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Alright, this is a fun Headcanon I found on Pinterest that I want to write, so... Yeah! Please enjoy!

Lloyd's P.o.v.

I pull my oversized hoodie on and wander off to find Nya. I have a very annoying urge to grab as many shiny things as I can. I find her on her bed.

"Nyyyaaa," I draw out. "Help meeeeeee."

"What's up?"

"I wanna steal shiny things again," I complain. She smirks.

"Come here," She says. I cross the room and sit down. She hands me a random fork she's started keeping in her room for times like these. I play with it, carefully examining the shine on it. Nya stands and disappears for a bit. I jerk when something gets thrown over me.

"What the-?" I shove it off of me. Nya laughs as I struggle. I realize it's a blanket. A fluffy, large, blanket. "Nyaaa! You are so mean!" 

Now I want to hide things in the blanket. Nya holds out a pillow. I take it, still grumbling. I carry it to my room and shape the blanket into something that resembles a nest. I put the fork in it and head back to Nya's room. She made fun of me, so she's my first victim. I sneak in and grab what I can. Nya walks back in.

"Hey Lloyd," She says. I roll my eyes and continue on my way. 

The others are used to my random moods, so they don't say anything. Jay hands me an old piece of scrap he doesn't need for his projects. I shove it in my pocket and move on. Zane smiles as I grab some forks. I take a couple of coins out of Kai's hands and smirk at the confused look on his face. He meets my eyes and realization dawns on his face. I've been told that my eyes have a goldish glint when I get these urges, and the longer I try to suppress them, the more gold my eyes get. 

"Good luck, buddy," He says. I nod and wander around to find Cole. Zane gently tells me that he's in his room. I burst through the door, startling Cole. He glances up and smiles while I search his room.

"Hey, bud. Looking for this?" He hands me a shiny reflective bookmark from his collection.

"Thank you," I say.

"No problem."

I hurry back to my room. Placing the newly collected objects in the blanket nest, I cover the opening with the pillow Nya gave me. I curl up next to it and watch the door. As much as I hate how humiliating it is to have these moods, the others have long since accepted it. It's not like I can control it anyways. It just gets worse and harder to control until I finally give in. The first time it happened, my eyes were almost completely gold before Zane took me aside and asked if I was experiencing "A need to collect things," as he put it. He told me that it was normal for me to experience it because I was a part dragon. He told me to just do what I needed to do, and he'd explain it to the others. It took them a bit to get used to me just taking things, but they had fun with it when they did. They all started keeping shiny things on hand. At first, we couldn't figure out what caused these, but we noticed that it happened when I was either stressed for a long time or when I felt like I needed a break. Sometimes it's just completely random, like today.

"Hey, uh, Lloyd?" Jay asks, opening the door. I glare at him. "Sorry, Lloyd. But Zane says it's time to eat."

With a loud sigh, I get up. Jay holds the door for me.

"No!" I grab his hand and drag him away from my door.

"Chill! I wasn't going to do anything!"

"I don't care!" Jay walks silently behind me. Zane hands me a plate and I sit directly across from Jay. I glare at him while I eat. The others laugh as Jay withers under my gaze. As soon as I'm done, I go back to my room. I curl up against the nest and resume watching the door. Cole comes in and sits down, crossing his legs. Without a word, I crawl onto his lap and lean into him. He's the only one who can come near me when I'm like this.

"Alright, time for you to get some sleep."

"No! I have to protect  my treasures!" I yawn.

"I'll protect your treasures. You just get some sleep." He says, rubbing my back. I unwillingly close my eyes. Some sleep wouldn't hurt, would it? Cole keeps rubbing my back.

"If someone steals my treasures, you're dead," I tell him. He chuckles.

"I know," He tells me.

I quietly put my weight against him. His hand doesn't start from its path. With a gentle sigh, I fall asleep.

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