69. Never Be Queen

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"Rhaenyra talk to me!" Vaera demanded. 

"You stole my birth right!" Rhaenyra spat back. 

"You abandoned us." Vaera reminded her. 

"I couldnt be here! You could have come with to dragonstone but no. You married the enemy." Rhaenyra sassed. 

"Aegon is my husband. Aemond and Helaena are our family!" Vaera shouted. "They are not the enemy."

"You even sound like them, do you wear green too?" Rhaenyra hissed. 

"You are sounding a lot like the enemy right now Rhaenyra." Vaera declared. "Listen to yourself!" 

"take a look in the mirror Vaera, your holier than thou act is fading." Rhaenyra coutnered. 

"What are you even talking about?" Vaera demanded. "I never pretended to be-"

"Perfect." Rhaenyra spat. 

"I'm not perfect." Vaera corrected. 

"You sure act like it." 

"How would you know, how would you fucking know!" Vaera shouted shoving her back. "You left, you abandoned me and my children, our father. You act like you care but you left, you ran, you ran away and-"

"I was hurting." 

"You married Daemon within a fortnight." 

"You married Aegon-"

"Over a year later!" Vaera shouted. "You are such a hypocrite." 

"You think I'm not going to fight this, I am." Rhaenyra seethed. 

"Your husband already swore to me!" Vaera corrected. Aemond and Daemon peered down the hallway hearing the shouting. 

"You condescending bitch!" 

"Me?" Vaera shouted. "You abandoned us, you only came back when you needed something from father, expected him to clean up your messes but thats always what you did."

"YOu are one to talk." 

"Yes, he cleaned up our little scandals when we were children but I always loved father. You loved when he fixed your problems."

"I love father." 

"Then where the hell were you for the past six years?" Vaera demanded. 

"Why do you care?" 

"Because you are my sister." Vaera reminded her. 

"Sisters dont steal crowns." Rhaenyra hissed. 

"Fuck you Rhaenyra." Vaera spat. "Go home, fucking go home. I dont want you here." Vaera decided as she stomped off.  Rhaenyra gaped back at Vaera like Vaera was the problem. 

"Vaera!" Rhaenyra called after her but she didnt stop, didnt hesitate, just kept going. "Vaera you are acting childish!" Rhaenyra demanded and that stopped vaera. 

"Me?" Vaera countered spinning on her heel. "Daemon said you were burning our ravens. Who is childish now?" 

"He is lying." Rhaenyra grumbled. 

"really, so you read my letters and choose to ignore them, read my heartfelt words and thought, fuck that I dont care about my little sister that used to think the world of me." Vaera sassed. 


"What did my letter say? The last letter." Vaera demanded and Rhaenyra grit her teeth. "Any fucking letter, I wrote you many." Still nothing. "Even now when I know the truth you still think to lie, to fucking lie." Vaera cried out. 

"You and Daemon conspiring against me." Rhaenyra decided. 

"You are delusional! You are the only one isolating yourself. I wanted you here and you blocked us out. When Daemon and I spoke, it was here. just today because he still loves me." 

"Thats the fucking problem isnt it." Rhaenyra sneered. 

"I'm happily married!" Vaera shouted. "I love Daemon but not like that!" 

"Why dont I believe you?"

"Believe what you want, it makes no difference to me." Vaera countered. 

"What else did you two speak of when you were fondling his ego?"

"His ego, talk about your own ego perhaps." Vaera challenged. Rhaenyra scoffed. "He also said you had a hostile womb." Vaera added. 

"I'm pregnant right now!" Rhaenyra countered. 

"I just thought you had gotten fat." Vaera offered. 

"Now whos acting childish." Rhaenyra sneered. 

"Still you." Vaera assured. "Go home and fuck off Rhaenyra. You dont want to be here and I no longer want you here." 

"WHen I'm queen-" Rhaenyra shouted. 

"Thats never going to happen because you will never be queen!" 

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