45. Mama Aemma

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Cruel Summer/ Maegor the Cruel out now!

When vaera got pregnant she didnt fully fathom it, she had three children, she wasnt ignorant to the pain, the bloating, the never ending urge to pee when the baby was smushing her bladder. But then her mind raced back to her own mother when she was in her final moon. Her hand ran over her stomach as she watched Haezel and Aemma playing tag with Vizzy and Helaena in the courtyard. She smiled back at them as she passed moving to Calypso. 

"Hey, baby..." Vaera whispered running a hand over her scales. "I'm having another baby." She remarked. "Do you remember that day when mother had a baby and we went flying and everything seemed so perfect? Up there in the air?"


"Okay mama I got all the cookies." Vaera had said putting it down before her. "I think you want this one first."

"Thank you baby. You went riding today..."

"Mama I swear Calypso wanted to go, she was begging me and when you don't listen to dragons they get mad." Vaera told her innocently. There was an innocence about Vaera. She never thought when she was disobeying that she was being bad. She was just exploring and never lost that look in her eye that was pure magic.

"I believe you.' Aemma assured. "What do you think?" Aemma said running her hands over her stomach. "Boy or girl?"

"Boy." Vaera said immediately.

"Is that because your father wants a boy?" Aemma questioned.

"Yes." Vaera agreed.

"You are a daddy's girl." Aemma remarked.

"I want a sibling so I can be the big sister." Vaera told her. "I'm so little, I'm never going to grow. But maybe if when my baby brother comes the world will decide its time for me to grow!" Vaera offered hopefully.

"You are still young."

"I'm so little," Vaera whined.

"You are my baby girl." Aemma corrected.

"I'm Nine! I'm not a baby." Vaera corrected.

"No, you are right, you are my big girl." Aemma agreed.

"But I'm so little!" Vaera whined. "Ser Harwin says that he is worried that I'm going fly off Calypso and hes going to lose his job." Vaera relayed his previous message.

"You like ser harwin, don't you?"

"Yeah. Hes nice, and he sneaks me cookies sometimes." Vaera whispered as though it was a secret that perhaps her mother wasn't the right person to be telling.

"It is good to have knights that care about you, they will protect you."

"Protect me from what?" Vaera questioned.

"Anything and anyone that wants to hurt you." Aemma told her. Vaera put her hands on Aemma's stomach.

"When is the baby coming?" Vaera questioned.


"Can I hold him first?"

"Can I hold him first?" Aemma countered.

"Can I hold him second then?" Vaera questioned.

"Of course." Aemma agreed.

"Did you see the egg I picked for him?" Vaera questioned running over to the crib.

"It is beautiful, you did wonderful." Aemma applauded.

"Do you think Calypso will ever get as big as Syrax? Or Caraxes?"

"Is your uncle daemon here?"

"No, but his is really large, you think Calypso will get big like that too?"

"I think so, he has a wonderful mother." Aemma agreed kissing Vaera's head.

"Am I going to be a mother one day?"

"Of course." Aemma agreed.

"And I can be a good mama like you?"

"Of course, you will be even better." Aemma assured.

"And you will be a grand sire." Vaera remarked.

"Oh goodness, one baby at a time love."


Aegon found Vaera crying in the pits. Of course his mind first raced to I am not Harwin, I will never be the bear of a man that first held Vaera's heart. I am a rebound to her one true love but she turned when she heard his footsteps and he faltered back. 

"I'm sorry." Vaera whispered wiping at her eyes. "I was thinking about-" here it was, you are just a replacement for Harwin speech that Aegon was dreading? Would he ever be enough for her? "-my mother." Vaera told him and Aegon did not expect that. SHe wasnt thinking about Harwin, she was thinking about her own mother. A wave of relief filled him as he moved closer to her. 

"She would be proud of you Vaera." Aegon assured. Vaera offered him a sad smile as he sat beside her. 

"She... I hadnt given it much thought before because I was just so excited but I was younger then and... well..." Vaera whispered. "Women die in pregnancy all the time. My mum did. Laena did over seas. Fathers mother Alyssa did giving birth to their sibling but the babe didnt live then either... and well I... the last..." Vaera's breath came out in short whisps. "Mother had many miscarriages and her body couldnt take it... I didnt understand at the time but I do now and I'm scared that after that last one... the last... when the babe... and now..." Aegon held onto her. He made promises he knew he couldnt keep saying she would be alright because she had to be. He would keep her save no matter what and she clung to him. 

"I dont want to leave you and the kids alone in this world. I want to be here for every up and down and..." Vaera whispered. 

"And you will. I promise you will."

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