Y/n sitting with me at the bar after I was just deep inside of her was unreal, I was going to bring her home with me and fuck her over every piece of furniture I own. I was no longer afraid of her finding out I was apart of Fangs... Okay.. Maybe I am still a little scared of her reaction.. not knowing how my best friend will react to me confessing I have been involved with the person she thinks is her stalker.. yea that wouldn't look so good for me.

Her smell.. that after sex smell was driving me crazy, it just makes me want to absolutely rip her clothes off and dive right back into eating out that absolutely delicious pussy of hers. "Hey y/n can we talk?" What the fuck is he doing back here. Hart stood in the doorway staring at Y/n, looked like when he threw that small tantrum and stormed off he tried his best to sober up. "Yea. We can." What? Y/n are you fucking crazy? What the hell is she thinking? The last few times when she has spoken to Hart after they've fought she has come to me the next day with cuts and scrapes all over her, he sees her as nothing but a cutting board.

Watching Y/n walk up the stairs with Hart in hand pissed me off. What the hell does that bastard have that I don't? "Where is she going with him?" I turned to see Kyoya helping himself to a bottle of Jack. "I don't know, I wonder if he has calmed down after his temper tantrum, what makes me even more angry is that Y/n just went off with him like there was absolutely nothing wrong." Kyoya jerked his head to the side as he saw Selen and Argo looking in their direction, Nile dipped his head as he turned around. "What.. is their issue?" "Selen knows that you guys were hiding in the same room that Hart bent her over in." "And that's MY fault?!?" "Don't go getting your panties in a bunch Nile. They aren't mad."

"yea chill out little man we have no damage with you." I turned when I heard the deep booming voice of Argo, the head of the Garcias. If I were to be intimidated by any of the gang leaders it would for sure be him, Argo is the shoot first ask questions later kinda guy, he is a little on the batshit crazy kinda guy. "I know you and Y/n were in there. It was already apart of the plan, since Hart fucked Madoka we wanted to see if he was bold enough to fuck another woman when Y/n was in here too. So just do me a favor and keep an eye out for her. If she comes back down with any sort of injury just let us know, the boss is already prepared." I nodded to Kyoya as Argo left, Selen winking at me as she turned around, her hips swaying in that tight red bodycon dress. Her cleavage spilling out the bedazzled front.

Yea no dial it back. Argo would rip my head off if he found out I wanted to bang his sister, she may be crazy but from what I've heard from Kyoya that pussy makes up for the psycho tendencies. "If Hart finds out we plowed into her she's screwed." Kyoya scoffed as he draped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me in as he smirked. "Come on, you know you'd bang her again, when me and her were together I knew that crushed you. But you kept asking what she liked, so that when you had the chance to be indulged in her thighs just how to please her." "Shut up." Kyoya smirked as we saw Ryutaro standing with Dynamis. "Are you serious, can this night get any more intense. You guys.. had your way with my sister, Hart fucked Selen, and now I have Madoka giving me the fuck me eyes."

I watched Ryutaro sit down at the bar, sighing as he  slammed his glass down, sliding it down to me as he loosened his tie, spreading his legs as he leaned back in the bar chairs, his elbow resting on the bar top. "Where's my sister?" "With Hart." Ryutaro groaned as he pulled at his hair. "What the fuck, this is just what we need, if he lays as so a finger on her I swear to god I'll kick his ass." I poured him a new drink as we all sat around, Kyoya and Dynamis joking as they played some cards, Gingka joined in the mess when he was dismissed by Madoka cause her and Mei Mei were having girl talk. I sat listening to the ticking of my watch waiting for Y/n to come back. If she didn't come back down I was ready to strangle Hart, motherfucker has way to extreme kinks, with her you need to be gentle.

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