79. Expiration Date

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Made you Look / Sandor Clegane Out now!

"Vaera my little love are you the queen now? SHould I be as angry as Rhaenyra is right now?" Daemon pondered.

"Father said it, he wrote it, declared it and you were there to witness and bow down before me.' Vaera corrected. "I am the Queen."

"You want me on my knees." Daemon mused and she whacked a hand at him.

"Daddy said... Rhaenyra isnt fit to reign and I think you know it." Vaera whispered. "I hate to say it, because I was always her biggest supporter but Daemon that was a long time ago. She changed..."

"I know baby, I think you and her just need to talk."

"We talk and we start yelling because she doesnt want to listen." Vaera countered.

''King's Landing will have my answer on them on the morning.'' Rhaenyra remarked as she stomped off.

"Go to her now." Daemon instructed. "Go to her." Vaera chased after Rhaenyra, calling to her. 

"Rhaenyra!" Vaera chased after her. "Rhaenyra can you talk to me?"

"I hate you." Rhaenyra spat. "YOu took everything from me. Everything!" 

"I didnt do anything." Vaera corrected. "You ran." 

"You never do anything, everything is just given to you." Rhaenyra agreed. 

"Rhaenyra- Father is dead, can we not-"

''Father is dead and you honor him by manipulating him into giving you the crown when he wanted me to be queen! Me! Not you."

"I didnt manipulate him, Rhaenyra." Vaera whispered. "I took care of him, loved him, I was there... you werent." She offered. 

"Are you calling me a bad daughter?"

"Yes." Vaera agreed. "A bad daughter, a bad sister, a bad heir." Vaera declared and Rhaenyra shoved her back. "Rhaenyra look at yourself! Please, lets not fight, whats done is done. Father chose me, cant we come to some sort of agreement for fathers sake? he would have wanted that."

"So you are not coming out of the goodness of your heart then?" Rhaenyra scoffed out. 

"No. Otto would have had you killed but as much as I might hate you recently, you are my sister and I dont want you dead. I dont want my nephews dead. I want us to come to an understanding Nyra. Please, lets just-"

"I'm dont talking you are just going to get whatever you want anyways, it doesnt matter what I say or do."

"You did nothing, you ran away and avoided your family and you expected the crown. You are- you are... un- fucking- believable!" Vaera declared. "There was a reason father chose you before, it was because I was too young, you were the first born, Daemon pissed him off and we all know it. You were the convenient heir. But time has proven that just because you are the first born doesn't mean you should be the queen, shouldnt be responsible because clearly you are not responsible, not fit to be queen. But I came here to talk to you and try and work something out because I hope that somewhere deep down you still love us." Vaera offered as Rhaenyra stomped the room. 

"Maybe I was wrong, maybe you really dont care." Vaera realized. "This was a waste of time." Vaera decided. "Goodbye Rhaenyra." She turned towards the door but Rhaenyra wasnt done. 

Rhaenyra grabbed her by the neck and vaera didnt fight her as she shoved her against the wall. 

"I'm done fighting you Nyra." Vaera whispered as Rhaenyra tightened her grip. "You and me against the world... I guess that had an expiration date." 

Haunted // Aegon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now