66. In The Dark

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Sober / Daemon Targaryen Out now!

"Vaera..." Alicent knocked on the door and peered in seeing Vaera and Aegon fast asleep still. She would want to know her sister was here but she looked so content. Alicent closed the door. She had to find Rhaenyra and and had to do it alone. 

''Vaera? My Vaera...'' Viserys said with a heavy breath.

''No, it's Rhaenyra, father.'' She heard his stiff breath in his lungs as he looked to her.

"Rhaenyra." He murmured softly as thunder raged outside the window. He was in no fit state to do or be any use for the meeting. He loved Vaera and wanted her to take part in the meetings and she promised she would attend and that Alicent would continue to guide her, she was a good leader, Vaera saw that. Alicent was glad she was not about to be thrown aside. 

"The Song of Ice and Fire." Do you believe it to be true?" Rhaenyra asked eagerly.

''Aegon's Dream.'' Viserys agreed

''You told me it was our duty to hold the realm united against a common foe. By naming me heir, you divided the realm." Rhaenyra reminded him, Viserys continued breathing heavily, pained breaths Rhaenyra didn't recognize her father anymore. ''I thought I wanted it. But the burden is a heavy one.' Rhaenyra admitted softly. ''It's too heavy.'' Rhaenyra remarked. ''If you wish me to bear it, then defend me. And my children." Rhaenyra begged.

"Then don't carry it." Viserys agreed and he never sounded more sure. "I have seen you are not strong enough... don't worry... it is done."

"What?" Rhaenyra questioned. 

"It is done." Viserys repeated as he closed his eyes. 

"What's done?" Rhaenyra spat glaring back at Daemon. 

"Maybe if you didnt burn every damn raven from the capital we wouldnt be left in the dark." Daemon sassed as he walked off. 

"Daemon!" Rhaenyra whined. 


"Mama!" Haezel declared pushing open her door. Aegon pulled the blankets over himself. 

"Whats wrong?" Vaera asked as she shot up. 

"Jace is here." Haezel remarked. Vaera understood. Haezel had loved Jace but that was a long time ago. 

"Let me get dressed." Vaera offered as Haezel plopped down on the couch covering her face in misery. "Have you spoken to him?" 

"No, not yet. I... what do I even say?" Haezel countered. 

"He is still your friend, he is still family." Vaera reminded her. 

"But I havent seen him in ages, he hasnt responded to my letters, what if he doesnt... he would have responded if he cared, if he wanted to be my friend." Haezel reminded her. 

"Lets hear him out, maybe he didnt get the ravens." 

"All of them?" Haezel countered accusatorily. 

"Lets just talk to him," Vaera looked to Aegon. "Nyra's here..."

"Should you get Calypso for protection?" Aegon mused. 

"Can you get Jae up while your daddy gets changed?" Vaera countered as Haezel got up heading across the hall. "Why are they- the petition!" Vaera shouted. "Damnit I forgot about that." She grumbled as she shoved her feet into her shoes. 

"So not staying in bed all day." Aegon realized as he flopped back into the pillows. 


''He looks like a different person. I believe we should also consult Maester Gerardys. Perhaps if he could see the King, he'd suggest a different..."Rhaenyra began but the door opened and Alicent approached.

'Princess Rhaenyra. And Prince Daemon.'' Alicent remarked. ''It has been so long since we were granted the joy of your presence.'' Alicent remarked. "I know Vaera has missed you both."

''Indeed, Your Grace.'' Rhaenyra agreed stiffly. 

''Though not long enough to merit a greeting upon our arrival.'' Daemon added smugly

''I'm sure the Queen had pressing business, my love. What can either of us know of ruling a kingdom?'' Rhaenyra offered kindly but Alicent heard the bitter undertone.

''I do not rule, as you well know.'' Alicent told them ''My father and I are mere stewards of the King's will and wisdom.''

''And how exactly is that wisdom expressed... hm? In blinks and wheezes? I'd be surprised if he could remember his own name. Or if you could.'' Daemon remarked snidely. "Vaera would never allow you to do this Viserys, have you poisoned her as well?"

''I have done no such thing!" Alicent declared appalled that he would even think such things.

"ANd yet she didnt greet us either." Rhaenyra added. 

"You think you deserve her greeting you at the gates after how you ignored her for years?" Alicent countered. "YOu ran away and broke Vaeras heart, she lost the man she loved and her sister." Alicent reminded them. "And you dont even care..." 

"She is my sister." Rhaenyra hissed. 

"Then start acting like it." Alicent seethed. 

"What did you do to my brother?" Daemon demanded cutting through the tension as the two women had a stare off. 

"King Viserys's condition has worsened since you saw him last.'' Alicent informed them

''Hah.'' Daemon spat

''It subjects him to considerable pain.'' Alicent went on ''On the advice of the maesters...''

''Ah, the maesters. Of course. It is they who keep him... addled on milk of the poppy while the High towers warm his throne.'' Rhaenyra added stiffly and Alicent let out a hot breath

''Rhaenyra, if you would see him without it, almost blind with suffering.'' Alicent informed them. "Vaera-"

''Oh, Alicent, I have no doubt it was... an act of the purest mercy, but tell me, for the King's suffering, did the maesters also prescribe the removal of Targaryen heraldry and the installation in its stead of various statues and stars?'' Daemon agreed

''The emblems of the Seven serve only to guide us on an uncertain path. To remind us of a higher authority. But Vaera recalled that your own mother liked the stars, liked to tell Viserys about the stars.'' Alicent remarked and Daemon grit his teeth, his mother did love the stars. 

''And on the morrow, which authority will sit in judgment of my son's claim on his own inheritance?'' Rhaenyra asked seeing Daemon's harsh persona fading at the talk of his mother. 

''That would be mine... and the Hand's.'' Alicent agreed. ''But be assured, the Father is just and commands me to forget the accusations you have hurled in this room today.''

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