I Miss My Mom

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Okay, Cole angst time. And slightly insecure Zane time. And also request time. Here you go, @Kemilialvy. Hope you like your Glacier angst! Just for some quick background, this is season one, before Lloyd lives with them, and they know that Zane is a robot. (I also don't really know how his mom died so I'm gonna do my best. Sorry if it isn't accurate.)

Cole's P.o.v.

I giggle as I work on my drawing. I was drawing a picture of my family. I was standing between my parents, Mom on my left and Dad on my right. I was about to start coloring when I hear the door open.

"Cole?" My father calls.

"Yeah, Daddy?" I ask, walking over to him. 

"We need to talk." He says, taking my hand and leading me to the couch. He sits me down and sits beside me. I finally notice he looks sad. 

"What's wrong, Daddy?"

"Your mother- she, she died." He says, tears beginning to slide down his face. 

"No, she didn't. She- she's still in the hospital. We can go see her." I say, starting to panic.

"No, Cole. She's gone. And she isn't coming back." He says. Tears slide down my face.

"B- but Mommy said she'd come back. She promised!" I shout. Dad wraps me in a hug.

"I know baby, I know." He whispers, stroking my hair. 

"I want Momma!"

"Me too, me too." He cries. 

He holds me in my arms as I hiccup, stroking my hair and whispering that things would be okay.

Zane's P.o.v.

I sit up and look around. I hear small whimpering. My eyes finally settle on Cole's shivering form. With a start, I realize that Cole, the strongest person I know, mentally and physically, is crying. I watch him silently. What do I do? You don't go to me for comfort. You go to Cole, Kai, Jay, Nya, and, as a last resort, me. I'm bad at comforting people. Cole once said it came naturally to him, and Kai said that sometimes just being there is enough. With a deep breath, I walk over to him. Cole's whimpers have morphed into quiet sobs.

"Cole? Wake up," I say, reaching out and pushing hair behind his ear. He stirs and opens his eyes, looking at me.


His voice sounds so pitiful. I kneel and reach out for him, pulling him closer to me. He presses his head into my shoulder, tears falling faster. I feel bad. I don't know how to comfort him.

"I'm sorry," I say, making him readjust to look at me, confused. "I don't know how to help you. I can wake Kai if you'd like."

"No! Just-" He swallows, holding me tighter. "Just don't leave me alone."

I climb onto the bed and sit next to him so he's more comfortable, watching him nuzzle my shoulder. His tears spill onto my pajamas, the wet spot slowly growing. I suddenly remember Kai rubbing Nya's back once when she was upset. That might work, won't it? Deciding to try it, I hesitantly rub his back, silently sighing with relief when it seems to work on him. 

What else does Kai do? Nya never seems to need comfort, and Cole certainly doesn't. Jay needs it sometimes, and Cole usually helps him. Kai does too, surprisingly, but that might be his parental instant kicking in from raising Nya. Jay seems to like having his hair played with when he's upset. Maybe that could help Cole? 

I stroke his hair and he lets out a soft sigh. It makes me happy that he's responding positively.

"Can I tell you what my nightmare was about?" He mumbles into my chest. 

"Yes," I whisper. I must admit, I'm mildly curious about it.

"It was about my Mom. When I was ten, she died. She had an incurable disease. That's why I hate when people get sick. I miss her. A lot. Dad just pretended like she never happened. Somehow, that hurt more than Mom dying. The doctors said she died peacefully in her sleep, without pain, but it's still traumatic. Every time Mom was brought up, Dad pretended he couldn't hear me. He started working on his songs more, and I rarely saw him. It made me worry something would happen to him. I tried to talk to him once, but he dismissed my concern. Said I was acting childish. One day, I had enough of bottling up my emotions and I snapped. I yelled at him, and he yelled back. I- I ran away that night. He called me so many times, but I ignored him. That was when Sensei found me."

Cole has his eyes closed and was holding me tightly. I lay my head next to his and he moves slightly closer. By now, we're so close, I can feel his heart beating against me. He looks up at me with damp eyes.

"I'm always so afraid of losing people I love. That's why I get upset when people get sick or injured." He whispers, a faint blush appearing on his dark skin.  I rub his back softly, letting him snuggle me. "I miss my Mom,"

My heart shatters with those words. His eyes well up and he starts crying again. My brow furrows and I stroke his hair softly.

"Hey, don't do that. Don't cry. It'll be okay," I hush him. His shoulders start to shake, and I recognize he's even more upset. Whenever Jay does this, he tends to get louder. And we were already pushing our luck. Kai's a light sleeper, and Cole clearly didn't want him to know. I gently take his hand and stand him up. He stands, resting his head on my shoulder. I lead him out of the bedroom and to the couch, where he sits and reaches for me. I sit and let him sob on my shoulder, unsure of what to do.

"I'm sorry," He mumbles. "I didn't mean to wake you. I'm being stupid. She's gone, and she's never coming back. And I'm here, crying over it like a baby, keeping you from sleep."

"No, don't say that. I don't mind. You know I don't need as much sleep as the others. You take as long as you need to calm down,"

He lets out a strangled laugh and moves closer. 

"Just please don't leave me," He begs, moving onto my lap. I shake my head. It seems to be enough for him, he's calmer now. I hold him and gently rock him until his eyes close and his breathing slows. His head falls against my shoulder. Placing my head on his, I let myself fall asleep. Just before I do, though, I make a vow.

"I will never leave you,"

Not me shipping Glacier more and more with every day I work on this. Nu-uh. That's, um... fine. It is me. BUT IT'S A CUTE SHIP I SWEAR I WON'T BE OBSESSED LIKE I AM WITH KID LLOYD! Anyways, I hope you liked this request! See you later!

*Here's to hoping I don't lose all motivation for my requests again =)*

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