4. The Fucking Nerve Of That Man

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''When was the last time you saw tyon Lannister?'' Alicent asked.

''About nine moons ago I suppose.'' Vaera told her innocently "You remember don't you? We had family dinner." Alicent grit her teeth.

''Where is your husband?'' Vaera looked back at alicent.

''Casterly rock?'' Vaera offered

''You dont know?''

''Where is my father?'' Vaera countered 'you dont know where he is all the time as i dont know where mine is the only difference is I see Tyon a few times a year you see your daily.' Vaera reminded still walking, Alicent tried to keep pace with her.

''Why is that?'' Alicent pondered chasing after her. Vaera let out a sigh as she ran her hands over her stomach. She felt like she was just pregnant. Rhaenyra wasn't pregnant this time around but Vaera felt very full. She thought this one was going to be a boy. He felt different from Haezel and Aemma.

''Lannisters and I dont get along and he doesnt like the capital.'' Vaera reminded her.

''You are a Lannister.'' alicent reminded her and vaera grit her teeth.

''Dont worry about my husband, worry about my father." Vaera reminded her. ''Ser harwin lets go for a walk.' Vaera suggested

''Of course princess.'' Harwin agreed.

''I swear that man and that witch.'' Vaera grumbled. ''They ruin my life by existing. The Lannister name tied to targaryen. It is a disgrace. The hightower name tied to ours... Disgrace.' Vaera seethed.

"What do you think Vaera?' Harwin questioned putting a hand on her stomach.

"A boy."

"A boy?' Harwin asked.

"What do you think? What should we name him?' vaera asked.

"What about after your favorite man?"

"Harwin jr?" Vaera mused.

"Viserys Jr." Harwin suggested and Vaera heart melted.

"I like that." Vaera agreed.


"A boy!' Tyon declared. "Finally. Took you long enough." Harwin wanted to snap his neck.

"Yes... he is quite handsome. Very quiet." Vaera remarked. "He's a mama's boy but aren't they all mama's babies?" Vaera pondered.

"Tywin, no Tytos!' Tyon declared and Vaera stared blankly back at him.

"You are saying words but I don't understand what you are saying." Vaera told him.

"Our son. His name will be Tytos!"

"Viserys." Vaera corrected.

"What? No. you got to name the others." Tyon reminded her.

"I did. Because I birthed them. I carried them for moons, conceived them in my womb, pushed them from my body and bled for them. I would kill for them. I would kill you if I thought you were a danger to them." Vaera informed him and Tyon took a step back. "His name is Viserys, the second of his name, mine." Tyon stared at her a moment before opening his mouth to object.

"Tytos." He said cautiously.

"Viserys. There is no discussion." Vaera told him.


"What part of no discussion did you not get through your pea brained head?" Vaera spat back and lil Viserys smiled up at her. "My little boy, my little, little, little love.' Vaera coed.

"Tytos is a prestigious name, a Lannister name." Tyon reminded her.

"Viserys... perhaps we let the king decide. My father, king Viserys... what do you think he will pick?" Vaera hissed.

"Fine... a middle name. I call him Tytos when he is at casterly rock and you can call him Viserys here." Tyon told her.

"When he is at- what?" Vaera hissed.

"Now that we have a son he will be at Casterly rock once he is old enough. He will learn with the red coats and-'' Tyon went on and Vaera couldn't breathe. She couldn't uproot her life to Casterly rock and she wasn't about to let her little Viserys stay with Tyon unattended.

"I think the princess and new prince, need rest." Harwin suggested.

"Oh yes of course. We will discuss more later." Tyon said heading out. He looked back at Vaera, hesitated did a little game of leaning back and forth before awkwardly kissing her head. "Well done." He said again and she glared back at him.

"I'm going to kill him." Vaera hissed.

"Lets go show him to your father how about?" Harwin offered.

"Yeah... I would like that." Vaera agreed.

''You did a good job, so strong you are." Harwin told her kissing her gently. ''He is perfect.''

"He is Strong." Vaera agreed. ''He really is.'

''You are still so beautiful.'' Harwin remarked and vaera smiled into him as he kissed her again. Harwin loved her. Loved their children. Vaera felt so much love.


"Did you send him away yet?" Rhaenyra asked cradling lil Viserys to her.

"I don't know. He wants- ok the fucking nerve of that sorry excuse for a man." Vaera hissed. "He wants to take Lil Vis to casterly rock."


"He is proud of... his, son." She hissed. Rhaenyra rolled her eyes.

"He is a fucktard." Rhaenyra declared.

"He really is." Vaera agreed. "He wanted to name my baby Tytos. What the fuck kind of name is that?"

"Very Lannister." Rhaenyra agreed.

"He is... not... Lannister." Vaera seethed. "He is mine. Mine." Vaera said reaching a hand out to lil vis.

"Vaera love!" Viserys declared and Vaera grinned back at him. "Oh honey, look at you still so radiant."

"Thank you daddy, and thank you Harwin for fetching him." Vaera added, Harwin gave her a small nod waiting at the door.

''Viserys... Tyot-no..... Lannnnn- Targaryen." Vaera introduced when Viserys got to Rhaenyra's room. "Viserys... my little Viserys jr." Viserys put a hand over his heart before hugging her.

"Viserys." Viserys repeated kissing her son. "Name of a true king." Viserys told her and Vaera smirked back at Rhaenyra.

"I know who the favorite is, everyone does." Rhaenyra agreed.

"Oh my girl you do so well. Make the cutest little ones just like you." Viserys told her kissing her cheek.

"Thank you daddy." Vaera said leaning into him as he picked up lil Vis.

"Did you say tytos?" Viserys said confused.

"Tyon... he..." Vaera groaned. ''A very lannister name I know. Couldnt be avoided.'' Vaera remarked.

"Viserys Targaryen." Viserys said down to lil Vis. "Second of his name, son to the sweetest mother in the world."

"Aw, daddy." Vaera declared hugging him tight.

"It's like he forgot I was even here." Rhaenyra went on staring off into the distance. "Rhaenyra who?" she mused.

"Do you hear something daddy?" Vaera teased. "It's like this buzzing..."

"Ha. Ha.' Rhaenyra said swatting a hand at her.

"Flies perhaps?" Viserys offered and Vaera couldn't help but giggle.

"Rude. You two are rude." Rhaenyra told them.

"Oh Nyra... didn't see you there." Vaera teased. Rhaenyra rolled her eyes. "You know you love me."

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