Please... Take My Hand

Start from the beginning

"Yeah," I say, my voice suddenly a lot quieter. My throat burned, which Morro seemed to sense. He hands me his water bottle which I drink from gratefully. I cough a bit and Morro immediately starts making sure I'm okay.

"I'll take the story from here," Morro says softly.

"Morro, you don't have to," I rasp.

"No, rest your voice. I'll be fine. Promise." He says. Raising his voice, he picks up the story. "Taiki was... brutal to Lloyd. Lloyd barely made it out alive, and his physical body was unconscious for most of the time. I comforted him as well as I could, but I didn't do very well."

"You do great," I manage, coughing a bit. Morro blushes and hides his face against my neck again.

I wrap Morro in a hug, trying to ignore the stabbing pain that spikes in my back. Morro lets me stroke his hair.

"Can I tell them the last bit?" I whisper softly. He nods, turning his head to watch the others. Raising my voice, I finish the story.

"M-Morro was very helpful, like I said. I resented him at first but grew to love him like a sibling. One night, I was beaten so badly that I could hardly move. Morro was worried sick. I had cried on his shoulder that it was easier to give up, that no one would care if I died. And he said- he said, 'I would care. I would care if you died.' I asked him why and he said 'Because I love you. I don't know what I'd do without you.' That's when I realized I had been misreading my own feelings. We've been dating since." I say, falling into a coughing fit. Morro rubs my back and I lean into him.

He blushes when I press a quick kiss on his cheek. I glance back at the others and see them watching us.  

"So, to summarize this, Morro was possessed with you, he helped you  stay sane, and now you are dating?" Kai asks slowly.

"Yeah, you could put it that way," I say.

Morro's P.o.v.

I clutch Lloyd's hand as the others process everything. Lloyd's head falls on my shoulder and I subconsciously stroke his hair. Zane tilts his head, confused.

"I was unaware you were gay," He says, his eyes trained on Lloyd. All eyes jump to Lloyd, and I give his hand a slight squeeze. 

"I'm not gay. I'm pan," He says, drinking more of my water. "Morro's the gay one," 

I flush hard as Lloyd presses another quick kiss on my cheek. I hide my face in his neck again. Lloyd laughs and leans his head on mine.

"I-" Kai starts. "Can I hug you?" 

Lloyd nudges me and I look up. Kai's eyes are trained on me. I realize he wants an answer. 

"Yeah," I say, pleased he remembered I'm uncomfortable with people other than Lloyd touching me and want them to ask first.

He stands from his spot and hugs me, holding me tight. I hug him back, surprised at how good his hugs feel. When he finally pulls away, I find myself wishing he didn't stop. Lloyd wraps one arm around me and leans in closer.

"Hey, I gotta get more water," Lloyd whispers in my ear.

"Did we run out?" I whisper back.

"Yeah. I'm just gonna get a little more," He whispers softly.

I nod, moving off his lap. He stands and walks off in the general direction of the kitchen. I watch him go, suddenly feeling cold. Wrapping my arms around myself, I shiver slightly. 

"Morro? Are you okay?" Jay asks softly. I shrug, blushing a little. He drapes a blanket over me. We sit quietly until Lloyd comes back, stumbling slightly. I hold my arms out and he sits on my lap. 

"Are you okay?" I ask as he snuggles me.

"No. I threw up again," He whines, tears flowing down his cheeks. I quickly wrap my arms around him.

"Are you okay? Do you need something?" I ask in panic.

"Just hold me, please," He all but begs. I nod.

"Where?" Zane jumps in.

"The kitchen,"

Zane stands and Cole jumps up after him. They walk off to clean it up. Lloyd presses against me and bunches my shirt in his hands. I gently stroke his back, murmuring comfort into his ear softly. His head falls onto my shoulder as the others quietly disperse. Lloyd's breathing slows and he finally falls asleep as I kiss his forehead. Glancing around, I see Kai lingering.

"Do you need something?"

He jumps when I address him, clearly not expecting me to ask.

"Nah. I'm gonna go now," He says, turning to the door. He pauses for a minute before turning around again. "Hey, um, I don't know if you already know or not, but when Lloyd is sick he likes to lay on top of people. So if you want, you can try laying on your back and holding him on your stomach," He says.

I blink as he swiftly walks out of the room. I didn't know that about Lloyd. I know he likes to cuddle though. And Kai has known Lloyd longer than me. They're like brothers, Kai is always taking care of him, from what I've heard. And he seems nice enough. It wouldn't hurt to try, would it?

"Fuck!" I whisper as I slowly lay down. The blanket falls onto the floor and I reach for it. "Come here you little shit,"

"Wow, Morro. Such a dirty mouth," Cole says from the doorway. I look up in shock. "Don't worry, we all have one. Even Jay," He laughs a little as he grabs the blanket. I secure my arms around Lloyd as he starts to move. Cole puts a hand on my shoulder and steers me down the rest of the way. Tucking us in, he pauses to stroke Lloyd's hair and shoot me a smile.

"I love you," Lloyd mumbles in his sleep. I smile at his sleeping form and kiss him again.

"I love you too," I whisper. Snuggling into Lloyd, I'm suddenly extremely happy that I decided to take Lloyd's hand when he asked. I catch his hand in mine and close my eyes. I love him to the moon and back, and would gladly die again for him. With a sigh, I feel myself drift off.

Zane's P.o.v.

I walk into the living room and see Lloyd and Morro cuddling and holding hands. I silently press a kiss on their foreheads and step back, quietly studying them. I must admit, love is a difficult thing to understand. I used to think boys could only love girls, but then I met Cole. He's gay, which I understand now, but I am still confused about the matter. I love Pixal, that's all I'm certain about. 

I think I will ask Cole for the definition of pan. Until then, I will simply be there for them and protect them from enemies. Smiling at them one last time, I walk away to find COle, flicking the lights off. Might as well let them sleep in the dark, after all.

Lol, this took longer than I expected. I'm tired right now, so it's probably long and stupid. Sorry if it is. I'm thinking about writing a book on this AU, and also finding a better name for it. I will see you on the flip side!

(Fun fact, this whole thing is 1888 words, almost 1,000 words longer than I thought it would be!)

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