37. Glam Squad

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"Make me look beautiful!" Aemma declared and Aegon had a mini heart attack as he rolled away from Vaera and landed with a thud on the bed. "What are you doing on the floor, silly? We have a party to prepare for!"

"What are you doing on the floor?" Vaera agreed as she got up, her dress falling back into place as she moved. "And you my love are already beautiful."

"But like extra beautiful... you know... for Aemond." Aemma remarked softly.

"For Aemond?" Vaera giggled out. "Okay."

"Aemond? Almond Aemond? You are too good for him." Aegon assured. Vaera swatted a hand at him.

"Egg!" Vizzy yelled from his crib as he smiled back at them.

"Egg." Vaera teased. Aegon smirked pulling on a shirt.

Aemond was 12 and Aemma was only 7 but hell, Vaera and Aegon's age gap was more then that. Nyra and Daemons was way more. But her seven year old mind was already set on Aemond and Vaera thought it was adorable.

"Isnt it a bit early to start getting ready?" Aegon pondered.

"Yes." Vaera agreed.

"No." Aemma corrected. "Beauty takes time."

"You are already beautiful. You wake up and bam cutie!" Vaera declared. "How about some food before the glam squad comes?"

"Whats a glam squad? That sounds fun!" Aemma declared

"Its me with a brush." Vaera informed her. "Glamorous!" Aemma laughed out shaking her head.

"I got him." Aegon remarked moving to vizzy. Vizzy reaching up pulling on the bars of his crib. He smiled back at them.

"Egg man!" Vizzy declared.

"New nickname buddy please." Aegon whispered pulling him out. Vizzy smirked up at him as aegon put him down on his feet. Vizzy saluted him.

"Egg man!" Vizzy declared before running to vaera.

"You set yourself up for that." Vaera teased.

"I did." Aegon agreed. Vaera scooped vizzy up and peppered his face with kisses.

"Name day party today. Happy almost name day my love." Vaera coed.

"Happy day! Happy day!" Vizzy agreed clapping. Aegon started picking at fruit on the table and Vizzy reached out.

"Oh now he wants the Egg." Aegon teased.

"Hunger!" Vizzy agreed as the door pushed open.

"Gotta bar that." Aegon teased.

"Mama can jace stay forever?" Haezel begged.

"Wouldnt that be nice." Vaera agreed.

"Aunt nyra was mad last night. I heard her slamming doors when Jace found me." Haezel remarked. "Then jace told me that she was complaining the whole ride here. That she didnt want to come." Haezel informed them and Aegon saw vaeras smile fall completely. Vaera still loved her sister but it seemed Gael and Harwins deaths hit her too. Made her mean and bitter even about visiting her own sister and father. Vaera didn't understand. She thought nyra wantes to be here. That she missed her too.

"Why would she say that?" Aemma chimmed in. "Its a party!"

"Happy day!" Vizzy agreed from Aegons lap.

"Nyra and uncle daemon were tired but im sure now that they are refreshed and ready they will be happy to stay longer."  Vaera offered hopefully. "Come on have some food to break your fast." She suggested and as they sat around the table aegon nodding along with the girls as they told him about the dresses they were going to wear and how they wanted vaera to do their hair. The exact color red not cheery red not apple red blood red. Aegon chuckled at that.

He caught vaera staring over at him and smiled. He grabbed her hand and all felt right in the world.

Nyra was a recluse Daemon was chipper and the boys played with Haezel and Aemma until it was time to get ready.

Vaera was disappointed in Nyra. But she could only hope for the best. She leaned into Aegon as vizzy took his pre party nap.

"I love you aegon."

Aegon smiled pulling her closer. It was so simple. So natural as if she said it all the time. He kissed her temple echoing her words.

"Thanks for being so great since well... forever." Vaera whispered.

"Im always here for you. Always." Aegon assured.

"Thank you Aegon." Vaera met his gaze. He pulled her closer kissing her and her hands tangled in his hair as his hands ran up her legs under her dress. He moaned into her when the door flew open.

"Alright mama." Aemma declared as she ran in. " Commence the glam squad!"

Vaera brushed out her dark hair and Aemma hummed a little tune as Vizzy bashed his toys together with shrill excitement

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Vaera brushed out her dark hair and Aemma hummed a little tune as Vizzy bashed his toys together with shrill excitement.

"You gonna be the prettiest little girl at the party." Vaera remarked. "Haezel too of course, you are good at sharing the limelight of cuteness."

"I am good at sharing." Aemma agreed.

Vaera giggled out. She couldnt not. Aemma was the cutest. She was sure this was how Vaera was as a child. Vaera still felt like a child at times. A married woman with three children and a husband yet she still held that childlike wonder.

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