48. Saved My Life

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Vaera decided the best thing in the world was when Aegon came up beside her in bed his body molding to hers encompassing her in his warmth.

She practically purred as she trapped his arm under her own fingers interlaced at her chest. He kissed right behind her ear.

"Where did you go?" Vaera questioned.

"Ser Criston had me training already, I'm sorry." Aegon whispered holding her closer. He was going to suggest some early morning fun when Alyssa started crying. "I got her. I'm going to be the best dad!" Aegon assured as Vaera rolled over in bed, watching them. 

With her eldest children Tyon was no where near her, Harwin helped when he could but it wasnt proper. Vaera and him had to hide so most of the time she took care of her children alone and it was nice to have help. That Aegon wanted to help, that he loved their little girl. 

 Aegon was better than Vaera could have imagined, he trained and did his lessons like a good son, Viserys saw his growth as well. He loved that his Vaera brought out the best in Aegon. Aegon took care of the children. all of them. He loved them all as if they were his own. 

But Vaera saw the special connection between Alyssa and Aegon, the way he looked down at her, knowing that he took part in creating this little human, Vaera saw the unyielding love.

Alyssa was little thing, eat, shit and slept, but she ate a lot. Always leaving Vaera's teats aching. But Vaera knew the drill, she loved her children they were all so good with Alyssa. She knew her body would ache and stretch and that was the price she paid for such a perfect little girl once again. 

Haezel was the ringleader, just like Vaera had been of her half siblings. Haezel lead Aemma and Vizzy around, Aemma still pinned after Aemond and Helaena still chased after butterflies but Vaera saw a leader, strength and power within Haezel. 

Vaera was tired, she wasnt old by any means but she felt old as she had her fourth child, second husband, and she was sated. But seeing Aegon with Alyssa brought her back to life. All the late night cries for milk the poppy diapers, every little thing that made infancy less than ideal was insignificant when she saw Aegon and Alyssa snuggled up together. 


"I think you should know you saved my life Vaera." Alicent remarked. "I don't think you realize what you've done for me." Vaera stared back at her. "I don't think you realize what a little love could mean to me." Vaera grabbed her hand.

"You stayed by my side on that ledge and didnt let go of my hand, I dont think I would have had the strength to stand to not give in and just... fall. And you knew just what to say when I was fading..."

"Sometimes all that you need is someone who can believe in you more than you do yourself." Vaera offered. "Aegon did that for me. I'm glad I could help you too."

"The whole world was falling all around me it felt like but I held on to you and you made me feel less alone. You stayed by my side when you didnt have to."

"You are family, its what family does." Vaera assured.

"Viserys always said you were a little light." Alicent remarked. "I see it in your children too. I'm... thank you Vaera."

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