tears fall off my face, mixing with my sweat. I clutch the note tighter in my hand. It's now or never. I close my eyes and jump. As I fall, I smile through my tears. Now I'll finally be happy.

Kai's P.o.v.

I race after Cole through the dead of night. Nya had gotten a call from someone saying there had been an incident at Darkley's, and that it was urgent we get there as soon as possible. I scowl in distaste. The people there are scumbags. We finally arrive, and we see a small cluster of people surrounding something. We fight to the front, and gasp. There, laying motionless in the middle of the circle, was a young boy, maybe ten years old, at most. A deep red substance was pooling underneath him, and I realized he was bleeding. He wasn't responding to us. Zane was at his side in an instant. He grabs his wrist feeling for a pulse. He looks at us.

"He's still alive, but barely." We hear an ambulance pull up. Zane and Cole ride with him to the hospital, while Jay and I find out what happened. The student who raised the alarm looked terrified.

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