Not your fault

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Edit 8/8/24 - Original ending changed cause I hated the last one ;)

Cole's P.o.v.

This wasn't supposed to happen. He shouldn't have gotten injured. But he did. It should have been me.

"Cole?" A voice from outside my door calls. "He wants to see you." I open the door and see Kai standing there.

"Oh." Kai placed a hand on my shoulder.

"You good?" I shake my head. The tears that had been threatening to fall for a while now began to run down my face. Kai looked worried. He carefully pulls me into a hug, squeezing me tight.

"He's already doing better. Can't keep him down." Kai says comfortingly. I pull away.

"Thanks," I say, rubbing my eyes.

"No problem." I slowly head towards his room, fighting back more tears. Cracking open the door, I see him laying on his bed.

"Cole? That you? Or are you gonna give me more medicine, Zane? I told you I don't want anymore." I step into the room. It hurts me to see him this way.

"Cole! I'm so happy your not Zane! I'm sick of medicine." I move closer to his bed. Jay's face is covered in scratches, and his hand occasionally twitched. His hair was messy, but that was to be expected. Jay yawns.

"I should let you sleep."

"No! Don't leave me... I don't want to be alone." Jay's voice trailed off a bit. With a sigh, I sit next to him on the bed. He crawls onto my lap. I pull the blanket up over him again. He rests his head on my chest.


"Don't leave...." He repeats. I give a half smile.

"I won't." I play with his hair while he falls asleep. I think back to how this happened.


I was fighting someone. Everyone was. I see Jay shoot some lightning at someone. Kai is showing off to Lloyd, and Lloyd's trying to get Kai to let him fight. We were slowly winning. I was only focused on my opponent. Suddenly I heard Jay scream my name. He grabbed my shoulders and swung himself in front of me. I look into his eyes just as he gets hit by one of his bolts of lightning that must have bounced off of something. He lets go of my shoulder to stop the flow of energy from passing to me. His body falls to the ground, twitching and convulsing.

"Jay!" Zane comes running. I feel a blind panic coming over me. I stumble back. Warm hands wrap around my waist, holding me up. 'He's dead. He died because of me.' I tell myself. Voices swirl around me. One voice finally breaks through.

"He's not dead. It's not your fault. He's gonna be okay." My eyes refocus on Lloyd. He's standing directly in front of me. At some point, he had put his hands on my shoulders. I hadn't even noticed. I felt my knees give out. I fell backward into whoever was holding me up.

"Whoa!" Lloyd helps steer me into a sitting position. My whole body is shaky.

"It's okay. You can lean back against Kai." Lloyd tells me. 

So that must be who's holding me. I lean back, but despite Lloyd's and Kai's soft encouragement, I couldn't relax my body. Something wet drips onto my hand. I glance down. 'I'm crying.' I realize numbly. Lloyd's hands reach up and brush my tears away. Zane rejoins us, holding up Jay. Jay is unconscious and has a cut on his face. He's gonna end up with a black eye, too. Zane's eyes focused on me.

"He'll be okay. It was his element after all. It will take a lot more than that to kill him."

"Let's get them home," Kai suggests. The others agreed and asked Nya to park the Bounty as close as she could. I don't remember the walk home very well. We had to walk roughly a mile to get to the Bounty. Kai had a hand on my shoulder and an arm around Jay's waist. Lloyd walked on my other side, softly muttering things to me. That's about all I remember. I don't even remember Nya's reaction.

End of memory

Jay stirred a little in his sleep. I realized I stopped playing with his hair, and quickly start again. He starts to quietly talk in his sleep.
"No, no! Not Cole! Please don't get him!" He squirms around in his sleep. With a gasp, he wakes up. I realize with a start that he's crying. I tighten my arms around him.
"Hey, it's okay. Shh." I tell him softly. He buries his head in my chest, making pitiful whimpering sounds. I gently lay him down next to me. He gives me a confused look. I lay down next to him. He moves into my arms. I stroke his hair again, hoping he'll fall asleep. He's silent for about five minutes before he shifts in my grip and looks me in the eye.
"It's not your fault, you know." I nod.
"I know. I don't care about that right now. All that matters is that you get better."  He snuggles closer to me. I put my head back down. I watch the clock as the minutes tick by. One. Two. I feel my eyelids get heavier. Three. Four. I yawn. Five. I fall asleep. I walk up to Jay gently calling my name.


"Mm, Jay? My voice is hoarse with sleep and I internally wince at the feeling. 

"I'm cold.."

"Come here," I say softly, pulling him close. He snuggles into me, head pressed to my chest as I stroke his hair. I watch as his breathing evens out and let out a sigh of relief myself. I close my eyes quietly and wait for sleep to overtake me. I could swear, however, as I finally drift of, I hear Jay whisper "I love you,"

8/8/24 - If you saw the original ending to this, no you didn't. We don't talk about it, I traumatized myself by writing it, so um, yeah. 

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