Power Outage

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I did it! I made Lloyd an adult! Praise the FSM because it will never happen again! Also, trigger warning! Panic attack! WOO! LETS GO!

Lloyd's P.o.v.

I stare at the wall, willing the tears to not fall. I know I need to cry, to get my emotions out, but I can't leave. Not now. A stress headache is slowly building up. I tilt my head back, closing my eyes, hoping to just look tired. It works, I think. No one says anything. Sensei keeps explaining his lesson to us. I hear Zane shift his weight slightly closer to me and start to rub my back. His hand trails circles up and down my back, giving me something to focus on. Something other than my rising panic. Sensei is talking about a battle, and it's messing with my head. I can't get my father's image out of my head when I had to fight him. I shiver. Zane hesitates for a second before continuing. I need to go. Now. I can feel a panic attack coming on.

"Lloyd, give one reason why you should start a fight in this pose?" I hear Sensei ask. I jerk my eyes open and look at him. He's pointing to a picture with a starting stance on it.

"Because it allows you to dodge faster?" I say, sounding a little hysteric. He nods.

"Very good." He continues the lesson.

I close my eyes again. I wait in silence for Sensei to finish. Zane's hand doesn't stray from its path. He's taller than me, and still right next to me, so I lean against him slightly. He doesn't say anything, just wraps his arm around me, tucking his hand under my arm. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying desperately to banish the image. It's getting worse. I'm seconds away from crying.

"Okay, ninja," Sensei starts. I open my eyes and look at him again. "The lesson is over. Get some rest, some of you look like you could use it." He looks at me as he says the last part. We all nod and start walking away. Zane turns to me.

"Are you okay? You look... tired." He says.

"Yeah," I lie. "I'm okay. Just tired." I need to get out of here. I can feel the heat rising to my face. I'm sure Zane noticed, but he doesn't say anything. I fake a yawn to disguise the redness on my face.

"Okay. Go get some sleep. I'll wake you for lunch." I nod, walking off to my room. I dip my head, hurrying a little. My vision is blurry from the tears that haven't fallen. My hair falls around my face like a curtain, blocking out the world. I pass Cole and feel one tear slip down my face. Great. Soon I'll start sobbing.

"Hey, Lloyd," Kai says, nodding at me.

"Hey," I mumble, quickening my pace,

He continues to the other room to talk with the others. I continue down the hall, holding in as many tears as I can. I half slam the door, locking it. I hear the others talking quietly. I climb into my bed, wrapping a blanket around me. My tears fall at a surprisingly quick rate. I don't make a sound, instead, my body shakes violently. I hear a knock on the door, but I ignore it. My panic is almost winning.

"Not now, not now," I mutter to myself.

"Lloyd? Can I come in?" Nya calls.

"N-Not right now. I'm... busy." I tell her, my voice shakey.

"Mhm, I coming in." She says, before opening the door.

"I locked it though?" I say, hiding my face. She shuts the door and walks over to me.

"I learned how to pick locks. I was doing that as I spoke." I nod, turning my whole body away. The bed shifts as she sits down next to me.

"Well, you saw me, you can go now." I try telling her, but my voice cracks.

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