Movie Night

717 11 25

Y'all from now on, unless I say otherwise, just assume Lloyd is an adult.

Jay's P.o.v.

I flopped onto the couch next to Cole. Kai sat on my other side. We had just gotten back from a hard mission. Zane sat on the floor, seeing there was no more space on the couch. Nya sat next to him. Lloyd rolled his eyes and lay down across our laps. Everyone started laughing at his move. Kai shoved him off.

"Nu-uh. I was here first." Kai said stubbornly. Lloyd got up off the floor and brushed himself off.

"Fine. That just means no cuddles." Lloyd said, walking away.

"No! Wait!" Kai called, chasing after him. I stretched out on the couch. Zane rolled his eyes. 

"I must go prevent a fight." He said, walking away. Nya stood and glared at us.

"One of you are gonna move," She said. I didn't move. "Now." She added. Cole laughed.

"I  got you." He said, before grabbing me and pulling me onto his lap. I blush and try to move. Nya plops down beside us.

"That's your punishment, Mr. Couch-thief." She tells me. Cole tightens his grip on me. I hide my face. Cole moves me so I have my back to Nya. His hand forces me to rest my head on his shoulder. After a little bit, Nya gets up.

"I'ma go help make supper." Cole nods. My eyelids were getting heavy. I stifle a yawn. 

"Tired?" Cole asks me. I nod, forcing my eyes open. "You can sleep, you know. It isn't a crime." I smile into his shoulder. He grabs a blanket and carefully covers me. I yawn one last time before falling asleep.

Cole's P.o.v.

I look down at Jay's sleeping form. He moves a lot in his sleep. Zane walks into the room.

"Hey, suppers ready." He tells me. "Nya forced me to make spaghetti, so that's what we're eating." I laugh.

"I'd love to come eat, but Jay fell asleep." Zane glances at Jay as I say that. He smiles.

"I'll bring in a plate for you." He turns and leaves. Jay shifts and mumbles something in his sleep. Zane walks in with two plates. "One for you, one for him." He explains, giving me one plate and setting the other one on the coffee table. There's a loud sound in the kitchen.

"What the" Zane starts.

"KAI, YOU MOTHERFU-" Nya starts. Kai screams.

"NYA! No swearing!" Zane shouts back. He turns to me. "Enjoy your food. I must go prevent Kai's murder." He turns and leaves. Jay somehow didn't wake up from the noise. I pull out my tablet and started eating. Jay shifts and looks at me.

"Hey," I say. He stretches.

"Mmh." He hums in response. He still looks half asleep.

"Want something to eat?" I ask. He nods. I hand him his plate. He starts eating. I move the tablet so he can see it too. "Pick something to watch," I tell him. He scrolls through the choices before he finally settles on a movie we both like. We watch as we eat. When he finishes, I take his plate and stack it on top of mine, and put it on the coffee table. Jay snuggles into me. I hug him. Zane comes in at one point to take our plates. I rest my head on Jay's. I start to fall asleep.

Zane's P.o.v.

I walk into the kitchen. I set about washing dishes.

"Well?" Kai asks. "What are they doing?"  I don't turn around. Kai's getting impatient.

"They're cuddling," I say. Kai groans.

"Damn it!" He says.

"No swearing. Besides, I told you not to bet against Nya." I remind him. Nya bounces over.

"That'll be twenty dollars!" Kai grudgingly hands her the money. "Lova ya!" Nya says, bouncing off. She grabs Lloyd's hand and forces him to follow her to her room. He ain't coming out of there for a while.

Jay's P.o.v.

I can't believe it! Cole fell asleep on me! The movie finishes, and I put on a random cartoon. I close my eyes. Cole's rhythmic breathing is helping to calm me down. I hear a quiet conversation in the other room. Cole's hand places itself on my head. I hear him sigh in his sleep. My thoughts start to wander. As I fall asleep, I hear Zane turning off the cartoon and the lights.

Yay! I did another one. I hope this one is good enough for all of you! Bye Bye!

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