28. Egg

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Would've Could've Should've / Ned Stark / Hayley Marshell out now! 

"So, last night..." Nyra remarked when Vaera got up. 

"Last night was fun, I think I ate too much." Vaera agreed. Nyra stared back at her impatiently. "Sister dearest what is that look for?" 

"You know what this look is for." Nyra countered. 

"Pretend I dont." Vaera offered. 

"Did you fuck him?" Nyra declared. 

"No." Vaera corrected. 


"Am not." Vaera corrected. 

"He has been all over you for years." Nyra corrected. 


"And he wed you, you said yes and Im surprised he didnt steal you away sooner." Nyra offered. 

"We didnt. Because he is a gentleman and I'm not ready." Vaera remarked. 

"You're not?"

"Not all of us can move on within a day." Vaera agreed and she didnt mean it to sound so harsh but it did. Nyra nodded slightly as she looked to her feet. "Nyra... I'm sorry I didnt... I just meant I'm... we were different." Vaera offered. "You loved Daemon for years but... I loved Harwin."

"I loved Gael." Nyra assured her. 

"I know you did. I'm not saying you didnt but... he wasnt your true love. Maybe Daemon is." Vaera offered. 

"And Harwin was your true love?" Nyra pondered. 

"I'm hopeful that I can get more than one true love... one true loves." Vaera offered.  "Are you heading out soon?"

"Yeah, father is not the happiest with Daemon and I still and well... your new... Gods Alicent is step mother and mother in law now." Nyra remarked. 

"I can handle Maleficent." Vaera assured her. 

"I know you can but... best go before bloodshed. You know you can come back to dragonstone."

"We will visit." Vaera assured. "Make sure the girls get to say goodbye to Jace and Luke."

"So... how is married life?" Aemond questioned staring back at Aegon. 

"It's great. Its wonderful. Perfect. Vaera is perfect. Everything I ever wanted." Aegon declared. Aemond stared back at him. "What?"

"You have loved her for forever, I'm just surprised you left your chambers at all today." Aemond remarked. 

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"The fact that you make fun of me and you dont know what that means-"

"Shut up." Aegon spat back. "We are waiting. She is still grieving." 

"Thats nice of you. Who knew you were a good guy?" Aemond mused. "Where is Vaera?" Aegon glanced back at the door from the courtyard expecting her to magically appear. 

"Come on, lets get back to work, right Ser Criston?" Aegon questioned. 

"Of course my prince." Criston felt a pang of guilt and jealousy. Aegon was wed to Vaera, Criston still had lingering feelings for her, how could he not? Feelings like that didnt just go away. So did he train Aegon and Aemond a little bit harder to get out some built up resentment and jealousy... hell yes he did. 

"Gorgeous." Daemon remarked hugging Vaera. She smiled leaning into him. "I will miss you."

"Come back soon then." Vaera requested. "I miss you already." Daemon pressed a kiss to her cheek as the boys came running up. "I will miss you more, dont tell Daemon." Vaera whispered holding tight to them. 

Haunted // Aegon TargaryenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ