Cooking Days

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Shoot. I did it again. I made Lloyd a kid. Darn. Oh well! This is based on a headcanon I have, so enjoy it! Or else...

Lloyd's P.o.v.

I walk into the kitchen and find Zane flipping through a cookbook.

"Zane? Whatcha doing?" I asked, climbing up the counter and sitting on it.

"Finding a recipe." He says, pulling me off the counter and putting me back on the floor. I giggle.

"Can I help?"

He looks down at me.

"Sure. I need to find the recipe for chocolate chip cookies." He moves to the table and helps me sit down.

"Don't you have the recipe memorized?" I ask, turning to look at him.

"Yes, but according to Jay, you have to follow the recipe. Even if I perfected it." He gives a little smile. "So now I am making a batch of cookies with the recipe, and one batch with my own. He's gonna guess which one is my perfected recipe."

"Can I help make the cookies too?" I ask.

"Of course." He says, smiling at me.

Zane's P.o.v.

I must admit, I am pleased Lloyd wants to help. Most of the time, the others don't help unless Sensei makes them. Besides Nya. Nya will request something and then will help make it.



"Is this the recipe?" He asks, pointing. I smile and nod.

"Yup! So now we need to get the items on the list." I tell him.

He gets up and helps me get the ingredients. He reaches for something we keep up high on a shelf. I walk up behind him and lift him. He grabs it, giggling. I put him back down and he runs to get the measuring cups.

"Zane! Zane! What do we do next?" He runs back to me, giggling his head off.

"This," I say, leading him back to the cookbook and pointing to the next step.

__________________________________Time Skip_____________________________________

Lloyd is sitting on the chair, snacking on a cookie I gave him.

"Zane?" He asks thoughtfully.


"Can I help you make supper?" He asks.

"Yeah. You don't need to ask."

"Can I help make supper every night?" He continues, grabbing a second cookie.

"Of course! You can help whenever you want!" He smiles happily.

"Thank you!" He says, handing me a cookie.

"Anytime." We sit in silence, finishing our cookie and stopping Lloyd from having a third. We grab a platter and walk around, handing out cookies. Lloyd laughed a lot when Jay admitted that my recipe was best. Afterward, Lloyd took a nap leaning against me. He woke up just when I was going to start supper.

"Can I help?" He asks again.

"Yup," I say, nodding. He smiles brightly. He helps me cook supper, laughing and making up jokes the entire time.

__________________________________Time Skip_____________________________________

"Zane?" I hear a voice ask. I look up from my book.

"Yeah?" He looks up and meets my eyes.

"Can I cuddle with you?" 

"Of course!" I say, patting the spot next to me. He climbs up, curling against me, clutching my arm. I smile as he falls asleep. I set my book aside and lean my head back. Lloyd snuggles a little closer. I close my eyes. Maybe tomorrow I will make pancakes.

Yay! You read it and made it to the end! Alrighty, announcements! I will be going back and fixing chapters. There are a lot of errors, and the ending of Not Your Fault got deleted somehow. I don't care if you go back and check or not, but yeah! Bye Bye!

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