63. Heirs

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"My sweet girl, you are so strong, and brave and passionate, you are a wonderful mother, I see that already. Your mother would be so proud of the lovely young woman you are." Viserys told her as tears fell down his eyes.

"I wish she was here." Vaera whimpered her lips quivering as her vision was clouded with tears. She knew her father wouldnt be here forever. 

"Me too, me too.... we still have each other."

Vaera nodded hugging tight to him unable to stop the tears from falling. 

"You save me a midnight cookie?" Vaera pondered when she got back to the room. Alyssa held one out. "Thank you."

"You are welcome." Alyssa agreed leaning forward and giving her a kiss. Vaera sat down and Aegon kissed her shoulder as she got situated between his legs.

"Should I see if Jae want cookies?" Alyssa asked.

"I think he should be sleeping." Vaera countered.

"Tomorrow then." Alyssa remarked.

"Good idea." Vaera agreed.

They fell asleep, cookie crumbs over the bed, candles burned to nothing, Vaera still in her party clothes, Alyssa's feet ended up in Aegons face the next morning and Vaera was curled in a ball like a cat tucked into Aegon's side. It was the perfect day. Which meant all hell was about to break loose.


Viserys was saying the words but Vaera wasnt processing. Heir. Vaera. Crown.

Aegon held tight to Vaera as she shook her head. He wasnt saying anything that made any sense at all. She wasnt the heir, Nyra was. She didn't understand. Jaehaerys started to fuss and she pulled away moving to the crib.

"Vaera, love please... just listen to me. Listen to me..." Viserys begged. "You are my heir."

"It's okay, mama's is right here." Vaera coed bouncing Jaehaerys in her arms.

"Vaera, are you listening?"

"No. I'm not." Vaera corrected. "I'm not listening. I'm not listening. This is all wrong. I'm... no. I'm Vaera. I'm the baby, I can't have this sort of responsibility."

"Vaera, you are my baby girl, but you are a woman grown, five little ones. A husband... Vaera I know you can do this." Viserys corrected.

"Daddy no." Vaera whimpered. "I just want Nyra back, the old Nyra, the one that loves us she will hate us forever if we took this from her."

"I want her back too but I dont think we are getting her back." Viserys whispered. "She hasnt come back and nearly six years she has hidden at dragonstone, Vaera... Vaera my love look at me. You are my heir."

''Daddy I don't want it.'' Vaera sobbed. ''I dont want it.'' Vaera sobbed out. ''Daddy please-''

''You are my heir vaera. You have always been my first choice but you were young. Wild. Free. I knew you didnt want it but as the years passed I knew more and more that were the queen we needed." Viserys remarked. Aegon never wanted to be king, he knew his mother and grandsire did and now he would be. But he would be Vaeras king and that was something he was okay with but clearly Vaera was not happy with this outcome. 

''Daddy no. Nyra wanted it. I dont. She wanted to be queen, she wants it.'' Vaera sobbed out.

"Yet she ran away and abandoned us." Viserys reminded her. "You stood up, you took charge and you have proven to be a good leader, compassionate and a good role model to your siblings. Aegon has been a good leader as well since you two were engaged." Viserys added. "Aegon you are a changed man since you asked for Vaeras hand and I'm proud of you both." He assured. 

Vaera had a sob in her chest that shook her to her core.

"Nyra will hate me forever." 


"She is not fit to be queen. You have a son, an heir-"

"Vaera is my heir." Viserys corrected.

"She is overly dramatic, females, am I right?" Tyland offered. 

"If she were not filled with emotions and confusion, I would think her a psychopath, not having a heart like all of you seem to be. My Vaera is allowed to feel sad and angry, confused and think this through, allowed to feel this." Viserys was growing tired of fighting with others he was the king, and he wasnt going to be for long. 

"We need a show of strength and-"

"Vaera is-"

"A woman."

"Rhaenyra was a girl of ten and four when she was named." Viserys reminded them.

"But you have a son-"

"Vaera is my heir. I will hear no more of this nonsense. She will make a good queen-"

"She married Aegon." Beesbury spoke up. "Should Aegon not be named your heir instead?"

"Aegon should hold the crown after you. Vaera will still be his queen."

"Vaera is a wonderful woman. This title, this birthright, belongs to Vaera." Viserys corrected. "I always thought she would make a good queen." He informed them. "But she was so young, I didn't want to put that on her. She is grown and the time has unfortunately come to choose again...." Viserys looked around the group. "You all thought me insane for picking Rhaenyra and you were right, she has failed as an heir but Vaera will not. Vaera is the heir. She will rule. I will hear no more of this."


"Are you okay Vaera?" Aegon questioned over supper. 

"Would you like to go upstairs?" Vaera countered innocently and aegon looked up from his meal

"I've just eaten a pound of-" he stared back at her "- what the hell am I saying? Hell yes." Aegon declared jumping up. 

"Good answer." Vaera agreed. "I need a distraction, distract me." 

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