68. I Promise

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''I will not cloud my mind. I must put things right. They do not know, they need to hear it... from me.'' Viserys demanded. 

"Daddy?" Vaera whispered helping him back to his seat. 

"I have invited you all here, not just for the petition, many of you... dont care for driftmark drama." Viserys remarked. Vaera ran down getting him some water he thanked her as he took a long sip. "But we are here for my heir. My chosen heir." 

Rhaenyra smiled proudly. 

"A few moons back I decided to rename my heir." Viserys reminded everyone. Rhaenyras smile dropped and Daemon rose a curious brow. 

"The crown will be passed to my daughter Vaera Rose Targaryen. After her, the crown will pass to vaeras choice of child when the day comes. Hopefully a very long time from now, for the world will lose the sun when Vaera passes." Viserys declared and Vaera felt her heart give out.  Nyra was furious daemon was enraged. He only married her for her crown and now... now... Now Rhaenyra wasnt even getting the Crown.


"I look ridiculous." Vaera murmured messing with the crown on her head.

"You look beautiful." Aegon corrected.

"There is too much, too much, it is very much, muchness!" Vaera declared pulling at the formal gown and golden chains.

"Vaera, gorgeous, stop..." Aegon whispered stepping closer as she tore at her dress, golden necklaces dropping with a heavy thud.

"Aegon I can't. I just... cant..." Vaera whimpered. "Take this stupid thing-" she tugged at her hair trying to get the crown off. "Aegon get it off!" Vaera begged.

"Vaera, Vaera," Aegon held her to him as she sobbed out.

"I don't want it." She whimpered into him. "If I take it, it means that my father is gone and I dont want him to be gone and I was supposed to have another day or two before I had to... before I had to..."

"I know my love but he's not gone yet and he wants you to be queen." He rested his chin on the top of her head as she sobbed into him. He ran a calming hand over her back and he felt the shaky rise and fall of her chest with every broken breath. "You take all the time you need." Aegon assured.

"I don't need time, I need father alive and well." Vaera corrected as the door opened and Alyssa and Vizzy ran in.

"Mama's sad, she needs cookie." Alyssa decided as she ran back outside. "Come on Cole mama needs a cookie!" Alyssa declared pulling Criston down the hall. Vizzy walked up to Vaera and hugged her. 

"Oh Vizzy, look at you. So handsome you are." Vaera agreed.

"Mama, your dress ripped." Vizzy remarked "and Mama... Is your head okay mama?" Vaera's hand went to her crown hanging loosely from her braid disheveled hair.

Daemon peered in and saw the state of his precious little vaera. 

"You need a professional." Daemon remarked. "Aegon, find out vaera a new dress." Vaera stared back at him. 

"You are not mad?" Vaera whimpered. "Nyra wouldnt even look at me. Father sent the ravens out, it wasnt supposed to be a surprise!" Vaera informed him. "I thought you-"

"Sit down." Daemon instructed, sat Vaera down and untangled the crown from her hair. She stared back at him in the mirror as he brushed out her hair.

"Thank you, Daemon." Vaera whispered grabbing his hand. 

"I'm not mad at you, Rhaenyra burned all the damn ravens for years." Daemon remarked and Vaera gaped back at him. "She didnt want anything to do with the capital. With... you." Daemon added softly and Aegon glanced back at him as Vizzy stood between Vaeras legs, she hugged him to her. 

Haunted // Aegon TargaryenUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum