'Oh god what if I drop my flowers.'

'What comes next?'

'So we have to kiss in front of all these people?'

'What if I-'

Before you even realized it, you had reached the altar. You smiled at Natsu as you stepped up.

"(Y/N), I promise to love you for eternity. My heart belongs to you and only you, and our lives are now intertwined. When I first saw you that day, my heart went crazy."

"I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped too," he added, "what I mean to say- is that life without you is nothing. You make my world more vibrant, and I'm so happy to see you here, today."

"What is he doing?" The priest murmured to anyone that would be listening.


You watched as Lucas, in his tiny tuxedo, walked up the isle proudly. In his hands, a pillow. And on that pillow sat a bright shining ring.

He offered it up to Natsu.

Natsu grinned, and ruffled Lucas's hair. "Good job."

Lucas beamed up at him. "Thanks, papa." You smile at their little exchange. Natsu gently took your hand.

"Do you, (Y/N) take Natsu Dragneel to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

You looked up into his eyes. How they sparkled with excitement. A grin was tugging on his lips.

"I do." You answered shyly, your eyes still on Natsu.

"And do you- Natsu Dragneel take (Y/N) (L/N) to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Natsu's eyes never left you. He smiled softly. "I do."

You felt a grin erupt.

"And if anyone objects, speak up now or forever hold your peace." The priest said.

You held your breath. 'Calm down. No one would do that, (Y/N).' From the corner of your eye, you spot Lucy sitting in the front row.

Her eyes were narrowed, and she was looking down, but she didn't say anything.

By her, sat Happy and Plume. Both wore formal clothing, and had tears in their eyes.

After what seemed like an eternity, the priest spoke again. "Then, I pronounce you husband and wife. Mr. Dragneel, you may-"

He was cut off when Natsu grabbed you by the waist, slid the ring on your finger, and kissed you on the lips, fully surprising you.

The priest laughed heartily. "Ah, youngsters."

You grin after Natsu pulled away. "Hello Mr. Dragneel."

He shyly looked up at you, his eyes shining. "Hello Mrs. Dragneel." He softly whispered.

The audience erupted into cheers. You grinned, as you faced the audience. You felt a tug on your hand. "Come with me." Natsu yelled, dragging you through the cheering audience.

He led you outside, where the setting sunlight blinded you. You shielded your eyes as he led you on.

You grinned as he brought you closer and closer to the white cake. You laugh when hoists Lucas onto his shoulders, letting the child watch him cut a piece.

You were speaking with Levy, Juvia, and Liz when you heard someone's footsteps approach you from behind.

You turned, and found yourself looking into someone's dark eyes.

Lucy Heartfilia.

"Lucy..." You began, but she cut you off.

"I'm sorry."

You doubled back. "W-what?"

But she disappeared into the crowd. Your eyebrows raise. "What was that about?" Levy asked, appearing by your side.

You shrugged. "I don't know."


The reception was still going on. But they had cut some slack for you and Natsu. They rushed you home.

Lucas had pleaded on staying, as he was being coated with affection by some nearby adults.

You and Natsu had agreed.

So now, you were in the apartment couch, wearing casual clothes and leaning against Natsu as he whispered sweet nothings to you.

"You know..." He said softly, his finger intertwining with yours. "I can't imagine life without you."

You smile secretively. "Oh- really?" You tried to sound as nonchalant as possible.

You felt a rumble in his chest as he laughed. "Yeah. You're so random, strange, how was I living before?"

You practically melted at his words.

"Life is living for someone else...isn't it? I always thought my life had a meaning. I thought it was to search for Igneel, but perhaps..."

"Perhaps it was to love you." He finished.

Your cheeks reddened at his words. You looked up at him and smiled. "I can't wait for the future," you sighed happily.

But that happiness was soon interrupted.

The door flung open. Plume and Happy rushed into the room. "(Y/N)! Natsu, Lucas, he-!"

Your blood turned cold.

Can't Help It ; NatsuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora