Best Brother Ever!

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Shit, Lloyd's a kid again. Uh, so I felt kinda bad about the last chapter being depressing, so I made a happy one!

Cole's P.o.v.

I watch as the others move around.

"Are you sure you're okay watching Lloyd?" Zane asked. I nod. "Okay," He says.

"I'm not missing anything, right?" I ask.

"I don't think so. Don't forget that Lloyd is still asleep but should be up soon. There's food in the fridge if you get hungry." Zane reminds me. I nod. "The rest of us will be reachable by phone if you need to. Oh, and we most likely won't be back until late tonight, like ten-ish."

"Okay, okay. You need to hurry up or you'll be behind schedule." I say. He nods, turning around.

I watch him go. I turn my attention back to my tablet. I hear the others leave. There's some silence before I hear shuffling in Lloyd's room. He walks into the room after a while, still in his green footies and rubbing his eyes. He slowly makes his way over to me, yawning.

"Morning, Lloyd," I say, smiling.

He mumbles his response, climbing onto the couch next to me. I shift a bit, allowing him to move and get more comfortable. He watches me for a bit before I glance over and see his eyes are half closed. His whole body was leaning against me. I hear his stomach growl.

"Do you want something to eat?" I ask. He nods, still not talking. "Come on," I say, leading him to the kitchen. He sits at the table while I find some cereal. He eats quietly.

"Where are the others?" He finally asks.

"They went out for the day. They'll be gone the rest of the day."

"Oh," He says. I sit across from him.

"Do you want to walk to the river later? We can make small dams and catch crawfish." He looks at me excitedly.

"Can we? Can we, please?" He asks, bouncing slightly. I smile.

"Of course! But you have to eat and get dressed first." He grins widely.

"I'll go pull out some clothes for you, okay?" He nods, still shoveling down food. "Slow down, bud. You don't want to choke." I call over my shoulder as I walk away.

I walk to his room, ignoring the mess. Shifting through his clothes, I find a plain shirt and shorts. I set them out for him, folding them neatly. I roll my eyes at the mess and make his bed for him. He walks in as I finish putting his dirty clothes in his hamper. He takes his clothes into the bathroom to change. He comes back to find me sitting on his bed.

"Can we go now?" He asks impatiently.

"Hold on, squirt. You don't even have shoes on." I say.

He grabs my hand and drags me to the door. I help him with his shoes before putting mine on. He skips down the path as I lock the door. I catch up with him and take his hand. He skips along beside me, humming happily. We examine the trees as we walk by. I stop walking suddenly.

"What?" He asks.

"You want to cut through the woods?" I ask.


"Come on," I say, leading him along.

We walk through the woods, paving our own trail. I help identify flowers, berries, and birds. He makes stupid jokes, giggling before he finishes them. We get to the river, laughing hysterically.

"Oooh! We should climb the tree!" Lloyd exclaims, pointing. I help him up, getting him on the first branch before climbing up beside him. He climbs quickly, reaching the top in record time. We sit in the tree for a while, watching the clouds.

"Race you to the river?" I ask.

"You're on!" Lloyd says, climbing down the tree faster than he scaled it.

I hurry after him. He gets out of the tree first, but I get to the river before him. He laughs when I splash him. We start splashing each other, still laughing. I wade deeper, where Lloyd can't reach. He moves as close as he can before splashing again. I come back to him and lift him up. He squeals as I wade back out.

"Cole! I can't swim!" He shouts.

"I'ma teach you," I tell him, lowering him into the water more. He kicks a bit, twisting in my grip. "Relax, I'm not gonna let go," I tell him. He stops struggling and wraps his arms around my neck. I hold him closer and lower him farther. The water was up to his chest.

"Okay, just relax. Get used to the water," I tell him. Lloyd leans against me, tightening his grip slightly.


We've been working for a while.

"Do you think you're ready to try?"

"Yeah, but don't move too far away!" He says, taking a deep breath. I nod and loosen my grip. He starts swimming. I smile at his excitement. He swims to the edge of the river and back.

"I did it!" He cheers.

"Yeah, you did!"

He smiles at me and swims closer. His smile is brighter than the sun. I pick him up and spin him around. We swim together for a while before he comes back to me and uses me to stay afloat. I lay back a bit and float, holding him against me. We relax for a bit before I hear his stomach growl. He blushes a bit.

"Would you like to get something to eat?"

"Yeah," He says, nodding. I pull him to the edge and pull us out. I hand him a towel I brought along and help him dry off. He shivers a bit. I pick him up and carry him like a baby. He giggles. I drape the towel over him like a blanket. 

"Onward, peasant." He says, pointing down the path. I walk where he's pointing. He curls up in my arms. We walk in comfortable silence. 

When we finally reach home, I put him down and have him go change. As he's changing, I order pizza. We watch a movie while eating. He moves against me, cuddling. I wrap one arm around him. He yawns.


"Yes, Lloyd?" I ask. He crawls onto my lap.

"Is this okay?" He asks. I nod. He relaxes in my grip. I keep a close eye on the clock. The time slips away, and Lloyd yawns quite a bit. Finally, he almost falls asleep.

"Alright, bedtime," I tell him.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" He asks. 

"Yeah," I say, picking him up. He cuddles against me. I bring him to my room and gently toss him onto my bed. He giggles and curls up under my covers.

"Your blankets are so soft," He says, running a hand over them.

I smile and turn the lights off. As soon as I lay down, he's on top of me. His head rests against my chest. I watch him press himself against me. My arm finds a way around his back. He wraps his arms around my middle.

"You're the best brother ever," Lloyd mumbles. His simple comment makes me smile brightly.

"No," I disagree. "You are." He gives a small smile. I take my other hand and stroke his hair. His eyes were slowly closing. The door cracks open, and Nya peeks her head in. She smiles and backs out. Lloyd was asleep before she was gone. I feel my eyes get heavy. Lloyd kicks a little, making me smile. I hear a hushed conversation, but before I can figure out who's talking, I'm asleep.

Zane's P.o.v.

I find the others standing outside Cole's door. 

"What is going on?" I ask.

"Look!" Nya says happily, waving her hands at Cole's door. I look in silently and see Cole and Lloyd cuddling. I smile at the sight.

"Isn't it adorable?" Jay asks. Kai nods along.

"Yes, I suppose it is," I sigh. "Stay up if you wish, but don't wake them up," I say quietly. The nod. as I walk away, I get one last look at Cole and Lloyd cuddling.

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