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Trigger Warning! Eating disorders. It's always a great story when there are trigger warnings, right? Lol, hope you all enjoy it.

Cole's P.o.v.

I stare at the mirror. I hate the mirror, but I'm strangely drawn to it. The mirror tells me both the truth and the lies. The same things I tell myself. I sigh and sit down on my bed. Jay bounds into my room. 

"Jeez, Jay. Haven't you ever heard of knocking?" I ask him. He shrugs.

"Nope!" He exclaims before plopping down next to me. I roll my eyes at him. He punches my arm lightly.

"You know what the punishment is?" I ask, straight-faced. He shakes his head.

"What punishment?" He asks, confused.

"This!" I launch myself at him and start tickling everywhere I can reach. He burst into laughter, rolling on the bed. I pull him closer and continue tickling him. 

"C-Cole! Stop!" He wheezes. Lloyd walks by the door and stares at us. 

"Um, okay. So, uh, Zane asked me to get you guys for lunch." He says awkwardly. 

"What is it?" Jay asks, using my distraction to get free from my grip 

"Um, macaroni, and, by Nya's insistence, hot dogs." He says.

"You guys go ahead. I'm not hungry." I lie.

"Are you sure?" Lloyd asks worriedly.

"Yup!" I say, trying to sound cheery.

"Do you have a fever?" He asks, crossing the room and putting a hand on my forehead. I move his hand.

"I'm fine." He gives me one more look.

"Okay." He leaves, dragging Jay with him. I flop back on my bed. I hate lying to them. I would love to eat. In fact, I'm starving. But that's the point. I curl up, pushing the blankets to the edge of the bed. Maybe I'll get some sleep.

Zane's P.o.v.

I watch my brothers slowly file in. Jay hugs me.

"What?" I ask. He looks up at me.

"Thank you for making lunch. I would have starved!" He says overlydramtic.

"Oh, well, you're welcome." I scan the room. "Where is Cole?" I ask.

"He said he's not hungry," Lloyd says, giving me a look while Jay sits down. I nod and serve them. 

"I must go check on something," I say, leaving the room. I walk down the hall to Cole's room. His door is open and the light is on. I peek in. I see that Cole fell asleep. He shivers slightly. I walk in and tuck him in. Before I finish, I notice something odd. His shirt is a little big. It fit him perfectly last week. Lifting his shirt a little bit, I notice just how thin he's gotten. Sighing, I finish tucking him in. I brush the hair out of his face and leave.

Lloyd's P.o.v.

Zane comes back. I make eye contact. He nods glumly and drops his eyes. I duck my head and eat in silence. I figured this was going on, but I was hopeful. I just hope it's not too late like it almost was with me. 

Cole's P.o.v.

When I wake up, my room is dark, and the blanket is pulled up over my chest. I roll over, ignoring my hunger pains as best as I can. The clock reads 2:00. I groan. I must have slept in later than I originally planned. I yawn and stretch. I'm almost asleep again when a soft knock sounds on my door.

"Come in." I quietly mumble. The door opens, and Lloyd and Zane walk in. Lloyd shuts and locks the door. Zane sits next to me.  Lloyd kneels in front of me. I sit up.

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