57. Bloody Sweet 16

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"I'm going to kill him." Vaera declared pushing herself up off the couch. "I'm going to tear him apart, piece by fucking piece."  She grabbed Aegons blade from his hip and he didnt stop her. 

Vaera marched out the door and Aegon and Alicent chased after her. 

"Mama..." Haezel whispered peering out of her room. Vaera turned to her. "Are you okay?"

"I will be." Vaera assured pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Big party tomorrow, get some rest my love." Haezel nodded heading back to bed. 

"Why didnt you tell us immediately?" Aegon questioned. 

"Why is she so fast?" Alicent countered. 

"Mother!" Aegon demanded. "Larys killed them, he should have been killed for it regardless of your personal feelings." 

"I know, but then just with everything-"

"Thats no excuse." Aegon reminded her. 

"Do you hate me?" Alicent questioned and Aegon turned to her as she stopped in the middle of the hall. 

"No I dont hate you." Aegon assured. "I'm not happy with you either though."

"Understandable." Alicent agreed softly. 

"Larys." Vaera declared and he turned to her a smug smile on his face. 

"What can I do for you princess?" Larys pondered. 

"You killed Harwin." Vaera sneered and Larys smug smile fell right off his face. She grabbed his cane and whacked him in the head with it. "You burned him alive!" Vaera shouted shoving him back. "You killed your brothers and father... you stole my girls father... you stole Harwin from me." 

"I did it for the queen." Larys interrupted. 

"You killed them for you. You gained the most, you got harenhall you conniving snake." Vaera spat. 

"No it was the-"

"I wish I could trade lives yours for his." Vaera pulled the blade free and Larys eyes jumped from the blade to Vaeras face. "But I can't. So killing you and getting justice for them, that will have to do." 


"I bet they died screaming, I dreamt it, I dreamt the fires searing into their skin. SHe pushed him back and he stumbled into the sand. "I was traumatized, a mess, I was haunted all because of you." She stabbed into his stomach. 

"Vae-" Larys choked out but she straddled him keeping him down as she stabbed and stabbed, she must have stabbed him at least 50 times before Aegon pulled her off. 

She was covered in blood, it speckled down her face as she got up staring down at his corpse bleeding out before her. 

"Rot in hell you monster." Vaera declared. "Calypso, have at him." Vaera pointed a finger at Larys. 

Vaera handed Aegon back his blade and he looked from the blade to her and Larys and back again. 

"You might want to clean that off." Vaera offered gently. 

"Vaera I'm sorry I didnt tell you sooner." Alicent spoke up. 

"Me too." Vaerea agreed. "But right now I need a bath. I feel larys all over me." Aegon wrapped an arm around her as he led her back inside. 

Aegon ran a cloth over her skin, her hair and face as she sat in the tub. The water was a Targaryen blood red by the time Vaera was cleaned off. Aegon held out a hand and Vaerea took it pulling herself out of the water. Aegon cradled her body to him and she breathed him in. 

They didnt say a single word, just wrapped up in each other that night, Aegon felt the tears on his chest as she shed a few silent tears. Aegon held her closer. 


"Alyssa, party time!" Vaera declared. She didnt know that she felt like having a party after last nights news but Helaena deserved a nice day so she was going to fake a smile until her smile became real. 

"Wait for me, wait for me, wait for me, I got little legs!" Alyssa shouted chasing after Vaera. 

Just like that Vaera's smile appeared as Alyssa chased after her

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Just like that Vaera's smile appeared as Alyssa chased after her. 

"Mama, I'm here!" Alyssa assured. 

"Oh my Gods!" Helaena declared picking up a cookie. "They are butterflies!" She took a bite. "Edible butterflies!" She declared completely giddy. "Thank you Vae!" 

"Your mum helped, and my girls too." Vaera informed her hugging her tight. "I wanted you to have something special for your name day. Happy sweet 16 Helaena."

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