King and Queen

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Nya's P.o.v.

I silently watch the boys. I'm bored. I'm trying to decide who to annoy. I hear voices behind me, and I move farther into my hiding spot.

"I'm just saying, you shouldn't be training! You got hit pretty hard on the head yesterday." I roll my eyes. Kai had been on Lloyd's case all day.

"I'm fine." I hear Lloyd say. He must be sick of it. Guess I found my victim. I jump out, making Lloyd jump back and causing Kai to move in front of him. I laugh.

"Chill, I just want to talk to Lloyd." Kai relaxes.

"Fine." He gives Lloyd a quick kiss before walking away. I grab Lloyd's hand and drag him to my room. He gives me a quizzical look but says nothing. I sit him down on my bed.

"What's up?" He asks me. 

"I'm bored." I sigh. He looks at me.

"Let me guess, you want to do something with me." I nod. "Well... you haven't painted my nails in a while." He tells me. Why didn't I think of that? I jump up and grab the supplies I need. He holds out his hand while I pick out colors. I finally decide on a deep forest green. As I paint, we talk.

"So, Skylor asked me to hang with her tomorrow," I tell him.

"Did you say yes?" Lloyd asks, leaning closer. I nod, holding in a laugh. I must have been doing a lousy job though because Lloyd asked "What's so funny?" I burst out laughing.

"You claim you're not girly, but when you're alone with me your girly side really comes out," I tell him between laughs. He fakes a pout.

"You're mean." He tells me, turning his head away. I laugh. I watch Lloyd. He's trying hard not to smile. Suddenly, he burst out laughing. We laugh as I finish his nails. I stand up and start putting the stuff away. 

"Wait here," I tell him, before herring to his room and grabbing his hair brush. When I come back, I see that he laid down on my bed. "Lloyd," I say, getting his attention. "Sit up." He obeys without question. I sit behind him and begin combing his hair.

"So, Nya," He starts. "I was counting your stuffed animal collection, and I can proudly say that I have exactly forty-one more stuffed animals than you." I giggle.

"Okay, Mister, how many do you have?" I ask him like a reporter.

"Eighty-seven." He says without hesitation. I burst out laughing. "What?" He asks.

"W-Why do you have so many?" I snort. He pretends to be offended.

"Because I am the king of stuffed animals." He says in a dead serious tone. I laugh. "I have been searching for a princess for eons." He continues.

"What are the requirements of being a princess?" I ask.

"Well, you must be nice, have fun, and have the third biggest amount of stuffed animals in the bounty." He informs me.

"What about a queen?" I implore. It's his turn to laugh.

"I have already found a queen. Kinda. I still need to ask." He says, dropping his smile. "But first! Nya, will you be the princess of the stuffed animals?" He asks me. I nod. I have to admit, I really want to know who has more stuffed animals than me.

"Good. Let us go ask our future queen to join us." He says standing and taking my hand. He helps me up.

"Oh!" I say. He turns to look at me. "We need crowns." I run to my desk and open a drawer. I grab three crowns.

"Why do you have those?" He asks.

"Because I can," I sat defensively.

"Very well then." He says. I put the least glamorous crown on my head, giving him the fanciest. He leads me out the door. We find everyone but Sensei and Misako in the living room. They all stare at us like we're crazy.

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