Feral Kai

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Alright, @nebula_Prime24, you get your request. After waiting for way too long, I'm posting this! I hope it's to your standards. Feral Kai is just so hard to write, but it is very fun. Either way, it's agnsty! And after this, I'll work on the romantic Garmakai you dared me to do. Enjoy!

Kai's P.o.v.

I race over to Jay's side. He had slashed in the leg while defending Nya.

"You good?" I ask, helping him up. 

"Yeah, I should be." He groans, wincing when he puts pressure on his leg. I throw his arm around my shoulder and lead him off to the side, out of the way. Zane moves over to cover him as I dash off again. I hear a yelp and turn around to see Lloyd cornered. One of the dudes we're fighting lashes out at him with a sword again, which Lloyd barely avoids. Blood is already dripping from his arm. Something snaps inside me, something I've kept hidden for as long as I can remember. I sprint over to them as fast as I can. 

"Not my boyfriend you bitch!" I scream intercepting their next attack.  Lloyd backs up, slightly shocked. I go wild, slashing anywhere I can reach. And it feels good.

Lloyd's P.o.v.

Kai lunges at the guys and fights them off. More like scares them off, actually. He's only attacking one, but the rest try to scatter. The others catch them and tie them up. The first guy screams when Kai stabs him.

"Kai, it's okay, you can stop now," I say, grabbing his arm. He shrugs me off and slashed at the poor guy's stomach. "Kai, stop!" I plead. I know he's protective, but this is a whole new level. The guy covers his stomach in a fruitless attempt to stem the bleeding. The others have gathered and are trying to get Kai to stop. Finally, Cole pulls Kai away. I notice his eyes are distant and unfocused. He struggles against Cole, screaming to be let go.

"What's gotten into you?" Cole says, struggling to keep his grip on Kai.

"Kai?" I ask quietly. His head snaps towards me. Cole might still have him locked in a tight grip, but I still step back when I see the look in his eyes. Like he wants to kill me. He lets out a low noise, almost like a growl. My eyes widen and I step back. Suddenly, his eyes focus and he stops his struggling. His mouth drops open as he registered what happened. He gives me a terrified look. 

"Lloyd?" He asks. I take a small step forward. "No! Stay away!" He cowers against Cole. I frown. What's wrong with him? He's not even holding his own weight anymore. Cole shifts his grip.

"Kai? What's wrong?" I ask. He whimpers.

"G-Go away,"

"Kai-" I try again.

"No! It's not safe! I'm not safe!"

"What do you mean?" Zane tries to move closer but Kai wiggles away.

"GO AWAY!!" Kai screams, twisting around to bite Cole. He drops Kai and he falls to the ground befeore standing up and sprinting away.

"Kai!" I go to follow him but Jay grabs my arm.

"Don't! He seemed pretty adament about not being safe. He'll come back when he calms down."

"No he won't," Nya says, chewing her lip.


"I haven't seen him like this in so long. He hates it,"

Sensei calmly walks over to us.

"Students, where is Kai? I do not see him with any parmedics," He asks worriedly.

"He's gone!" I say, pulling free of Jay and grabing Sensei's arm.

"What do you mean, 'gone'?"

"He was acting strange and then he ran off!" Jay says, pointing in the direction Kai ran to. Sensei looks at Nya with a questioning look.

"It happened again," She says, her head dipping. "He almost hurt Lloyd. I can almost guarantee he won't be back for a while, if he comes back."

"Well then, Lloyd must go find him and bring him home. Nya, we will go back to the Bounty and explain to the others what is going on." Nya and I nod. "Cole, help Jay to the parmedics. The rest of you are dissmissed."

I turn around and begin jogging towards the direction Kai went. 

I hope he's okay.

Kai's P.o.v.

I stop running when I reach a small clearing. Proping myself against a tree, I bury my face in my hands, letting the tears fall. They're all gonna hate me now. I messed up so bad. Everyone probally thinks I'm crazy. Nya most likely has moved on already. Now they-


What was that? I sit bolt up right and look around wildly. A bush rustles nearby and I pull out my sword.

"Who's there?" I growl, moving into a fighting stance. Something burts out of the  bushes and puts there hands up.' 

"Woah! Hey, it's just me," A familier mop of bland hair appears as my eyes meet his green ones.


My sword drops from my hand and I fall to my knees. I was going to hurt him. My body starts to shake as Lloyd moves closer. I back into the tree, cowering.

"Kai, honey, what's wrong?

"I messed up," I whisper.


"I went feral again. I said I wouldn't. I promised Nya I wouldn't,"

"W-When did this start?" Lloyd asks. 

"When I was younger, we had a hard time getting food. So I had to get resourceful. I learned how to hunt. Well, I called it hunting. Someone say me once and explained that what I was doing was dangerous. Apperently, Ignaci has a history of feral people, meaning that we are more agressive and more animalistic."

"Animalistic?" Lloyd asks, kneeling next to me. I nod. 

"I don't like it. I would run off and wait until I felt like myself again. Nya would always be waiting at home, sometimes with a meal as we got older. We dubbed it 'me time', and sometmes I would have to stay at home. Nya would just sit with me until it was over."

Lloyd's P.o.v.

Kai dips his head and I move next to him He lays down, resting his head on my lap. I stroke his hair gently, watching a small smile grow on his face.

"Why aren't you disgusted?" He asks, looking up at me with confusion. 

"Why would I be? You're still the same person I fell in love with," I say. Kai closes his eyes and relaxes again. I watch him until his breathing slows and a low noise fills the air. 

"What the-?" I mutter. Kai shifts and I place my hand on his side. Its vibrating slightly. "Oh my FSM, Kai purrs!" 

Kai purrs slightly louder as I resume stroking his hair. I know we should get back home, but that can wait. RIght now its just me and Kai, and I wouldn't change that for anything.

I know it sucked, but I tried my best. I hope you liked it. I have a lot of (not that many) request to finish. It's late, this fanfic is gay, and I'm working on the next one and no one can stop me! Mwahahaha!

I'll go now :).

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