71. My Love

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"Rhaenyra is leaving." Vaera remarked. "I'm mad at her and never want her to come back." Vaera admitted as she helped Viserys back into bed. Giving him his teas tucking him in.

"What happened?" Viserys whispered a shaky hand reaching out for the red hand impression on Vaeras cheek. 

"Rhaenyra hit me." Vaera admitted honestly. Viserys looked horrified. 

"My V-Vaera." Viserys rasped. 

"I'm okay." Vaera assured kissing his cheek. "I hate her, but I'm okay." 

"I dont know how I went so wrong with her." Viserys admitted. 

"Me either." Vaera agreed. "I love you daddy..." 

"I love you baby." Viserys whispered pressing a kiss to her cheek and tasting her tears as Alicent came in. 

"Night daddy." 

"Goodnight my love." Viserys whispered. She moved to leave but he grabbed her hand. "Your mother is proud of you." Viserys said so clearly and confidently it took Vaera aback. 

"What?" She barely got the word out. 

"Just as I am my love." Viserys went on as his eyes blinked closed. "I love you Vaera. My little queen."

"I love you Daddy." Vaera tucked him in before Vaera moved to the candles blowing them out. SHe looked to her father already asleep it seemed before moving to the door. 

"Are you okay Vaera?" Alicent questioned holding onto her hand. 

"I will be... I'm just tired." Vaera remarked. 

"Get some rest," ALicent agreed. "It was a long day."

His breathing became short as the women headed out. ''My love.'' Viserys said softly his breaths growing shallow and then they stopped.


"You're sure?" Alicent questioned the next morning when her handmaiden came to her and Talya nodded once and a sob escaped Alicent's lips.

''With his own eyes, Your Grace.'' Tayla confirmed. Alicent sat in bed, tears in her eyes.

"Uh... Stay here." Alicent instructed wiping at her tears as she got up. ''Tell, tell no one. Help me dress.''

''Who knows?'' Otto questioned as Alicent had told him of Viserys passing.

''My handmaiden, Talya. Some of the servants.'' Alicent answered. "I saw him last night... before he..." Alicent leaned back in the chair, a shaky breath on her lips. "Vaera spoke to him and he.... And now he's dead. I have to tell Vaera she is going to be heart broken-''

"No." Otto corrected.

"She loved him most in the world. He loved her most in the world." ALicent corrected.

"We need her contained, we need Aegon on the throne."

"He said Vaera, vaera is his heir. There is no containment, Vaera will be queen and Aegon will be her king. I will not hear another word of this." ALicent warned. "Now, I have to tell vaera that her favorite person in the whole world is dead."

Alicent dreaded this the most, even more painful that hearing the news herself, having to tell Vaera what happened. That she would never get to talk to her father again. Alicent broke a little as she moved to their chambers to tell her. 

"Vaera?" She rolled over in bed grumbling. Alicent peered in.


Vaera was having a panic attack, her father was dead. How could he be dead? She ran to his chambers, her bare feet padding along the ground.  WHen she got to her father and dropping before him and wept. 

''What is it that could not have waited an hour? Was Dorne invaded?" Tyland mused as they gathered around the council table.

''The King is dead.'' Otto told them all. Alicent sat at the kings seat silently. Tears in her eyes her hands clasped on the table.  ''We grieve for Viserys the Peaceful... our sovereign... our friend. But he has left us a gift.'' Otto went on calmly.

"Vaera will be queen. Aegon will be king. As viserys wanted." Alicent agreed.

''Now, there are two among the captains of the City Watch that remain loyal to Daemon.''

"Let us replace them... Lord Lannister." Otto encouraged.

"You think they will try to take the crown once they know?" Alicent realized. Otto nodded in agreement. 

''The Treasury is well in hand. The gold will be divided for safekeeping." Tyland assured. 

''Let ravens be sent to our allies, Riverrun and Highgarden." Otto went on.

"Should Princess vaera not be here for this?" 

"She just lost her father, she needed a moment." ALicent corrected. 

"We should get her-" Beesbury countered. 

 ''The door remains shut until we finish our business. Storm's End is of concern.'' Otto corrected. ''We may not assume the loyalty of Lord Borros.''

''But he has four daughters, all of them unmarried. The right proposal...''

''What of Rhaenyra?''

''The former heir cannot, of course, be allowed to remain free and draw support to her claim.'' They all nodded in agreement, Rhaenyra had to go. 

"Especially after how she treated Vaera last night I think she will be hostile." ALicent agreed "but... You mean to imprison her.'' Alicent offered confused.

''She and her family will be given the opportunity to publicly swear obeisance to the new King." Otto told her gently.

''She will never bend the knee. Nor will Daemon, which you know." Alicent spat. ''You plan to kill them.... And all here accede to this.'' She asked incredulously.

''Your father is correct, Your Grace." The grand maester informed her ''A living challenger invites battle and bloodshed."

"It is unsavory, yes. But a sacrifice we must make to secure Aegon's succession.'' Otto agreed  ''And then there is Daemon to consider.'' Otto told her calmly.  'The King wouldn't wish for any unsavory...''

''But the King did not wish for the murder of his daughter!" Alicent reminded them. ''He loved her or at least he once did. I will not have you deny this.''

'' And yet...'' Tyland began. "He named Vaera his heir and Rhaenyra-"

''One more word, and I will have you removed from this chamber and sent to the Wall!" Alicent spat as she rose up slapping her hands down on the table

''What do you suggest, Your Grace?' Tyland offered

''Time is of the essence.'' Otto remarked but Alicent stayed silent. ''Lord Commander Westerling... take your knights to Dragonstone. Be quick and be clean.' Otto told him but he pulled his white cloaks off laying it before them.

''I am Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. I recognize no authority but the King's. And until there is one... I have no place here.'' Harrold told them and he headed out. He agreed Vaera would be a good queen but he didnt like her council and what they were planning, surly vaera wouldnt wish death upon her sister. 

Haunted // Aegon TargaryenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora