44. Bitch About It Together

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Fetish/ Larys Strong Out now!
Yes You read that correctly.

Alicent was going to jump. She wasnt a good mother or wife. She wasnt a good person and vaera did everything better. Everyone loved her more. There was no point.

"Alicent stop!" Vaera demanded.

"You don't understand-" alicent whimpered out on the edge.

"I do though. When I lost Harwin I was a mess. Im still haunted by his memory." Vaera corrected.

"I failed them. Im a failure."

"I'm a fucking failure." Vaera countered. "We all fail."

"What have you failed at? You are perfect. Perfect vaera." Alicent sneered. 

"I'm not perfect." Vaera corrected.

"Viserys thinks so. Aegon thinks so. He always has."

"He sees my scars my flaws and decided I was worth it, worth the hassle of dealing with my past. I see you Alicent and you are worth it." 

"I'm not." Alicent whimpered

"I think so." Vaera corrected climbing up on the ledge with her.

"What are you doing?" Alicent questioned as vaera grabbed her hand.

"You need a friend. To stop you from making dumb ass decisions or make those damn ass decisions with you." Vaera declared and alicents breath hitched in her chest.  "Do keep in mind im pregnant and i would hate for my children to find my body splattered on the ground. Not the imagine i want for them."


"Alright." Vaera held tight to her hand. "What are we doing?"


"Nyra is to be queen, father is going to find her a husband, which means he will want me to have a husband. What man would want me!" Vaera had exclaimed.

"I think you have a few more years before you have to worry about that." Harwin remarked.

"No one wants a little person-'

'You are young and still growing, besides you are beautiful, you will have men lining up to be with you." Harwin told her.

"You think?"

"Beautiful." Harwin assured and Vaera beamed up at him.

"Alright, best you stay here, ignore any and all yelling, I'm sure its fine." Vaera told him as she pushed open Rhaenyra's door.


'Form complete sentences, yeah I noticed." Vaera remarked. Rhaenyra shot her a pointed look. "Sorry," Vaera said softly.

"How could they do this to me! to us!' Rhaenyra paced the room anxiously.

''Nyra, I know this is scary and new, I don't understand it either." Vaera admitted. "But you got me-''

"Father loves you best, he didn't tell you of his plans?" Rhaenyra countered

'No, he didn't tell me." Vaera assured.

"He tells you everything."

"Clearly not." Vaera countered.

"I just don't understand." Rhaenyra huffed out.

"Everything is about to change, we need to stick together. I don't trust this union." Vaera told her

"Me either." Rhaenyra hissed.


"Nyra left me too." Vaera reminded her. "I didnt understand back then that you didnt want my father either. I love him but... I suppose he's not the knight in shining armor like you might have imagined for yourself." Alicent nodded just slightly. "I was mad because Nyra was mad...  You had everything I wanted from Nyra before that."

"What?" Alicent rasped.  "She hates me."

"I just wanted my sister." Vaera remarked. "You two were always together and I was just the little sister, that you two never wanted to hang out with. You two always told me to go away, that I was bothering you." Alicent sighed thinking back on that. It was Rhaenyra that didnt care for her little sister and Alicent had went along with it too. 

"I wouldnt have minded." Alicent remarked. "If you..." she shrugged. "Joined us."

"We both listened to Nyra because we thought it was right and good, because we loved her and wanted her to love us too." Vaera offered. "She was your best friend, then she was mine and we spent so much time listening to her... listening to her complain about the other we forgot to think for ourselves and just stuck with what we were told." Alicent nodded in agreement. 


"Daddy?" Vaera had questioned coming into his room. Viserys sat up in bed putting his book down.

"Hello little love." He coed. "What's wrong?"

"Why are you marrying Alicent?"

"It is a good match and... I enjoy her company." Viserys told her stiffly.

"I didn't know you knew her, not really at least." Vaera remarked jumping up next to him.

"I... well... I'm not trying to replace your mother. I don't want to but the council... Vaera you know how much I love you, right?" Viserys questioned and Vaera nodded.

"I know... but why Nyra's best friend?" Vaera countered.

"One day, I hope you fall in love, I hope you fall hard for someone that makes you so happy. I hope you never have to be apart from them." Viserys told her. "But we are all not so lucky as to get that. that love that lasts forever." 


"He knew I wasnt the love of his life, just a... convenient option. Easily pushed around, thats what my father thought. I wanted to do everything for him. Please him. If he told me to jump I would have done it already." Alicent whispered. 

"Did he?" Vaera questioned incredulously.

"No." Alicent corrected. "But thats how stupid I was. How stupid I am." 

"You are not stupid. You wanted what was best- what your father thought was best." Vaera remarked. 

"I am weak." Alicent agreed. "I was too weak to stand up to anyone. I'm still weak... I can't... I'm just not-"

 "Alicent you are not weak." Vaera corrected. "Sure we seemed like mortal enemies a few moons back but you are not weak. You were forced into a marriage with a man you didnt love, you didnt stray away from him like Nyra and I did with our own spouses... I suppose thats a benefit of being a princess, father looked the other way."

"I'm sorry that I added to that." Alicent admitted. "Your girls and Vizzy are sweet." 

"Thank you, I love them... Aemond lost an eye and although that night is a bit of a blur and I think everyone was screaming you wanted justice, which you didnt get... which Aemond didnt get." Vaera remarked. "Yet I'm sure you had to apologize for it all the same." Alicent nodded and Vaera gripped tighter to her hand feeling light headed herself. "That wasnt fair, I see that now." Vaera remarked. "There should have been punishment. Maybe not an eye for an eye but... something more."

"Thank you for saying that." Alicent rasped through tears. 

"Can we get down now?" Vaera requested "I'm not feeling good." Alicent nodded helping her down. "No more cliff diving." Vaera told her. "Just talk to me and we can bitch about things together."

"I would like that." ALicent agreed. 

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